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AH! I'm up! I'm up! *yawn* so yeah today was kind of dull, I meani longer have Q, Ace, and Qudel to keep me entertained. Luis, Sergio, and Al all fall asleep during the two english classes that we had today. Nothing special really happened, aside from that.
Last night was funny, I finished my selling of the Bingo boards, and sat down a few seats away from my friends at another table, so I wouldn't get yelled at, again. And I was so exhusted from the whole day, I put my head on my hand and the next thing I know I was being woken up by one of the guys telling me to go home and go to bed. I said that I wouldn't get the rest of my money for the night and went back to bed. And I was out cold..till all of a sudden.


*gasp*! Pulled my car keys out of my pocket and went to my car.
"Mo your comming to the bar right?"
"Do I look like I'm up to going to the bar?"
I went home, and passed out in my room, I don't even remember if I got into my PJ's or not. And I can't tell you if I got out of them this morning, 'cuase I don't
Well my week is over with :D! Untill tomarrow where I have to pick Squid up by 8 to get to Secaus for practice by 10. Then sunday I have to go to Lodi by 10 again, and finally I come home and I go to bed till tuesday morning where I have to go to school again. (we are off for monday, it's MLK jr's b-day, and seeing how half my school is black...)
Four days down, the weekend to go.
Stay tuned to see what happens next time with our favorite TIKI LADY!!!