My Songs
This is one of the many that I've written about my father. I thought this would be a good one to start with.
Enough is enough
I can't take anymore of this
Enough is enough
I am not your fucking kid
Enough is enough
Just one blow of your fist
Enough is enough
Why do you never miss
Fuck you
Fuck everything that I do
It's never good enough
So I might as well just give up
You fucking suck
Why do you keep beating me
Can't take much more
Why can't you see that I am lying on the floor
I'm fucking paralyzed
Paralyzed with fear
Why do you keep feeding that shit into my ear
I want a threesome
But the only one I get
Is with me, you and your fist
I wish I was never born
Ill lock you out and close the door
You break the barrier and I'm prepared
Chain saw in hand I'm not scared
The blood splattered walls and your dismembered body
Give me a sense of relief
Enough is enough
I can't take anymore of this
Enough is enough
I am not your fucking kid
Enough is enough
Just one blow of your fist
Enough is enough
Why do you never miss
This ones just about the sick priests who molest children, the fears of nuclear war, and just about how something always happens to make you doubt whether there really is a god or not...
"Religion My Ass"
With this dream of an assassination and the end of the world
Cover my ass and fuck the rest
The ripping and the tearing of the born again and the blessed
Where's your god now
Doesn't seem like there's any at all
You get on your knees to make one last request
But its too late a bullet just entered your chest
Religion my ass
Jesus Christ just laughs
The slaughtering of the defenseless
Praising the lord seems senseless
Children are the victims
Getting it stuffed in their rectums
Molested by the messengers on earth
Afraid nowadays to even give birth
Flying cars and body parts
People running for the finish when there was no start
Few survivors, some boys some girls
Trapped all alone in this vast world
Now their all just carriers
Carriers of this vast disease
No longer are people
Getting on their knees
Religion my ass
Jesus Christ just laughs
The slaughtering of the defenseless
Praising the lord seems senseless
Children are the victims
Getting it stuffed in their rectums
Molested by the messengers on earth
Afraid nowadays to even give birth
This one doesn't need an explanation.
"Friends With Benefits"
We are friends
Friends with benefits
But all I get is a bunch of shit
Its not my fault that your a bitch
Fuck all this
I want my benefits
Ill cut you up throw you in a ditch
Than your body ill re-stitch
Ill lay on top and fuck your corpse
Now your willing you god damn whore
I just cant deal with this awful stench
Tie an air freshener round your neck
Bodies getting kind of stiff
Cause rigamortous is setting in
Life's the only thing that you lack
Now I'm just a necropheliac
Couldn't help myself
Cause you are so stacked
I wanted sex but you wanted more
You wanted it in the bed
I wanted it on the floor
You wouldn't stop
You pushed for it you whore
Was it worth a trip to the morgue
We were friends
Friends with benefits
But all I got is a bunch of shit
Its not my fault that your a bitch
Fuck all that
I wanted my benefits
I cut you up and threw you in a ditch
Than your body I re-stitched
I laid on top and fucked your corpse
Than you were willing you god damn whore
This ones for us guys who have been strung along by a girl...
"Nerve Damage"
Nerve damage
Do you realize what your putting me through
Nerve damage
I fall for shit infinity times two
Nerve damage
My nerves are wrecked thinking of you
Nerve damage
My nerves are shot because of you
You fucking strung me along
And led me to believe
That maybe someday there would be a we
Now I'm stuck all alone
And now I see
That all I have and there is, is me
But I'm not as good cause i have
Nerve damage
Do you realize what your putting me through
Nerve damage
I fall for shit infinity times two
Nerve damage
My nerves are wrecked thinking of you
Nerve damage
My nerves are shot because of you
I see you with him
Now I know you've made your choice
You seem to care
But not enough to give a fuck
You act as if your fucking stuck
Well it was your choice so good fucking luck
Your the one that wants to be
A battered house wife
You must like to bleed
Cause your still with him and not with me
I cant wait until the day
The day in which you drop to your knees
Because you'll have
Nerve damage
Didn't realize what you were putting yourself through
Nerve damage
You fell for shit infinity times two
Your nerves are wrecked because you staid with him
Your nerves are shot cause you work that gown
Now your having a mental break down
Nerve damage
Just a song
Sufficated, I cant breathe
Your taking a part of me
Blinded, so I cant see
My life slipping away from me
Hire me, Fire me
Melodramatic irony
Neurotically, Psychotically
Done asleep
Steppin back, Steppin away
Thinking about another day
The pain I caused, The pain I felt
I almost managed to hurt myself
Almost had my body placed on a cold shelf
Why does it have to be this was
Why cant I fast forward to another day
Is it necessary to feel this pain
Is it necessary for more stress to be placed on my brain
I might live
I might die
I might just turn to suicide
You might laugh
You might cry
When its your turn to die
All i know
Is Ill feel no pain
Feel no pain
Of the razor sharp knife
Sufficated, I cant breathe
Your taking a part of me
Blinded, so i cant see
My life slipping away from me
A poem I wrote for my Sars. She's my first love and my last. This is the only love poem on this page...
