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Club Rules

Club Rules And Conditions

1. Introduction

2. Training

3. Equipment

4. General

5. Terms

These rules apply to all members of South Tyneside College Skdiving Club and are to be used in conjunction with Peterlee Parachute Centre's safety guidelines. These safety considerations and rules do not overrule the provisions of the British Parachute Association, whose rules shall remain regulatory and paramount. If at any time a member is unsure or has any questions about equipment, training or a particular aspect of a jump they should consult an instructor at the centre or the Club Chief Instructor (CCI).

1. Introduction

1.1 Club members are to be aware and understand the sport of Skydiving and understand that jumping presents a potential danger of personal injury or death.

1.2 Before an individual becomes a member of the club they should be aware of the risks associated with Skydiving and sign the relevant paperwork confirming they accept these risks.

1.3 Although STCSDC is an equal oppurtunities club, certain medical conditions must be met (Conditions). Failure to meet these conditions will prevent a person from participating in Skydiving, although will not prevent them being a member of the club if they so desire.

2. Training

2.1 Before any club member makes their first jump they must have completed a minimum of 6 hours ground training, provided by the centre, under the instruction of a fully qualified instructor complying with BPA regulations.

2.2 After completion of the training a written examination, set by the centre, must be passed before any member will be allowed to jump. This exam will, once again, ask for acceptance of the risks associated with skydiving.

2.3 All club members must declare any illness, pregnancy, eyesight problems (including wearing glasses), medication or mental instability before they will be accepted for training.

2.4 Before receiving any training, each member must hold, at least, Provisional membership of the BPA in order to benefit from their Third Party insurance.

2.5 Personal injury insurance is the responsibility of the member and neither South Tyneside College Skydiving Club nor Peterlee Parachute Center shall be held liable for any injury sustained whilst Skydiving or on the Drop Zone.

3. Equipment

3.1 The following equipment is to be used by all members on all jumps and can be provided if required;

a) Main and Reserve Canopy (Inluding AAD and RSL)

b) Safety Helmet

c) Jumpsuit

d) Altimeter

e) Hook Knife (Cat8 and Above)

In addition all members doing freefall jumps shall wear goggles.

N.B - The use of Alitmeters, RSL's, AAD's and Jumpsuits are not required by the BPA. However we, and the Center, feel they are required and must be used.

All equipment is checked and or packed by people who have been trained under BPA regulations and are qualified to do so. Any member having doubts over the safety of any equipment is to raise the matter with an instructor or member of the STCSDC comittee.

3.2 Club members are expected to provide the following equipment themsleves;

a) Suitable trainers

b) Warm Clothing

c) (Optional) Leather gloves - woollen gloves are NOT acceptable

4. General

4.1 Any committee members present at the Centre are responsible for the conduct of other members. The CCI is in overall charge.

4.2 Instructions given by any member of the committee or any instructor are to be obeyed without question as they are invariably to protect your own safety.

4.3 The CCI and his instructors hold the right to prevent any individual from continuing any training or from completing a descent. Full attention must be paid to all training.

4.4 Revision training must be completed by all members before underatking succesive jumps. The level of revision training will be dictated by the CCI.

4.5 A quailified pilot is used at all times.

4.6 Weather conditions are considered by the CCI and his descision is final.

4.7 Jump prices are decided by the President and are not contestible. Any member who disputes the jump price is entitled to jump at the Centre for the centre's normal rates. If they choose to do so they are not entitled to any protection or special offers provided by STCSDC.

4.8 No person shall be admitted to the club without accepting, in full, these conditions.

5. Terms

'Club' shall mean South Tyneside College Skydiving Club.

'Center' shall mean Peterlee parachute centre or any other drop zone used by members.

'CCI' shall mean the Centre Chief Instructor, or in his absence, his nominated deputy.
