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My Place

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. I am a Plushie Addict. I not only collect them on Neopets I collect them in the real world. If you don't know what Neopets is then click the link below or

I can tell you it is a fun place to play games and have fun. And if you are on Neopets and like to collect Plushies to, and don't have a guild or are looking for a new one the click the link below for Plushie Sanctuary or

Join Plushie Sanctuary TODAY!

to check us out.
I also provide some graphic's and here are the links to them.

Thanks for stopping by check back often to see if I have added anything, also while on neopets you can neomail me and add me as a neofriend.
Please come back and visit again!
All Neopet images are Copyright 2003 Neopets, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission.

My Favorite Web Sites..more to be added

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Plushie_Sanctuary Guild

So far why I like Angelfire.