Chapter 2

When John called her over and she smiled, Kevin knew without a doubt that it was her. It was definitely Kristina, the one girl that had broken Howie’s heart.

"Hey John - what’s up?" she asked with a smile.

"Well, I know that you normally only work the weekends and on Wednesday night, BUT, I have some friends coming into town on Monday or Tuesday and I would like you to perform for them."

She looked at him puzzled. "Really? Who are these friends?"

"Ever heard of the Backstreet Boys?"

Kevin watched her carefully and sadly his suspicions were confirmed. When John mentioned the group, all of the color in her face disappeared and she looked as if she were going to pass out. The happiness in her eyes faded quickly and was replaced by a dull look of sadness.

" Backstreet Boys?" she stammered.

"Yeah Kris. I’m sure they will love you! You might even get a record deal with them if you blow them away like I know you can," John said as he struggled with what he was doing.

"Oh John....I appreciate it...but can’t!"

"Are you okay, Kris? You don’t look so good," he said sympathetically, as her skin paled.

"No...I don’’m sorry....I’m ....oh god....sick!" she said as she ran out the back door of the club and began vomiting. Her mind was screaming, her heart was pounding faster than she thought possible and it was all because she wasn’t ready to face Howie. She felt as though she hadn’t healed enough and was sure that he would hate her for leaving like she did. Besides, Stephen hadn’t been caught and she knew that she couldn’t risk being seen publicly.

Kevin was shocked as she ran out of the club, shaken to the core. However, John was furious, feeling as though he had caused the whole thing to happen.

"What the hell, Kevin? What happened between her and my brother to cause a reaction like that? The poor girl is terrified. I’ll kick his ass if he hurt her!" John said as he stared at Kevin angrily.

"I didn’t expect that type of reaction either," Kevin said apologetically.

"I think you need to tell me what is going on here!"

"I will. Send someone to take her home. Make them think she has a bug or something and have them tell her you will call tomorrow to check on her. After she’s gone-I’ll help clean up and tell you everything. In the meantime, I think I need to call ‘D’ and tell him to get his ass back here!"

John did as Kevin instructed, worried that he had upset Kris so much that she may never return to the club. He was confused, his mind wandering from scenario to scenario of what might have transpired between her and his brother, as he went in search of Fiona. He knew that he could count on her to take Kristina home and make sure that she was okay. Finally, he found her near the dressing room about to take a break. He called out to her and she turned to him with a smile.

"Fi, I need you to do me a favor, hon," he said sweetly.

"Sure John, what’s up?"

"It’s Kris. I need you to take care of her."

Chapter 3        Index