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WcW Monday Nitro is back so if your looking to get hooked on the best damn website on the planet well this is the place to be.
Welcome to WcW 2004 Official   WEB PAGE. Welcome to WcW..This is a fantasy wrestling website. To count your rps must be atleast 20lines long. This is a REAL wrestling site ONLY. So if you come here to make up a wrestler(s) your waisting your time.

Note to others who want to advertise on my site. Fill out a affiliates join app and ill add you to the affiliates page. So in return i would like to be added to your site as well.

I know you all don't like to use real wrestlers but im bringing back WcW and i think this fed will do great. So check out all the links fill out the join app's. font>

So sit back in your padded chairs, grab your potato chips, chocolates, licorice, donuts and diet pepsi, adjust your coke bottle lenses and lets kick this fed into overdrive and rock the efed world.

WcW Staff enrollment: - As of January 21st i am looking for a full staff to help me run this great site so if your Experienced Only Click Here: fill out the staff app and ill get back to you asap thanks. 

WcW news and updates:  

Feb. 1rst So far we have had The Undertaker,Scott Stiener, and Goldberg sign with WcW. Thanks Staff. 
@Copyright 2004-2005 all rights reserved....And this is in no way in any way have anything to do with the old wcw....




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WcW 2004


World Championship Wrestling 2004
Ring Owner: WcW Staff:  Site: World Championship Wrestling...The Return Of WcW 2004
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.<   Hits since January 1/04


Hosting Services Provided By:Colby Barlow WcW Creater and Founder and Designer.........