Stephanie McMahon


She is the diva of all divas The Billion Dolar Princess Stephanie McMahon, Stephanie is intelligent, beautiful and she is the most dominate female in the wrestling world with her passion for wrestling and her pure evilness Daddies Little Girl all ways gets what she wants. Stephanie Marie McMahon was born on September 24, 1976, to Linda and Vince McMahon. Receiving an education at Boston University, Stephanie graduated with a degree in communications. Immediately Stephanie went to work full time for her father's corporation. However, Stephanie was not new to the business. Since she was 9, Stephanie had done odd jobs for the company, screening phone calls for's Byte This, modeling T-Shirts, and other clothing in WWF Magazines, she made here first TV apperance at Pipper hallowen party she eventulay went on to working in the accounting department of Titan Sports Headquarters in New York. When Stephanie was younger, she was sent to a posh boarding school. When she was home in the summer she learned the business working closely with her dad and even interning with him for a few months. About three years ago, Stephanie was introduced as the daughter of Vince McMahon, and has since played an on-camera personality in the WWF. When first comeing to the WWF Steph was sweet and innocent A series of events started by her own father resulted in a dramatic change in Stephanie's personality. For months, Vince McMahon used her in a game of "chess" with Austin by keeping her terrified at the Undertaker's constant threat of harm, to the point when she was kidnapped and nearly sacrificed at a "black wedding." When that horrifying time was finally over, Stephanie turned to Test for love and affection. With a wedding date set, fate intervened. Irate at Mr. McMahon, the British Bulldog threw a metal trash can in protest. It accidentally hit Stephanie, giving her a concussion and amnesia. Weeks later, Stephanie recovered and set another wedding date. But this one never took place either. At the eleventh hour, Triple H appeared to say he and Stephanie had been married the night before in a drive-thru ceremony in Las Vegas. Stephanie appeared emotionally destroyed, until she stunned the world at Armageddon by turning on Vince to side with Triple H! Claiming it was the best way to get back at her father for what he did to her months ago (the plot involving the Undertaker), Stephanie said her marriage to Triple H was legit, and he "turns her on!"As husband and wife, Stephanie and Triple H led the World Wrestling Federation into the new millennium with the McMahon-Helmsley era With a heartbroken Vince out of the picture, Stephanie and Triple H's diabolical tactics forever changed the careers of various Superstars. One was Mick Foley, who was first fired after losing a Stephanie-ordered Pink Slip on a Pole Match to The Rock and who eventually was forced into retirement at No Way Out. Another was Tori, Kane's ex-girlfriend. Not the same person after forced into spending a holiday weekend with X-Pac, Tori broke Kane's heart and aligned herself with DX! Shortly after, Stephanie became the Federation Women's Champion, and reunited with her father and her brother, Shane to form the McMahon-Helmsley faction with Vince, Shane, Triple H and DX. With husband and wife both Federation Champions, Triple H's and Stephanie's power was virtually untouchable. But Stephanie was about to face the biggest, most emotional challenge of her young life! Stephanie would lose her Women's Championship to Lita, and that was just the beginning of her problems. Shortly after his Federation debut, Stephanie seemed to take a liking to Kurt Angle. Though it appeared the two engaged in some suspicious flirting, she and the 1996 Olympic gold medalist insisted they were "just friends." Yet Angle has kissed her on more than one occasion, incurring the wrath of an angry Triple H, and Stephanie even accompanied Angle to ringside as part of their "business relationship!" Eventually, things settled down between Stephanie and her husband. However, at Survivor Series, the Rattlesnake nearly ended the career of Triple H, who himself revealed he was the mastermind of a plot to end Austin's career. While Triple H recuperated from his injuries, Stephanie pleaded with the Rattlesnake to accept his apology -- only to be told Austin style where to stick that apology. Angry and humiliated, Stephanie vowed revenge in a chilling message to Austin. It was soon revealed that Stephanie and