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JetBunny's Sly Cooper Fan Art

Welcome to another art archive. This one has been set up in honor of another Sly fan. So far, she's done more Sly fana rt than the others; which is cool .^^ All of them are in pencil and are rough drawings. But I'm very sure you will find the content in many of them very funny and enjoyable. ^^ Click on in and check out her art archive to view some pretty humurous Sly piccies. Enjoy .^__^

UPDATE: April 13.,2003: This archive has been added to my growing list of Art Archives. ^__^ This contains short sketches featuring funny sly cooper situations drawn by JetBunny. click and you may get quite a ahrdy chuckle outta the, ;-)

April 13.,2003

Sly and Solid Snake: Copycat

One of the first of many Video game parodies created by JetBunny. Here we see Sly Cooper hiding in a cardboard box. This is yet another one of his "cunning" disguises. Well, maybe not originally his. I'm sure everyone who's palyed Metal Gear Solid knows the cardboard box trick. Well here Sly's claiming it's his own idea. And who should be coming by than none other than Solid Snake himself. =p He seems pretty peeved that Sly stole his idea. Sly seems a little skittish too. (I'd be if Iw as messin' with Snake. =-p) Both Solid snake and Sly cooper are two cool video game dudes. ^^ And this picture's pretty funny too. Wodner what the lawsuit'll be like. "Konami Vs. SuckerPunch" in the "Sly Cooper Stealus Ideaus from Solidus" =-p

April 13.,2003

Sly as Cloud Strife

Another pardoy. This time it's Sly dressed as Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII. cool .^^ This is aprt of something Jetbunny's drawing. I already drew my version of Carmelita as tifa on this site; now we have a version of Sly as Cloud .^^ wodner where that leaves the rest? ;-p Anyway, there's Sly dressed as the final Fantasy bad-ass, holding the huge Buster sword. (Or is it Cane in this case?) He's following the traditional pose here. (Plays victorious Final Fantasy Fanfare; all you FF geeks out there know it. ;-))

April 13.,2003

Clockwerk's Repairs and the Price he Pays

Clockwerk decided tog et himself fixed up after that last encounter with Sly Cooper and Carmelita Fox. So where does an evil demented robotic owl go to get his high tech titanium alloy armor fixeD? Why, none other than 'Mr. GoodWrench' of course. ^__^ Unfortunately, as msot repairs go; there is a price to be apid. What with all the oil changes(Oil Can!! Oil can!! =-p) and replacement parts; fixing a huge Robotic owl ain't cheap. In this incredibly huge office, Clockwerk just sits there grovelling as the repairman(er..mouse) tells the total charge. Clockwekr ain't happy. Maybe he'll be more careful the enxt time he fights Sly. after all, he blew most of the wad on that fortress in a volcano. (really...who puts a fortress in a volcano!? =-p)

April 13.,2003

Carmelita Tries to catch Sly: Approach 1

By now, we all know that the lovely Detective Carmelita fox has been hunting after Sly and trying to catch him for so many years for his thieving ways. Well full front combat and running after him hasn't been working out too well for her. So now she's trying different approachs to catch Sly. she decides to use the old oddage, "Takes a thief to catch a thief." Only prob is; Carmelita's an Inspector who works for the law. She probably doesn't know anything on thieving. Here she is, hiding in a box, trying to sneak in unnoticed to catch Sly. Well she's got the box underneath ehr with her head poking out. (Cute. ^^) Sly just sits there taunting her, as she now knows that it didn't work. Gotta find another way now I guess. =-p

April 13.,2003

Carmelita Tries to Catch Sly: Approach 2

Carmelita never gives up. Well, in trying to find new ideas of getting Sly that is. A second attempt; and another failure. Here Carmelita decides to use a disguise, to try and fool Sly into thinking that she's his old buddy Bentley. (I can't imagine neither Carmelita or Sly to be that dumb. =-p) But anyway, Carmelita tries desperately, except for two give aways. (Aside from the obvious) One, she's too big to be Bentley; and two, she can remember his flippin' name. =-p She mistakengly calls Bentley's anme Bundles. BundleS? Erm...better luck enxt time Carmelita. Darn, and that turtle suit she rented probably wasn't cheap either. (Probably gonna cost her at least three of her paychecks; knowing a police worker's salary.) Poor Carmelita. Will she ever get Sly? =-p

April 13.,2003

Bikini in the Picnic Basket

Sly and his buddy Murray are out enjoying the beach. Even carmelita's there. Heh, what made ehr decide to join!? ^__^ Anyway, Betnley's sjut reaching to pull out some food; when he discovers that there's a bikini set in there. He wodners at first what happens; until he fully realizes that it's Carmelita's. And he now knows that Sly put it there. Heh heh; another joke on Ms. Fox. ^^ She's behind Sly's surfboard(probably nude ^^)rebuking Sly for doing so. Sly just acts liker his usual self in spite of all this; and gives out a peace scene knowing he got her good. ^^ These two amy enver get along; who knows. =-p Sly looks good in trunks and shades BTW., ^__^ Hey Carmelita; come on out from behind the surfobard. J/K ;)

April 13.,2003

Carmelita in a Skirt

Looks like Carmelita's giving into fan service. ^__^ Oh sure, she tries to state that she's doing it for fun. But now you know what she's really thinking. Like the real Carmelita, she probably does hate senseless fanboy service. Dunno tho'; Carmelita DOEs wear that skimpy Polie outfit. ^^ Bentley seems to be complaining for some reason about this. Sly tells Betnely to shut up. (seriously Bentley, DO shut up .^^) sly jumps for joy to see Carmelita dressed like this. ^^ I know I would. Well who knows. Maybe alter we'll see Carmelita in different outfits. how itneresting THAT would be .^^ for now, we got her in a skirt. Rock on Carmelita. ^___^

April 13.,2003

Inside Carmelita Fox's Locker

At last, Sly and the viewer gets a peek into probably the msot forbidden area of Carmelita Fox's. At long last, we finally see what's inside ehr locker. ^^ Hee hee. This si the first colored piccie BTW. Let's see what's in here shall we? Hmmm...a spare skimpy police uniform just in case. Yep, that holter top does get us guys. ^^ Some nice spiffy boots. A warrant; yep, it's real. An autographed picture of Sly Cooper. (Bet she likes that. ^^) An award labelling her 'Hottest PoliceWoiman of the Year'. given from Sly of course. ^^ Her shock pistol; never go without it. Probably carries it around with her. Her collar; nice one. ^^ Some jumping potion; which explains her athletic abilities to leap from roof top to roof top to try and catch Sly. And....undies. O.O Pink undies. Hee hee. ^_^* Well, guess she needs a apir of those too. =-p Little roses too. nice effect. ^___^ Hee hee; sly'd be dead if he was found looking through her locker. But at elast we got a peek too .^^