"My Angel"
This started one night
It felt so right
When I saw you
No longer could I lie
My feelings for you I could not hide
That night I had the greatest time
I went home and couldn't sleep that night
I laid in bed and stayed awake
Kept trying to picture your beautiful face
I wanted so bad just to kiss you
Just because you are you
Even though you may not see it
To me you are more than just a midgit
Remember the night we were both at the mall?
I do
I remember everything about you
Since the first day we talked or even said hi
I've like you since then I can't deny
Feelings for you I cannot describe
And couldn't speak of because I was too shy
But around you I can be myself
Removed my heart from it's blackened shell
I'll wait forever
Forever for you
Your a prayer that was answered
You make me feel not so torn and shattered
Thinking back to after the show
The next day in school you asked for my number
There was no way I could possibly say no
Went through the day and directly home
Until you called I was next to the phone
I had no idea what to say
But it was fun just to talk to you anyways
Ever since we first talked
Closer and closer we've become
But lately I am feeling kinda dumb
I just wanna be with you
Hold you in my arms
Cuz with you it's not a matter of getting far
You may not know this but here's some more
I feel your pain
I felt the same
I look around every time I hear your name
Your self doubting themes
Your low self esteem
You don't know how much your describing me
I don't care if you don't believe
You are the perfect one for me
To tell you the truth
I want to cry
Everytime I look deep into your eyes
Then I remember that your not mine
And that your with another guy
I love it when we are together
Cuz to me your all that matters
All I want is just one chance
But I even seem to be blowing that
Just one chance to touch your face
Just one chance to hold your hand
Just one chance to make you feel the same
I love your eyes
I love your smile
For you are the one that I can wait awhile
Your cute little nose
Your gorgeous lips
That I have longed for just to kiss
I've fallen for you
I'm in love
I just can't help it
It's the way I feel
I'm not a thief but I'd like to steal
Your heart away and make you love me
Make you feel better
Raise your self esteem
Make you believe you are meant for me
Please don't ever turn away
Or lock me out and close the door
You are my one and only true friend
Even though I want more
No fighting
No pain
No anguish
No games
For you are my angel
Whose released me from my bitter cage
My darkened pit from which I stayed
Until your light shown through that fateful day
Nine months ago on the first Thursday
I sat next to you the first day of class
Maybe at first it seemed like I gave you the shaft
But what did you expect
I've never had a friendship that lasts
But then I looked deeper
Found the love I was looking for
Then for the first time in two years I reopened my door
From my outer shell to the silence within
Not until I met you did my life begin
I removed my noose and loosened my chains
And began to feel an unbearable pain
One that I have never felt before
But it turned out not a pain at all
It was an emotion in which I no never felt small
Your an angel who opened my eyes
Your an angel whose fallen from the sky
Your an angel whose changed my life
Sometimes I run back to my cage
Just to save myself from more pain
But then in my head I hear your name
I think of you and everything's ok
All I have is one request
For when I am old and put to rest
I wish to lay my head on this angel's chest
So I can look into her eyes
Just for that one last time
Just that chance to kiss her lips
Cause this angel will be the only one I will miss
Angels come and angels go
And so do tears that will steadily flow
But I have to tell this angel one thing
For she is the angel whose released my demons from within
No matter what I do or how hard I try
Sometimes I may make this angel cry
I want is her to know
I fell in love that night at the show
She is the only one for me
She is the only one I want to see
The only one of whom I care
The only one in which this love I share
Deep in her eyes I wish to share
I love you Sarah,
You are my angel
Now were back to the good shit...
"In The Pit"
Legal violence in some sick, sad way
Helps to relieve the pain of another
It doesn't matter how big you are
Cause once you start swinging
A lot of rage and hate will take you far
In the pit
Down and dirty
When your in the pit
Just a release of every day shit
Of all your stress and tension
Just teach all the other fuckers one important lesson
To step the fuck off
When you start swinging
Just fuck it all
Fuck everything
Cause when your in there
Your just a man on a mission
And you have a mother fucking vision
A vision of hope
A vision of bloodshed
As long as your not the one being taught a lesson
Get knocked down
Just pick yourself up again
Rise from above
Reach from down within
Rear back once again
Throw those arms and just start swinging
In the pit
Down and dirty
When your in the pit
Just a release of every day shit
It doesn't matter how big you are
Cause a lot of rage and hate will take you far
A song about revenge.. Revenge on a friend that did more than just turning their back on you, they jump you with your back turned.. You know who the fuck you are if your reading this.
