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Last night I was way to hyper to type anything in here let alone to my friends I was talking And I even forget what happened lets skip today!!

Today, I woke up at like 7:50, then fell back to sleep till 8:45. So instead of running and killing myself to get to class, and I was sick anyway I styaed home..ok, no lied I got there on time and class was cancled, fine i lied again, what really happened is seeing how I woke up so late, I decided not to go, so yes, I played hooky!! on a test day...OOOOO!!! shame on me..oh well, that's the joy of being in college :) .

I was going to hang out with a friend tonight, but my dad said no, so I'llbe home once again. OMG! I haven't even been out of high school for a year yet, and I am already getting things in the mail with my name on it from the alumni...I feel so old!! I want to be 10 again, where life wasn't a big deal, and all we cared about was if we got home to watch TMNT on time. *sniff* *sniff* I need to go play in the snow.

Ok, after some need childhood momants, dinner, and thinking in my warm room. I have decided that people with Ph. D.'s aren't that important (i know random thought for here, but this is my journal, and i was reading a book so this just wasn't pulled out of my ass). Anyway, thes Dr.s, as they perfer to be called, aren't more smart or important then people wiht BS and AS degrees. See these Dr.s decided to spend more years in school, pay more money for pointless book, and then in the work force have a title and get a few more bucks. But people with BS and AS degrees have acutal more comman sense, see they took the usual college 4yr program, which saves a lot of money from not going for so long and pointless books, and they can get out earlier and work earlier and get more money, so when the "Dr.s" get out and start to make money, they will both be equal. That was my random thought for the day, brought to you by reading too many books, an overactive imagination and reader like you...hehe :)