her father worked together to give Vince full control of the World Wrestling Federation (Vince immediately turned around and used his power to fire Commissioner Mick Foley). But with Vince tending to humanitarian efforts and her mother, Linda, in emotional distress after Vince demanded a divorce, Stephanie took a more active role in controlling the Federation. In fact, Stephanie's New Year's resolution for 2001 was earn the respect of the Federation roster. She started with Stone Cold Steve Austin, and defeated Trish Stratus at No Way Out. It appeared that Stephanie's plans took a downward turn when Triple H suffered a career-threatening injury. But true to form, Stephanie fought back. She supported her husband when Austin blamed Triple H for losing the Tag Team Championship, and conspired with her brother to orchestrate the biggest merger in sports-entertainment history WCW and ECW but not long after Her and Shane lost there share of the company on November 18th at Survivor Series and was gone for some time but Steph went to Vince weeks later and said"Dad. Let me start off by saying, daddy...daddy, that I've made some really really bad mistakes. I have..But I'm young, I'm naive. But dad, the biggest mistake I made was listening to my brother, Shane. This whole Alliance thing was Shane's idea. Shane bought the WCW and Shane had me buy ECW. Shane wanted to run you and the WWF out of business, dad, it was all Shane! And dad, Shane is the one who had me slap mom. You saw it, Shane grabbed mom and said 'slap her, hit her!' I didn't know what else to do. I did it and it was another big, horrible mistake. And dad, when I told you that I wanted you to die..that was all Shane's idea too! Shane told me to tell you that I wanted you to die, I don't want you to die daddy, I love you! I would never wanna hurt you, ever..never. And dad the only thing that Shane said that was not a mistake was what he just said in this very ring. You are the better man dad. Daddy, you are a genious! I mean Daddy, you had the Alliance snowed all along you knew what you were doing the whole time. I guess the only thing I really have left to say is..I'm sorry. I'm really so sorry, Daddy." and he forgave her. Triple H had made his return and Steph and him were fighting alot and she wanted to prove that there was still love there so the planed to renew there vows A week later. When it was time for Triple H and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsly to renew their vows. Earlier in the night the two consulting with a doctor who told them the baby was doing fine. Later on Triple H got a phone call from Linda McMahon who said she had sent him a video and that he should watch it. Triple H threw it in the VCR as he watched Linda told him that the doctor was an actor and Stephanie had been lying to him. Meanwhile, Stephanie was getting all ready and talking to the singers and in came VInce who told everyone to leave. Vince said he would never forget that she had tried to put him out of business but she was a McMahon so he would forgive her. It was time and Triple H went to the ring that had been made into an alter. Vince and Stephanie then went down as the crowd chanted "slut." The preacher started in as the crowd chanted "what" after every line. Singers came out and did their cheesy thing as Stephanie read her vows she had written. Triple H, with a big smirk on his face, went next and said that he wanted to tell her he was overwhelmed and wanted her to know right then and there how he felt about her from the beginning to at that moment. He said he saw her in a different light and wanted to say in front of the world that she was truly a no good lying bitch. A stunned Vince looked on, as The Game asked how she could play with his emotions. He knew he had done stupid things but nothing like that. He went on say she wouldn’t have to worry about them anymore as their marriage was over. Vince then shoved Triple H as he took out Vince and ransacked the alter. Stephanie threw a tantrum all up in his face as he shoved her to the ground. Vince then went after Triple H again only to receive a pedigree for his troubles. The Game then walked off as Stephanie lay in the ring screaming. The next week on Raw Chris Jericho came out and said he only called her names to get laughes and he was sorry and the team up aginst Triple H at Wrestle Maina then on March 25, 2002, Stephanie McMahon had her first WWF Championship match! It was Stephanie vs. Jericho vs. Triple H for