Lately, everything you seem to say plagues my brain
The fear you you saying another word causes pain
You got pissed cause I ended your rein over me
You making a complete ass of yourself just helped me see
Me breaking away would be the way it would have to be
I tried to break away, in such a way, in which you made me pay
Plans of revenge but you moved away
I guess I waited to long for the perfect day
But don't worry what you did will come back to bite you in the ass one day
May be today
Cause revenge
Will never fade away
Was it worth it to you
It will be worth it to me
When your lips turn blue
You used to be my friend but that all came to an end
Now when I think about you all i see is red
It may be a year, It may be a day
But I will get my revenge someday
If one day your walking down the street
And think you saw me out of the corner or your eye
Don't second guess yourself cause your about to die
I'll watch you run home and slam your door shut
And this will be about the time you realize that your fucked
Became today
Was it really worth it
Now what do you have to say
I got my revenge
My revenge for the pain you caused
Revenge had been in my head
And every day felt like
Here's another one about my father
You were never there so I couldn't cry
You were never that and I don't know why
You were never that so I couldn't cry
You were never there so you can just DIEEEEE
Did you think I would forget
You were my dad I was your kid
Did you think I would forget
Well I didn't but you did
Did you think i would forget
How you left and neglected me
Or were you too cold to care and to blind to see
Its not a father of mine or where have you been
You aren't a father for shit cant even call yourself a man
You never saw it as treating me bad
Not even when you used me as a punching bag
But than you left
Never to say a word again
That's why for you there will be tears I wont shed
I could care less if your alive or dead
But about the same
Not a call, nor a letter
Not even if I was on my death bed would you try an make me feel better
All you needed to do was give me a piece of mind
A minute of your time
But its too late I committed the crime
How was I was supposed to forget
That you were my dad and I was your kid
How was i supposed to forget
How you left and neglected me
But not only me your entire family
How was i supposed to forget
I didn't so it took my blood covered hands to make you see
Just a twisted song.
"A New Way"
Is it a new way of life
Or a new way of death
Why don't you
Take that knife out my chest
With these suicidal thoughts and my deranged delusions
Put myself in contempt
Cause death isn't an illusion
My lights become darkness
My loves become hate
My life's become hell
So fuck this world and than fuck fate
Immortals are dying
Angels losing their halos
Statues are crying
So were all bound to follow
A song about our fucked up world.
Mortally cursed and eternally damned
Serving this fucker known as Uncle Sam
He wants me to go and give my soul
How bout I slit my wrists and take my own
Is it my time to die or is it my time to live
Strangled and pressured how can you call this bliss
Man killing man
Kids killing kids
A fucked up reality with obscene images
Is this a lucid dream
Or just our fucked up reality
I know I'm not the only one that hears those screams
The screams of the weak
The screams of the firefighters with third degree burns
The screams of the little starving kids with starving heart worms
Strike me down with bubonic death
Cause if this is life I don't want to live the rest
I don't want to live on this planet, earth
Its like were all just a game or fucked up afterbirth
We weren't meant to be here
Not meant to be left alone
Cause with the anger we have towards others
Were gonna destroy our own home
Were living in this twisted bliss
Mortally cursed and eternally damned
Serving this fucker known as Uncle Sam
He wants me to go and give my soul
How bout I slit my wrists and take my own
Is it my time to die or is it my time to live
Strangled and pressured how can you call this bliss
Man killing man
Kids killing kids
A fucked up reality with obscene images
A song about depression...
"Human Waste"
Just leftovers of a malformed nation
Not even a product of abnormal procreation
Not your fault your not even an aftertaste
Your just a fuck up
Your human waste
You put things off and off and off and off
Tortured in your sleep you turn and toss
Achieve a victory but accept a loss
Living each day psychotically miffed and lost
Bound up with everything and living with restrictions
Evicted from life, couldn't deal with you addictions
Fading, been waiting
Slipping, creating
Loving, been hating
But why and why
Just a waste of time
Charged and convicted
For a crime that someone else committed
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Living each day tormented from inside
Beating you down
As you pick yourself up again
Neurotically abandoned
Committing those sins again
Just leftovers of a malformed nation
Not even a product of abnormal procreation
Not your fault your not even an aftertaste
Your just a fuck up
Your human waste
Low self esteem attacks all of us at one time or another...
