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Hello! I hope you all who come here are enjoying my site. My site will be having lots of pictures, and information about me on my bio page. You may wonder what you will find on my new site. Well I can give you some clues. There is going to be lots of pics, not only of me, but also of Michael W. Smith and his family. If you haven't notice the picture below is a bunch of Friends Online members from Michael W. Smith site, that got together, let alone suprised to find out we got a picture with Michael before the concert. We all had a good time. Well Hope you all enjoy my site. I will also have a guest book so you can sign or view, and working on how to get a chat room going. So Godspeed to me. Have a great day and GOD BLESS YOU ALL. Thanks Carol

Group of Friends Online On March 8,2003

Official Sites:

Michael W. Smith's official site
Reunion Records
Poems by Carol Ann Wise

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