the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Championship. Stephanie came out first to "My Time" then followed out by Jericho and finally the WWF Champion himself Triple H. The match starts off with Triple H and Jericho. Jericho recieves a Back Body Drop but gets up. Hunter goes for another but Jericho kicks Triple H and Clotheslines him over the top rope. Jericho is about to go after Triple H but Stephanie tells Jericho to cover her! 1-2 Triple H pulls Jericho off of Stephanie. Triple H throws Jericho into the Steel Steps and goes in the ring. Stephanie is just getting up from the pin and Triple H grabs her as she tries to climb out of the ring. Triple H goes for the Pedigree on Stephanie again but Jericho pulls Stephanie out of the ring and Stephanie is thanking him. Triple H then kicks Jericho in the back and bumps into Stephanie. Triple H takes Stephanie and throws her into the ring. He backs her into the corner. Triple H took Stephanie by the hair but Jericho saved her. Triple H trips Jericho and Sling Shots him into Stephanie! Stephanie then falls head first into Jericho's NUTS! Triple H then kicks his soon-to-be-ex-wife out of the ring. Triple H goes for a Back Suplex on Jericho but Jericho lands on his feet and kicks him the the quad. Stephanie comes back in the ring and cheers on Jericho as he is Elbow Dropping HHH in his knee. Stephanie then Elbow Drops HHH in the knee! Jericho then went for a Leg Lock but Triple H kicked Jericho into Stephanie! Jericho helped Stephanie up but only to get SLAPPED in the face. Jericho then Pie-Faced the princess and then they argue. Jericho then Bulldog's Triple H but misses the Lionsault. Stephanie then covers Jericho 1-2 Jericho kicks out. Jericho asked what the hell is she doing? Stephanie went for another slap but Jericho blocked it and put Stephanie in the Wall's of Jericho (so much for their alliance) but Triple H broke it up. Jericho went for a Flying Forearm on Triple H but Hunter ducked and Jericho got Stephanie in the face just like he did last October! Triple H then threw Jericho out of the ring. Triple H then set Stephanie up for the Pedigree but Jericho hit a Missle Dropick from the top rope and Stephanie rolled out of the ring. 1-2 Triple H kicked out from Jericho's pin. Jericho goes to the outside and throws both Championship belts in the ring and a chair but Hebner throws the chair out as both men knock each other out with the titles. Stephanie then gets in the ring and doesn't know who to pin! She goes for Triple H, 1-2 Triple H kicked out. Then Stephanie went to Jericho but her also kicked out at 2. Stephanie then starts taunting Triple H. Stephanie bounces off of the ropes but Triple H Clothesline's her! Jericho then locked in the Walls of Jericho on Triple H. Stephanie revolves and jump on Jericho and applies a Sleeper. Jericho then Snapmares Stephanie over. Triple H then Pedigree's Jericho! 1-2 Stephanie jumps in like a cat to break up the count. Jericho rolls out of the ring. Stephanie gets up but only to be met by Triple H. Hunter throws her off the ropes and gives her a SPINEBUSTER! 1-2-3, Stephanie is gone. Stephanie gets up pretty fast and Triple H calls for security but Stephanie fights 'em off but they finally get her as the croud starts singing Na Na Na Hey Hey Good Bye and that was the last we seem of Stephine. In an interview Stephanie is quoted as saying,..working with my father is an is something I've always wanted to do ....On Thursday the 23rd of July Stephanie made her return Mrs. McMahon general manager of SmackDown Stephanie said that her brother, Shane, was right when he said that Bischoff would try to screw him, but she said she would not let that happen. Stephanie promised to block Bischoff's attempt to sign Triple H at Vengeance this Sunday. Stephanie said her first official act would take place immediately as she would threw Bischoff out of her building! Stephanie retreated backstage and searched for the RAW General Manager. She grabbed a stagehand, but he insisted he didn't know where he was. After some more hunting, Stephanie found the former head of WCW talking to Test, Christian and Lance Storm and got up in his face. She said Bischoff could leave on her own or be thrown out. Bischoff said he'd leave but he'd see her at Vengeance. At Vengeance Steph and Bishoff were both tring to get The Game to sign but he went with raw. She hopes to have kids someday so that they can be a part of the magic of the WWF.

Steph stuff

Old theam song