"Mirror Image"
I'm not who you think I was
I'm not who you think I am
Even though you've always been right here
Standing across from me, reflection in the mirror
Couldn't see your face your image all blurred
But inside my head your screams are heard
I am you and you are me
In this sick twisted world based on vanity
Corruption a for of insanity
Like a plague inside of me
Inside you too cause it's an infection
When you're dead hopefully you'll rest in
Just one piece and in peace
In mother fucking harmony
You are the sum of all my fears
You we're my pain all these years
You've caused me so many tears
Staring back at me in the mirror
Fighting a battle against you
You slashed me down and ridiculed
Ripped me apart through and through
There's only one thing that you haven't viewed
Your self destructing both of us
Cause you are me and I am you
Get out of my head
Leave me alone
Just cause I live here
Doesn't mean that it's your home
So just gooooooooo
The first song I ever wrote...
"Not Quite Sanity"
I'm trying to fight this pain
Which is fucking up my brain
Before it drives me insane
Or I become consumed with rage
I can't control myself
I'll do anything, anywhere
Am I out of my mind or do I choose not to care
I don't see my future
Only the present, the past
How long will I live
How long will my sanity last
I'm trying to fight this rage
Which is inside me
I don't know why I just cant see
Why everyone points the finger at me
My head's a little laxed, lacksadasical
Living in a world of my own
The life I'm living I see as normal
Yet I have to hide my head in my home
All of this shit was building up inside of me
Filling the void that was once a part of me
It all happened so involuntarily
I'm no longer rowing down this stream so merrily
Sooner or later you will see
This egotistical world's based on vanity
This no way you can live happily
In this fucked up world based on reality
A person who tried to commit suicide regretted it right after doing it and luckily survived...But that's not to say that they might not try again tomorrow.
"Come to Life"
The antagonistic, ballistic, and sadistic thoughts
Lure me in to let me believe that I'm fucked
There is just no way out or any way in
So why are you trying to put me six feet under again
I dug myself out once
I came to life
I was granted that wish
After putting myself under the knife
Not on a doctors table
On the bathroom floor
I at last decided I couldn't take no more
I saw it as a way out or maybe a way in
But with just one wish
I came to life again
Rose from the dead
Escaped the after life
Laughed right in the face of Jesus Christ
I dug myself out again came to life tonight
I came, in her
I saw, in her
I conquered, her
As in her I mean, the grand scheme
The antagonistic, ballistic, and sadistic thoughts
Lure me in to let me believe that I'm fucked
There is just no way out or any way in
You tried to put me six feet under but didn't win
Too much stress and bullshit for one person to take.. So instead of using a drug as way out they use death..
"Letting Go"
Take me far away
Let me destroy myself
Please don't allow me to
Flat line anyone else
This mother fuckers been crawling under my skin
Ready to come out and be to blame for my sins
Ohh so disturbed cant even look in the mirror today
Confessionals only help to ease the pain, the blame
I need medication and needles just to stay sane
I've heard your cries and I feel your pain
Alone we wont make it through another day
You seem to be letting go
Feelings inside you don't want to show
Thoughts of homicide, attempts of suicide
All your doing is living a lie
All because you got pissed
Walk into the world
Holding a clenched fist
Those are the numbers of corruptions catalyst
I'm letting go
No wait
To late
You kept yourself right here
Hurt those around who you once held dear
In your eyes I saw no fear
You let go so there's no more tears
You ever have just one of those days where everything just gets on your nerves...Yeah well that's my day everyday..
Bloodshot my eyes
Bloodshot my brain
Feeds my pain
Torments my rage
But in the ends
It keeps me sane
Filled up with rage
Consumed with hate
It's come down to this it must be fate
You keep beating me
I have nothing left
So you might as well just take the rest
Once was bad
It was bad enough
You did it again cause you don't give a fuck
Just another way
Just another day
I go psycho
Just another thought
I don't give a fuck
I've given up
Inside my brain
This fucking pain
Has got to go
Going insane
Don't have the time
I can't even color inside the lines
Bloodshot my eyes
Bloodshot my brain
Feed my pain
Torments my rage
But in the ends
It keeps me sane
Just read this shit and love it !!!
“Held Down”
Held down
By my own self impression
Held down
By six feet of dirt
Held down
By my own self oppression
Held down
To me my life has no worth
I wake up look in the mirror
A constant battle or neglected fear
Turn away as I wipe the tears
Suck them up for a few more years
Can't control the shame I hide within myself
The only one who doesn't love me seems to be myself
To cut myself would send me straight to hell
And homicide would put my in a cell
So I'm trying to break these invisible chains
Trying to hide this unbearable pain
I try not to take the lords name in vain
Just in case I make it through and defeat this game
Held down
By my own self impression
Held down
By six feet of dirt
Held down
By my own self oppression
Held down
To me my life has no worth
This self oppression
All because you thought you were teaching me a lesson
Now that your gone this shit on my brain I'm still stressin, stressin over
I don't know but as I sit here I'm guessing
That I'm on a one way road and its not to heaven
Held down
By my own self impression
Held down
By six feet of dirt
Held down
By my own self oppression
Held down