Chapter 31

Howie went back into the house and into the bedroom. He could hear the shower running from the moment he opened the bedroom door. Shutting the door quietly, he removed his shoes and began leaving a trail of clothes leading towards the shower. As he neared the bathroom, she began to sing, causing him to smile.

"I love your voice, baby. Why didn’t you ever sing for me when we were together last year?" he asked as he stepped into the shower and took her into his arms.

Smiling, she replied. "I don’t know. It really wasn’t a priority in my life at that time. I realized how much I enjoyed it during therapy."

Taking the body gel, Howie lathered her body, taking time to tantalize her sensitive areas. "I hope that you will continue to sing at ‘Tabu’ occasionally. I really want to see your entire set."

Moaning softly as his hands lingered on her ‘box’, Kristina whispered. "Whatever you want, ‘D’."

He laughed a deep throaty laugh. "Really? It’s that easy?"

"Uh huh" she said leaning her head back into the stream of water to rinse the conditioner.

The sight of her neck, begging for attention, aroused Howie. He immediately took full advantage of the situation and began to suck the pulse point, applying just enough pressure to leave a small pink mark.

"Oh baby, please don’t do this to me!" she moaned. "We have guests and if you get me started now, I won’t be able to stop. I haven’t recovered from the interruption this morning."

Realizing that she was right, Howie stopped, cupping her face in his hands. "Promise me that when they all leave, the rest of the night and early morning are ours."

Kristina bit his lip playfully before running her tongue over the same area. "I promise you that and SO much more!"

"Have I told you how much that I have missed you?" Howie said smiling wickedly.


He took her in his arms and hugged her lovingly, his hands caressing the small of her back. When he broke the embrace, his eyes found hers, the surrendering of love apparent from both of them. "I love you Kristina and I have missed you more than you will ever know. "

The tears teetered on the brink of cascading down her already wet cheeks as her eyes mirrored his adoration. "I know ‘D’. And I love you with every breath that I take."

She kissed him sweetly and opened the shower door. "Finish your shower while I get dressed."

"Okay baby. And by the way, let your hair dry natural, I love the way the waves frame your face."

Kristina laughed. "You are such a hopeless romantic, Howard Dorough."

"I try" he said laughing as he showered. "I try!"

He heard the sound of the bathroom door open and then close, leaving him to thoughts of how their lives had changed so dramatically in the last forty-eight hours. He knew that he was never going to let her go, no matter who or what tried to stand in their way. She would always be his and his heart almost couldn’t wait to propose forever to her.

Chapter 32        Index