Steps lightly onto the tiled floor, her delicate body draped in soft flowing silks, her shadow a shimmer across the walls as she walks, seven veils, of gray, blue and purple, outline her slender form, gliding over her curves, lifting her arms in a graceful arch, eyes like sapphires sparkle as they lower in respect for All present as the soft beat of the drums start to play
moves almost timidly, tiny hands travel across her hips, fingers playing across the delicate curves, almond shaped eyes low, her heart racing veils fluttering lightly as she turns, her tiny hand reaching to a purple veil upon her left hip, dark eyes glance towards Him, with a gentle tug, her hip thrusts towards Him, revealing a long shapely leg, a glimpse of her moist shaven heat visible as she turns, the veil floating to the floor as she spins away.
![]() Seductively moving in rhythm, firm rounded breasts lifting as her hips roll to the music, her hand sliding provocatively over her firm shapely ass, her tiny palm pressing down to her bare thigh, pulsing to the beat, enticing as she rocks her hips, sweet seduction sparkles in her ebony eyes over the soft blue veil
. ![]() hands travel her body, long nails tease across her breasts as the music races on, tingles rippling across her ivory skin, tawny nipples budding hard beneath the silken veils, her hand running to her right hip, pulling the veil quickly away, her hand coming down between soft parted thighs, drawing a lust filled breath as her fingers touch her heat, hips pushing to meet her fingers as they caress her burning flesh.
![]() dances closer to her Master, a sultry smile on her wanton lips as she grasps the soft veil at her waist, turning before Him as the veil unwraps, her body slowly revealed, as her hands travel her naked flesh, soft sensual and alluring, her thighs wet from her desire, the fire in her belly smoldering hot, as the veil comes free, slithering from her body, spinning away leaving the veil fluttering to rest in soft folds on the floor
. ![]() Dances on, naked hips free and inviting, rocking, pulsing as the beat plays onward, feet moving fast through the sand, splashing it up in gentle kicks, her arms snaking across her belly, teasing her nipples as her hands push higher, lifting her hands to blue veil concealing her hair, pulling it away as she tosses her head back, long ebony ringlets washing down her bare back like black serpents. ![]() dances wild and free as she moves on , lust filled whispers escaping her sensual lips, tiny feet pounding on the on the floor, her half naked body glowing in the fire light, hips pulsing ,brazenly inviting to all, tossing her head back whirling fast, her hands clasp at her breasts through the purple veil, nails dragging across them pulling the veil free, tawny nipples blossom as they are freed, heaving with her relentless lust
. ![]() dark eyes search for Him as the drums slow to a primal beat, slowly, teasingly she steps to Him, her tiny hands reaching for the veil across her face, pulling it free, holding the sheer silk before her eyes as they dance seductively across His body, lifting her head high as the veil falls, her collar shining against her milky throat , her face revealed to Him, her delicate features framed by long soft wisps of ebony hair
. ![]() drops motionlessly before Him, the barbaric beat now silent, her body tingling, shivering as tiny droplets of sweat run like feathers across her skin, sultry eyes capturing His as the last veil is plucked tenderly from her wrist, floating as if a dove then falling in soft waves to gently lay across His boots, her thighs parted wide to revealing what is His, her heat, wet and glistening , His brand upon her left thigh for all to see……the veils gone, the slave revealed
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