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A little about me....... LET'S SEE

full name: Danny T. Z........ Dtz....

nickname: In high school it was ........DiZzy

hair color: DaRk Ass bRowN

eye color: I like to call it ...."CINNAMON"

weight: NOW?....UURRGGGGG.. 195lbs

favorite band: DEPECHE MODE......and ME FIRST and the GIMME GIMME'S

favorite song: BOY'S DONT CRY

favorite movie: by far...... "THE SHINNING"

favorite television show: i would have to say ....( EVEN THOUGH I DONT WATCH THAT MUCH TELEVISION ) the "FOOD NETWORK"

love to drink: HELL YA!!!... "CAPTAIN MORGAN"

love to eat: WHAT? ..AT 195lbs I AINT NO SLIM BITCH...... and my favorite food is PIZZA. Thats probably

love to snack: Sunflower seed's.....and a beer

do i smoke?: Like a train....

do i intoxicate?: UMMMmmMMmmm YA!!!!

do i phornacate? Im gay aint I... well thats a bad example, Im a guy aint I !!!!

what other vises do i have?: Thats a question you have to answer for yourself..... if you get the chance

when i sleep......what do i dream about: My Baby.........

when im awake.....what do i dream about: going to sleep with my Baby..

the animals in my life: OMG .... let's see.... CoCo Channel, my fox terrior...Chomper, my Half Breed....Quest...Yo Quieto Taco Bell, And the cats.....Tiffany, Clea Patra, Spinx, Sierra (mist) and Oscar (De La Hoya).

what i look for in a friend: What a friend should be..... if i have to tell you that , then nevermind.

what i look for in a relationship: Well ... this is something that i can go on forever.... but i'll make it short. All I want is someone that will look me in the eye and I know is telling me the truth.... someone that will be there when I get home. All i want is someone to love with more then my heart.... my soul and my thoughts, my dreams and my actions, my everything...... thats what I want.

have i ever been caught in the act of sex:

the weirdest place i have ever had sex ( with myself or someone else ):

the weirdest place that i wanna have sex:

