# 001 [ three ]


win [ 6 ]

lose [ 6 ]

draw [ 0 ]

versus [ Crush/Chris Cotton/TJ Alexander ]

Anarchy...Jake Allen….Sniper.. Jason Cross.. -  -

<< ECE >>
above average mike sanders
1. Superior to anyone else whom he may come across; Legend
mike SANDERS/real DEAL.axel SHAW vs Crush/TJ Alecxander/Lionheart Chris Cotton

[ Like This Is Supposed To Be A Challenge... ]

Above Average:

So it was written, so shall it come to pass. Extreme Championship Entertainment, led by the insatiable President Hill, is picking up steam as it heads to its next PPV.. ECE Dead End. Perhaps most importantly for this company, we know now that the ECE World Championship will be fought for between 6 other competitors. Blood will be lost, guts will be spilled, and you can be that there is going to be pride, passion and commitment in that main-event. Pride, passion, commitment. When one thinks of that, attention turns towards the likes of Real Deal, Maniac, PG-13 and of course.. 'ABOVE AVERAGE' Mike Sanders. Sanders competes on the next event.. expectations will be high for him to prove what he is worth in ece. In what promises to be a superb match, Mike Sanders will go one-on-one with Crush and TJ Alexander. Sanders has struggled for many years now to get where he wants to be. Now, infront of millions at home, and his fellow professional wrestlers, he gets his chance to show just what he can do in the ece. Whether he will take his chance to prove his ability however remains to be seen. No matter what happens, X-Rated is going to be just that, with a hell of a lot more than just pride on the line!

END forward

Scene: The scene opens up on a dark and dreary night in New York City. Ambulance sirens wail in the background, cars beep, bottles smash and men and women stagger seemingly to nowhere, wallowing in their own self-pity. This is not New York, these are the slums of New York. The place where the lowest of the low live. Where thieves are afraid to walk at night. The camera cuts to a dark alley. Cats screech, yelp and then run across the bottom of the shot, like rats scurrying for their next feed. On the floor, a clear shadow of a man emerges, and becomes thinner, shorter and closer. Soon enough, the man is revealed as Mike Sanders, decked out in a t-shirt and jeans. He looks into the camera and speaks.

' above average Mike Sanders: " You're all probably wondering why someone like I, Mike Sanders, would be in a place like this. "

Scene: He looks around his surroundings in pure disgust.

' above average Mike Sanders: " Believe me, there is nothing more I would want right now, than to me inside a warm arena entertaining the fans of Extreme Championship Entertainment. I can't do that though, until I have come here. The place of your worst dreams and your best nightmares. The downtown slum of New York City. I need to be here, and look deep into Mike Sanders, and find what he is looking for. The love of the business is still there, and the sheer desire to keep on doing what I am best at.. making people tap.. is still there as well. I know what I'm searching for.. I'm searching for that extra yard, or even mile, that will lead my to my destiny.. the EcE World Championship! I've spent years of pure hell, getting my ass kicked by all the greats. They all have taught me a lesson in the art of wrestling. Now, it's my turn to be the teacher, and allow all these little snot-nosed kids who think good looks is something to build your career on, who think two hours a day for a year of training will get the job done, it's their turn to learn MY lesson. Whilst they are doing that, I'm going to take what is rightfully mine.. MY ECE World Championship! "

Scene: A bottle smashes in the background. Sanders just smirks to himself and continues.

' above average Mike Sanders: " But that can wait. Those guys in that Chamber.. they both know that they are just keeping that belt warm for Mike Sanders. I'd say that come Sunday night, I have bigger fish to fry. But to be quite honest with you, I don't. Crush is not even a fish. He's a mere piece of seaweed strewn across the rock. Crush.. is nothing to Mike Sanders. You see, whilst President Hill thinks it would be funny to put Crush and I in a match, come Sunday night.. it will be no laughing matter. I'm sure Mr. Hill was laughing his ass off. But you see Boss, when you signed this match, you signed Crush's contract to become a victim.. because after I am through with him come X-Rated, his career will be OVER. Once I get inside that ring.. Crush's career ends. Just look at it this way Crush.. at least you'll make a successful career out of being the first ever wheelchair-bound monster! "

Scene: He laughs sadistically and starts to walk down the alley. As he does, he continues to speak.

' above average Mike Sanders: " Hell Crush, I'd like to say its nothing personal.. but quite frankly it is. You see Crush, its people like you who.. for so long.. have kept Mike Sanders back in this business. Seventeen years Crush, seventeen long years. In seventeen years.. we've seen the seeds of a nuclear war planted. We have seen the fall of the Berlin Wall, we've seen rises and falls of evil dictators, celebrities, sports stars. A lot has happened in seventeen years hasn't it? You know what we haven't seen in that timespan however is Mike Sanders getting the recognition he deserves. You haven't seen Mike Sanders, full stop. You want to know why that is? You want to know why I've been held back? "

Scene: Sanders stops. It is clear to see that he is becoming more and more agitated thinking about this. He regains his composure and speaks in a deft tone.

