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< - - - Destruction in Japan - - - > |
Special Guest Appearance :: |
:: Chiyaki Kuriyama, Megumi Ogata |
Theme Song(s) :: |
:: "Embracing the Ice Knife" by Megumi Ogata |
Titles Decided :: |
:: WWF Title, WWF Tag Team Titles, WWF Cruiserweight Title |
Commentators :: |
:: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Chip Caray, Steve Stone |
Date :: |
:: October 9, 2004 |
Location :: |
:: Nishikyogohu Stadium in Kyoto, Japan |
< - - - Destruction in Japan Card - - - > |
JR: We welcome you all to Kyoto, Japan, for WWF Destruction in Japan 2003! Jim Ross alongside with Jerry "the King" Lawler here, our colleagues Chip Caray and Steve Stone are at ringside for their commentary. King: This is going to be great, JR! I love coming to Japan and the fans love the King! Chip: I'm sure they do, King, but coming up is going to be our first match, an Intercontinental Championship match between Ahmed Johnson and Jared Jindrak, a rematch from Low Down. Steve Stone: Don't forget that this is also going to be a cage match. ::The crowd cheers as the cage lowers down around the ring.::
Intercontinental Title / Cage Match ::"Narcissist" plays as Jared Jindrak comes out. Jared puts his hands on his hips and the fans start to boo him. Jared tells the fans to show some respect. He walks down to the ring in disgust. He enters the ring, the ref opening the cage door for him, and raises his arms in the air. "Pearl River Rip" plays as Ahmed Johnson comes out to a mixed ovation with Theodore Long behind him and the IC title around his waist. Ahmed enters the ring and starts running in place. He hands the title to the referee, then Jared nails him from behind with a forearm as the referee outside closes the door, and the bell rings.:: ::Jindrak starts stomping away at Ahmed, then tries to escape early only to be pulled down by Ahmed. “You're goin' down” chants rumble throughout the arena. Ahmed and Jindrak both exchange blows, Jindrak gets Ahmed down, and chokes him, whilst being booed by the crowd. Jindrak then tries to leave through the door, only to be grabbed by the feet and pulled in by Ahmed. Both in the ring they exchange knife-edge chops, Ahmed goes for the Pearl River Plunge, but Jindrak struggles out. Jindrak takes advantage and locks on the sleeper. Ahmed struggles trying to get Jindrak off of him, but faints. The referee holds up Ahmed's arm and drops it. 1..................... does it again. 2............................. does it again............ but Ahmed gets his arm up. Ahmed struggles out and nails Jindrak with a spinebuster. Both men are down. Ahmed slowly covers Jindrak. 1..........................2.................................. Jindrak kicks out. Jindrak gets up and goes for the Perfect-plex, Ahmed reverses it and hits a jumping clothesline. He tries to climb out, but gets pulled down by Jindrak. Ahmed throws Jindrak into the cage and climbs up again, Jindrak follows him up and throws him off. Ahmed comes after him, and Jindrak is half way down the other side when Ahmed grabs his legs and pulls him through, low-blowing him with the bars. He takes the tape off his wrists and ties his legs up so Jindrak is trapped. Ahmed climbs over the top and from halfway down, jumps and nails Christian with a clothesline, and his feet touch the floor. Bell rings.:: Winner and STILL IC Champion: Ahmed Johnson ::"Pearl River Rip" plays as Theodore Long hands Ahmed the IC title. The two walk up the ramp and Ahmed poses with the title, the fans cheering. The officials are trying to get Jindrak down from the cage.:: Chip: That was an interesting match, Steve. Steve: I agree with you right there, Chip. That was some intense action displayed by both Ahmed Johnson and Jared Jindrak. Chip: Folks, we're gonna take you back to Rare where Mr. Randy Savage had this announcement to make. ::Footage of Randy Savage announcing Chris Jericho having a mystery opponent at Halloween Havoc is shown. Chris Jericho defeating Max Turner is shown as well.:: ::Backstage, Miguel is standing in front of the divas dressing room.:: Miguel: Dude, this be Miguel the Mailman reporting outside live from the divas' dressing room. Tonight, I'm gonna interview -- ::Inferno comes into view.:: Inferno: Hey, why should you be interviewing the divas? Why not me? Miguel: Okay, we can both interview the divas. ::They go into the room and Catie turns around and all she has is a towel around her.:: Catie: Umm........... Come back in a minute and you can interview Paige. Go! Get out! ::Catie pushes Inferno and Miguel out of the room.:: Inferno: Bitch!
