Sith Arena
You have made Your way into Sith Arena.
All Spars and Battles are held upon these grounds.
Tags will remain in place until lifted
by the King, Queen, or a Royal Advisor.
Tags do not need to be lifted for a Spar.
After a Spar, All will return to normal.
Any damage done to the Physical or Material,
will be as it was before the Spar.
Spars may be done at any time.
However, a battle must be acknowledged
by the King, Queen, or a Royal Advisor.
In order for it to count,
the battle must be witnessed and text kept.
Battles in IM or Private DO NOT COUNT.
If You lose in battle or spar, accept Your
defeat with dignity.
There is no humiliation in loosing,
the humiliation lies in wallowing
in the defeat after the fall.
There is nothing more unbecoming
than a Sore Loser.
You are on Your honor here, all will
be done and judged in fairness accordingly.
¤§¤ King Blaze & Queen Ravyn Sith ¤§¤
This home is PKZ/PCZ.
Please show respect to all who rest here.
May your night journies
bring you the greatest of many
pleasures and find you well!