' above average Mike Sanders: " I'm the best damn wrestler in the history of this business. I have spilled blood on three different continents. I have shed tears in thirteen different countries. But everytime I hammered on the big boys' doors, they all said.. Mike Sanders, yeah he's got talent. Yeah, he's got technical ability second-to-none.. but wait one second. Mike Sanders hasn't got charisma. Mike Sanders can't speak on the microphone.. Mike Sanders doesn't sell magazines for Playgirl, so lets not give him the shot his wrestling ability deserves. "

Scene: The volume of his voice begins to pick up and he carries on, with the intensity still there as usual.

' above average Mike Sanders: " Crush, I'll be damned if I'm going to let some punk like you take my spotlight come Sunday night. I'm not saying that you don't deserve to be a wrestler Crush, but both you and I know that you're not in my league. So why are you and I wrestling on X-Rated? I'll tell you why Crush. Mike Sanders doesn't sell wrestling toys, Mike Sanders doesn't sell t-shirts.. hell, Mike Sanders doesn't sell. So why don't we stick Crush, the big retard who doesn't miss, who sells the shirts and the merchandise.. in a match with Mike Sanders? Crush. I hope you realise that you just put one of your biggest superstars this company has on the shelf, because once I get my hands on his neck, I'll snap it. "

Scene: There is something weird about the way he says the last line, as if he means it.

' above average Mike Sanders: " TJ Alexander sells shirts, but he cannot compete with 'ABOVE AVERAGE' Mike Sanders inside the squared circle. Extreme Championship Entertainment is soon to find out that this time, it is going to be substance over style. Alexander may be good and he may be someone the fans can relate to.. but I HURT PEOPLE. When I get inside that ring, the gravy train of pendants and action figures stops for whoever I am facing. Alexander, you may be able to intimidate people.. and you may be able to win over the fans, but you can't end a person's career *snaps fingers* just like that, can you now? And whilst you may be able to cut it on the microphone, I on the other hand, can cut your body into a million pieces. "

Scene: Sanders stops yet again and thinks about what he just said. He scratches his chin thoughtfully and continues.

' above average Mike Sanders: " The Natural Born Killer. You know something Alexander, I used to put that hold on people to give my match the coup de grace. It would make the fans pop, chant my name.. hell, perhaps the picture of it would even get on a wrestling magazine if I was lucky. Now.. I just use it so I can show you the pain I have felt for seventeen years. When I stomp your head in to that mat.. it makes me feel just that little bit better. I know that the louder you scream.. the closer and closer I am of fufilling what I am here for.. and that is getting rid of all the competition. Don't get me wrong, I want to beat the best. Is it not Ric Flair who said to be the man, you have to beat the man? Soon enough, 'ABOVE AVERAGE' Mike Sanders will be ready.. willing and able to beat that man, whoever he may be. But I'll be damned if people like you Alexander are going to get a shot before me, and that is why you have to be dealt with come X-Rated. I will not rest until I make you scream like the little bitch you are! Believe me when I say it Alexander, all the intimidation factors and sob stories won't help you come X-Rated, because I will rip your tongue out before you get the damn chance! "

Scene: Sanders starts to walk again, which leaves you wondering how long this alley actually is.

' above average Mike Sanders: " So come this Sunday Chris Cotton, you better leave all your little talking at home. You better be ready for the best damn technical wrestler in the world today. Someone once said that: 'to make your benchmark in this business, you need a big mark' - and although you're not exactly what I had imagine Chris , you will have to do. I will leave a mark on you Chris .. not just physically when I turn you into a black monster because of all the bruises and bumps you'll receive.. but mentally as well. You'll wake up in your hospital bed each morning, wondering why you ever decided to step inside the squared circle with Mike Sanders. It is X-Rated, Chris .. it is where Mike Sanders will shine and prove to everybody watching at home just why I am the greatest athlete in the world today. Except this time Chris , I'm not going to succumb to the public spotlight and let the money makers win the gold. ECE is my territory.. its on my turf.. under my rules. "

Scene: The Intercontinental Champion finally comes to the end of the alley way and into a mass array of noise. He turns back to the camera and speaks into it, directly to Crush you must imagine.

' above average Mike Sanders: " Crush, come this Sunday on X-Rated.. I'd try and practice your wrestling skills instead of your mic skills if you don't want to feel sheer, total and utter pain. I doubt you will though Crush since you have a no career to think about after Sunday night.. but you can happily try and STOP…THE ENTERPRISE! "

Scene: Sanders laughs manically and leaves into the hustle and bustle of New York City. The camera begins to fade out with an array of bright lights and vibrant noises. Be sure to tune in to ece X-Rated..Next Sunday.. for all the action.

the trophy cabinet:
[ ECE /UHW ]  UHW European Champion[1x]..ECE Intercontinental Champion(current);