Title: Bullet Proof

Author: StOnE CoLd SaRaH

Email: Stealindasun7800@aol.com

Pairing: Molly/Raven

Disclaimer: I don't own any wrestler (the WWF(E) does) nor do I own the Goo Goo Dolls song 'Bullet Proof'. They play an great version of this song live.

Notes: Not much. Pure Molly/Raven fluff. Raven refers to Mollys WCW name of Mona (my Raven muse has that annoying tendacy... I really should get him to stop that one of these days...)

“Do you like the way you feel? Nothing hurts when no one's real, huh?”

I don't say anything to Mona. I just glare at her. I begin to realize she must have really brought the point home to me, if I'm mad at her. No one can stay mad at my angel, Mona. She brightens up the room with her smile and presence.

“Well?? Answer me damn-it, Raven! You're killing yourself you know! I can't take it! It's tearing me apart!”

She starts to sob into her hands. I can't stand to see her like this. I gently hold on to her clasped hands and start to slowly kiss them. I can feel my own eyes start to water.

“I... I.... I'm sorry.” I say, my voice cracking, “I know I've got to stop. I know it. I just can't. I've been trying to do it alone forever. It never works and I end up crawling back to my bottle. I'm like a newborn baby bird that is looking for the warmth and security of it's mother. I.... I.... I can't do it alone anymore, Mona.”

Now I start to cry. I let go of her hands. She leans over and hugs me. I sink lower into her, crying those few brain cells I still have, on to her warm, comforting body. I smell her sweet perfume and shampoo. I inhale deeply. Gathering my strength, I stop crying and lift my head.

I look straight into her eyes and say, “I need you. You are my rock and strength. You are what gets me through the day. If it wasn't for you.... I’d probably be dead a long time ago. You watch out for me. You make sure I don't do anything fatal to myself. And I love you for it.”

She looks surprised that allow my emotions to show for once. “I love you too Raven and I'm going to help you. I'll bullet proof you're soul if I have too.” She smiles at me and everything feels good inside.


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