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While i sleep i dream

Dream about things i've never seen

All these haunting disturbing nightmares

All these haunting disturbing nightmares

Awaken me night after night

Is it possible these are real?

Or is it just a figment of my imagination?

They look so real

But i'm not sure

Maybe i'm not real

Maybe i'm just a figment

Of someones imagination

In a dream

Maybe i'm going insane

Who knos but me?

I begin believing the morbid things

In my dreams become real

But are they?

I can't tell any longer

Will i die of screaming

In my dreams?

the world has turned and left me here
just where i was before you appeared...
stranded in a past that i cant cope with...
wondering what to do after all my dreams have scurried
back in the shaddows...
my crippled mind wishing for love
wich i will never again have...
left behind trying to catch up with a life i never
really belived in...
missing your love...
and hating myslef

left alone
they move far away,
so i stay behind,
they give me no love so i look elsewhere
they tke care me not, i take care of myself.
They never call, so i forget about them.
They want to come back, so i push them away.
They keep trying, i just turn my back.they keep doing
wrong,so i no longer care.
they act like fools, so i hate moore than love.
they push me so far, so i die inside.
who understands me when i cry allday an night?
who unerstands me when my life falls apart?
i cannot hide my feelings much longer.
i can only put on a smile and pretend all is good.
who understands me when i need them to understand?
no one

paines is everywhere for me.
somtimes it feels like the only resort.
pleaz stop making me cry.
sometimes i jut wann die.
feels like this rooms getting smaller?
i justwanna know is anyone there?
cause right know it just feels like pain.

all alone
im so alone to night
sitting in this corner.. wondering why?
why is there no one there to catch me when i fall into
does anyone care about my problems?
seems like u dont.
alone is the only thing i know

does anyone hear me
does anyone hear me when i scream my lungs out punching
at these walls
this is when i feel like punching my ow face in
maybe i should sit here and watch myself die
or should i pick myself off the ground?
i want to see myself bleed
but then i remeber the very few people who love me.
and i then choose, death is not the way

people say im a freak
people say im a loner
people misunderstand me so people dont know nuthin

will anyone come this time?
laying on the ground
crying for somene to come for the agony i have
no one comes as usual, so i guess i have to comfort myself
why am i the only one who knows me?
couldnt someone feel how i do.
but no one comes as usual only, if someone would i would pick myself up off the ground

every days a struggle.
why do u like to make me feel like this?
u shoot words out at me again
why do u wann make me feel like this?
i try to ignore but ur there everyday
stop it please or ill go away.
and u whonder why imm so down?
you make me feel like i have no reason
why can't you just feel how i do?
i pray every day that it will all go away!
but maybe someday. copyright2003

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