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My Sly Cooper Fan Art

Hello again. This is where, I, as the owner of this fan site, keep all of my Sly Cooper Fan Artwork. Much of this fan artwork either has to do with the game, some fan fiction I'm working on, and features many drawings of Sly characters, as well as fan characters I have drawn and created. As new art work is added, you may be able to see mroe improvement. I'm still working on my artwork freqeutnly. hopefully, i'll get better. =p For now, enjoy what I have created.

UPDATE: Feb/7/03 - Added four new pics in. These four are based off one of my first Sly fics I'm writing, and the first challengers in this long series I have planned.

Feburary 7, 2003

Seiryuu the Frost

This is the leader of the four criminals who take forms of the four God Beasts.This is based upon a Sly fic I'm writing.Seiryuu the Frost. (and yes, normally it is Suzaku who leads these guys. But since I love dragons more, I took some creative liberties. =P) Seiryuu here posesses the 'Tooth of the Dragon', a stolen artifact that gave him his powers. he's half dragon here; but reveals himself to be much more later on. Like turning into a dragon fer one. I spelled his name with an extra 'u'. =p And yes, his names means he uses frost and blue beam attacks. Definitely one hard to handle for Sly. =p

Feburary 7, 2003

Suzaku the Flame

The third and second most powerful of the God Beasts. Suzaku. This time I decided to make Suzaku a girl. =p I thought it would make for a prettier pairing as she is associated with 'The Phoenix'. The Feather of the Pheonix gives her pwoerful fire attacks. And those Pheonix Wings I gave her are part of the heat too. Very similar to those in Final Fantasy 7 eh? =p And she's got a pet Pheonix too. =p Again, absed off a fic I'm writing. Actually, based upon many more fics to come. Another fan char with an unoriginal name or title. Oh well, I jsut thought using four crimianls taking the form of the God Beasts would be cool.=p

Feburary 7, 2003

Byakko the Wind

The other member of the Four God Beasts, Byakko. using the artifact, the 'Eye of the Tiger' (yes, yes. -_-) he is able to use 'Wind' attacks. I gave him a few tiger features to make him more associated with the four. so giving him those extra long whiskers helped. Not as pwoerful as Suzaku or Seiryuu, but definitely strong enough to handle intruders. His wind attacks are ansty too. you'll note how I use Fushigi Yugi emblems of the animals to verify what power they got. Well I couldn't find better examples so I sued those. =p Of course those who know anime already are familiar with these four. I just like em a lot.

Feburary 7,2003

Genbu the Rock

My elast favorite of the four; Genbu. He posesses the 'Shell of the Tortoise', which gives him earth based attacks. In my story, he is the first of the Four to be fought. If you start from here, and trace t oSeiryuu, that is the order the Four God Beasts are fought in. Genbu of course is probably the easiest, but still can pakc a punch. His snake is jsut decoration. Most likely won't participate in battle.All four of these Beasts are criminals, but one is a demon. no doubt the leader. Whole complicated issue for the fan fic series to get into alter on. But in the series, the Four God beasts are the first mosnters Sly will fight. He's got his ahnds full already. -_-

Feburary 6, 2003

Sly Jumping

A picture of Sly I drew a longg time ago. One of the first ones. Here is doing his jumping, or maybe it's his 'Ninja Spire'. You decide. I'm actually happy how the pose turned out. His arms look a little long though. Oh well, first atempts never were meant to be perfect.

Feburary 6, 2003

Sly and Carmelita Ready to Go

Well lookie here. Who'dve thought Sly and Carmelita would actually go out together. ;-) I gotta say, Sly sure looks like a 'Lady Killer' in that tux. And Carmelita is down right sexy in a silk dress. ^^ A fave of mine. Well actually, they were on a date; but as it turns out, it's been cancelled due to a serious crisis going on. Four Evil Criminals taking the form of the Four God Beasts of China are planning on creating hacov with the climate of the world. So it looks like Sly and Carmelita team up once again to thwart evil. VERY early memory sketch of Carmelita; so don't be shocked that she looks THIS weird. =p

Feburary 6., 2003

Sly and Carmelita, AFTER the Battle!!

Yikes. Well, this is what happened after the duo fought the Four God Beasts. Needless to say, things didn't go as smoothely as they had hoped for. =p Poor Sly and Carmelita just sit there looking beaten, exhausted, and shattered. (they're in tatters. ^^) Fortunately, they're not really hurt. Just a little shook up. Carmelita's expression is kind of...O.o She looks kinda stoned. Sly's tongue hanging out is pretty funny though. A pretty humurous pic. Well, there always is a price for victory.

Feburary 6,.2003

Carmelita Vs. Krystal

Yet another fave of mine. I have created a sort of fan reaction comapred to two game vixens. Both Carmelita Fox from Sly cooper and Krystal from Star Fox Adventures came out during the same year, and the same season. This is like comparing them to fan boy response. Of course, Krystal may have been the true winner, since she is pure eye candy. And here's Krystal, rubbing it into poor Carmelita's face. (Carmelita just mildly rebukes her. =p) In actuallity though, I like both of them. ^_^ Both are cool, full of attiude, and most of...both are really sexy foxxies. ^__^ This is full airbrush no outline. I'm pretty surprised how Krystal turned out. Coloring her on the comp with a mouse is NOT easy. =p

Feburary 6.,2003

Sly Profile Pics

These are the profile pictures I drew for the 'Sly Cooper Biography' section of my site. I decided to be a little more simplistic in the coloring. as it turns out, they kinda look better to me like this. Sly, Bentley, and Murray are drawn in their likeness in how they looked on the Sucker Punch site. I did my own version of Carmelita. (as I need to work on her more. )here's her action pose. (reminsicent of Lara Croft kinda. ;-P) They way these are colored proves to me that sometimes, I don't need to stress myself too much to create. I also outlined em in sharpie pen, which doesn't look too bad, nor waste a lotta time. I'm pretty pleased with it. These are my first profile piccies, and they are all the good guys of the game.

Feburary 6.,2003

Fiendish Five Profile Pics

Here's the other set of profile pictures I made. These star the Fiendish Five. (Well four actually. Clockwerk was WAY too big to fit onto this one.) All four of these guys are here. Raleigh, Muggshot, Mz. Ruby, and the Panda King are all colored and outlined within this space. Did the same procedure like in the first set of Sly pics. And they look pretty good that way if I do say so myself. Not to mention, it actually looks colorful than the rest of the other profile pics. Simple yes, but it actually looks better. This is how they looked in a magazine I picked up. But the Panda King in the magazine looked weird, so I decided to use the version psoted on the Sucker Punch site, which looks better anyway. ^^ I drew those versions and voila. Four of the Fiendish Five. Evil. >=p