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A little about me....... LET'S SEE

full name: Frank C. G. (like im really going to put my last name up on here)

nickname: ummmm..... my Family and my baby call me frankie, no one else is fuckin allowed to call me that!

hair color: Black

eye color: Brown

weight: ummmm..... circa 180

favorite band: well I have many but Linkin Park is by far the best.

favorite song: that’s hard to just pick one I have many but Nothing’s gonna stop us now is my fav song from the 80’s all I can do is think of my baby when I hear that tune.

favorite movie: many The Gonnies is my fav comedy and The Shinning is my fav horror.

favorite television show: Smallville

love to drink: Dr. Pepper and Mocha Grande’s from Starbucks

love to eat: PIZZA

love to snack: ummm..... cheetos

do i smoke?: na I dont

do i intoxicate?: not really, theres that age thing that does not allow me to purchase it

do i phornacate?..lol: im a virgin so ummm NOT YET ….refer to current events

what other vises do i have?:

when i sleep......what do i dream about: when I fall asleep the only thing I dream about is my baby dtz, just being with him, looking in his eyes, feeling his touch, feeling his heart beat next to mine.

when im awake.....what do i dream about: when I am awake and daydreaming I am dreaming of what my baby is doing at that exact moment and what we would be doing at that moment together , just holding him in my arms , kissing his perfect lips, and gazing into his incredible eyes.

the animals in my life: I have 2 dogs Chico and ummm we havent named the other one yet.

what i look for in a friend: honesty, fun lovin, likes similar music, and is NOT A FUCKING DRAMA GODDAMN QUEEN!!!

what i look for in a relationship:

have i ever been caught in the act of sex: been caught masterbating a few times….never with anything inserted in my ass though….well at least not yet

the weirdest place i have ever had sex ( with myself or someone else ): ummm jacked off in the locker room at school and water world and while driving one time.

the weirdest place that i wanna have sex: in the play tubes at Chuck E Cheese br>

