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Look up in the air, it’s a bird , it’s a plane, its "what"... superman with no tights? Before you go and think oh no not another superman show please take some time to hear about Smallville. Smallville is an incredible show which takes a completely different approach on the superman saga. In this show there are no tights, no flying, no Lois Lane, the show not even based in metropolis . Smallville is not about "Superman" rather Clark Kent (Tom Welling) as a teenager before the cape and tights. In this show Clark is learning how to deal with his powers and cope with the perils of just getting through high school. Here’s how the story goes . Starting from the first episode.

One day after a victorious football game, the town of Smallville was celebrating in the downtown area with a parade , the sun was shining not a single cloud in the sky. Just on the outskirts of town, Lionel Luthor has his 9 year old son Lex along with him on a business deal. While he is doing business Lex is wandering around and finds a teen tied up like a scarecrow in a nearby cornfield. All of a sudden the first meteor hits and the teen disappears in the impact of the blast and Lex is thrown across the field. The impact caused a huge dark cloud to form and get everyone's attention on Main Street. Suddenly, fire begins to rain down on Smallville. Hundreds of meteor rocks came shooting down on this small town causing lots of damage to the city and taking a few lives. Jonathon Kent (John Schneider) and Martha Kent (Annette O’ Toole) were driving just outside the city limits of Smallville when the meteor shower struck. After loosing control of their truck to dodge some of the meteors, they stopped on the side of the road. Martha while looking around in amazement of what just happened, turn around to see a little boy appear from out of nowhere. The little boy had just came out of his space ship which crashed very close to their truck.

Martha who was unable to have kids did not want to leave the little boy out there all by himself and after talking to her husband , they decided to keep him. Lots of the citizens were affected by the meteor shower. Lana Lang (Kristin Kruek) who is Clarks love interest in the show, parents were killed by some meteors. About 12 years have gone by and Clark has grown up to his teen years with impressive strength and speed. He tries to hide his secret powers from his friends Chloe and Pete but at times it gets hard. Clark has an enormous crush on Lana Lang but is unable to approach her without falling down or tripping, brings new meaning to head over heels don’t ya think. Anyways Lana wears a piece of the green meteor around her neck to remind her of her parents, which is kryptonite which Clark can not get near at all. At school all the guys are signing up for the football team , and Pete and Clark are interested in playing . Pete is wanting to play so that he will not be selected as the "Scare Crow" which is a guy who is picked by the football team and tied up like a scarecrow in a middle of the field on homecoming . Clark wants to play because his dad used to play and he just wants his dad to be proud of him , but Mr. Kent says refuses to allow Clark to play. Bummed that his dad wont let him join the football team , for good reason he’d tear them apart, Clark is walking around and is just making his way across a bridge when out of nowhere comes Lex Luthur speeding and not paying attention , hits Clark and goes over the bridge into the water. Lex is trapped in his car under water and Clark uses his great strength to rip him out of the car and save his life. Lex ever so grateful becomes very fond and intrigued by Clark and becomes his friend. But Lex is always looking around and wondering what really happened. Clark is given a truck as a gift from Lex for saving his life but Mr. Kent demands that the truck be returned. Mr. Kent and Lionel Luther (Lex’s father) have some bad history with each other.

Clark and his dad have a huge argument and in the middle of it Clark demonstrates his full strength and his utter confusion. Mr. Kent then reveals to Clark the truth of his origins and then Clark runs away. Lana discovers Clark in the local cemetery when she is visiting her parents gravesite. She is not wearing her green necklace (she gave it to Whitney her bf for good luck in the homecoming game) so her and Clark can get close to each other and talk.

Clark is still really confused and lost in his thoughts about who and what he is and then comforts Lana on the loss of her parents. They walk home together and are seen by Whitney who is very jealous. The next day Clark returns the truck to Lex and the teenager who was tied up as a scarecrow when the meteor shower hit awakes from his coma. The meteor shower has left him with strange electrical powers that he uses to kill 3 of the players who made him the scarecrow and tied him up. Chloe and Pete spot him at one of the crime scenes and identify him as the guy from the coma. They tell Clark they are suspicious about him and they show Clark "The Wall of Weird". It is a bulletin board of all the odd occurances that have happened in Smallville in the past 12 years. Clark looks in horror at all the things that are all his "fault". Clark makes his way out of the school when he is approached by Whitney and who is wearing the Kryptonite necklace. Clark's sudden weakness around the necklace reveals its power over him. Mistaking Clark's interest for something concerning Lana, Whitney puts the necklace on Clark and ties Clark up as this year's Scarecrow. The former Scarecrow watches this but does nothing to help Clark. He wants to teach the jocks a lesson. Lex is the one to free Clark, in the process knocking off the necklace. Clark races to stop the Scarecrow, leaving a bewildered Lex with the necklace. Clark catches up with the Scarecrow outside the dance. The two battle and the Scarecrow's electrical power backfires, leaving him powerless and with no memory of recent events. Clark gets his own brand of revenge by stacking the players trucks on top of Whitney's.

Later Jonathan and Clark make peace. Clark tells his father he is happy he was found by the Kents. Jonathan replies, "We didn't find you. You found us." echoing an earlier sentiment of Martha's. Clark watches from his loft as Lana returns home from the dance. All the main characters are introduced in the first episode and the general set up of the series is established. Every episode is self contained but builds onto the next episode . Which is cool cause your not sitting there at the end of the show waiting till next week to see if the "evil vilian " is killed or defeated.

This show is really fucking good not only for its storylines but the character interactions the way it is shot the special effects , everything about it is off da hook! If you get a chance watch the show it come on the WB and right now there are the reruns of the first season playing each week with new episodes set to begin airing this fall.
