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The Skydivers Enclave: A Banner Exchange Exclusively for Skydiving

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So What's it all about?

"You climb into the aircraft and the engine starts. It taxi's to the runway and the take off roll commences. In a few seconds you are released from the safety of the ground into the air on the way to 3,400 feet, where it's time for you to leave!

On the climb the view is excellent and you watch interested as your altimeter shows your increase in height. It passes 1,000 2,000 3,000 - it getting close. Now you're at 3,400 and heading towards the Drop Zone.

Its your turn - the jumpmaster gives the instruction to go on the step. Gingerly you climb out as the air rushes past at 100 knots. You hang on like mad and look in at the jumpmaster.

GO!!! shouts the jumpmaster and you throw yourself from the safety of the aircraft into the blue sky - now you're falling towards the earth. The feeling you get when you look up and see a large parachute above you is like no other in the world- now you have the job of landing safely!"

Dale Checksfield, Former President STCSDC (2002-2003).

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