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Raven and Molly fanfiction

Hello and welcome!
Either you've stumbled upon this little section of the web because you're either:

(A) a Raven fan

(B) A Raven fan who finds it hard to find a Raven story in which he gets a girl... and not a a statue... (when I find that story...expect it in the links! Mwhwhah!)

(C) A Molly Holly fan

(D) A Raven/Molly fan! (Wooo!)

(E) Or you've never thought about it, and like the idea (because it's true!!! For at least a small amount of time...)
(F) Or you have no idea what the hell I'm talking about...

I have a feeling that most of you are (F) ... Anyhoo...

Legal stuff: I own none of these characters. The WWF(E) owns all of 'em. Gangrel (he has a small part in one of the stories) is owned and created by White Wolf, Inc.

On to the fanfiction!

Currently Under Constrution. If you have any.. and I mean -any- fanfiction you'd be willing to send muh way, so that I can put it up... please email me. I'll give you proper credit of course... Cuz otherwise... that would be mean... And I'm only mean on three days out of a month...

If You Could Only See

An early Raven/Molly fluffy fic (hey! That's the best kind, man!) Molly listens in on Raven's phone converstation and has some doubts. song owned by Tonic.

Bullet Proof

A cute lil Molly/Raven story. With angst. Cuz that's all I seem to be able to write now a days... Sigh. It's very good. Goo Goo Dolls are not owned by me. Johnny Rzeznik will be one day, but not today.

Come Into The Darkness With Me

Not my story, but Funky in Fishnets ( of Molly and Raven set around now that Raven's in TNA and Molly's darker then she ever was before. Very good story.