Cruiserweight Title ::"Whatever" by Our Lady Peace plays as Slappy comes out to a mixed ovation. Slappy has the Cruiserweight Championship around his waist as he struts down to the ring. As he enters, Slappy holds the Cruiserweight championship in the air. Then, "Evolution" by Motorhead plays as John Tobias and Ted Turner come out to a booing ovation. Tobias enters the ring and wait for the match to begins. Bell rings.:: ::Slappy starts clapping his hands encouraging the crowd to do the same. They both tie up, Tobias hits Slappy with a shoulder block. Again they tie up and this time Slappy hits a shoulder block. Slappy starts to make fun of Liu Kang, getting Tobias pissed, and then nails him with a head scissors. 1.........................2...................... Tobias kicks out. Slappy goes for a face-crusher, but misses. Tobias nails Slappy with a crappy jump kick, knocking him down. The fans boo and Tobias makes a cover. 1...........................2......................... Slappy kicks out. Slappy gets Tobias with a DDT. Tobias takes down Slappy and mocks him by attempting to do the Crippler Crossface. Before he can successfully get it locked on, Ed Boon and Chris Casamassa run down to the ring. Tobias tells the two to stay away from the ring, then Slappy locks Tobias in the crossface, making him tap out. Bell rings.:: Winner and STILL Cruiserweight Champion: Slappy ::"Whatever" plays as Slappy runs out of the ring and grabs his title. He gives Boon and Casamassa a high five each and they head to the back.:: ::Backstage, the Green Goblin is staring at the camera, the fans booing. A terrified Japanese lady is by him.:: Goblin: Just so you know, this bitch will be my translator. (to woman) NOW TRANSLATE! (to camera) Well well well, looky where we're at. The "great" country of Japan! What's so goddamn great about a small island, huh?! You guys make me sick! When I "lost" my Hardcore title to that big fat slob, the Big Show, it has opened my eyes that I maybe getting a little soft around here. Tonight, I will redeem myself by punishing the Big Show in a non-title match. You bastards don't deserve a Hardcore title match! You all can die for all I care! ::Goblin walks to the ring.:: Green Goblin vs. Big Show ::"Big" plays as pyros shoot up from the stage. The Big Show walks out, with the Hardcore title, to a mixed reaction. He gets on the ring apron and steps over the top rope. He raises his arm with the title in the air afterwards. "Spectre of the Goblin" plays as the Green Goblin laughs. He flies down from his glider. He lands in the ring. Bell rings.:: ::Show throws Goblin down to the mat, then nails him with a shoulder block, which knocks him out of the ring. They both get back in the ring, Goblin takes out Show’s leg with 3 chop-blocks, and gets him in a stand up figure 4. Goblin gets a backflip DDT on Big Show, but can’t get the cover straight away. He goes for the pin. 1.........................2........................... Big Show kicks out. Show stands up, grabs him by the neck and hits a massive choke slam. 1...................2...............3! Bell rings.:: Winner: Big Show ::Big Show picks up the goblin, but then the lights dim. As the lights turn back on, the goblin is still in the Big Show's arms. Big Show removes the goblin's helmet to reveal the Japanese woman from before. His eyes widen. The goblin's laugh is heard. Show turns to the titantron to see the goblin.:: Goblin: You little fool. Did you actually expect that you were going to unmask me tonight?! No! Not tonight! Not any night! Do you got me!? You better. I'm in no mood to mess with a lummox like you! Be careful with my title, Big Show, I'll be wanting it back soon enough. ::Goblin laughs as the titantron dims out.:: King: I can't believe this! Big Show choke slammed that poor woman! JR: He thought it was the goblin, King. ::Backstage, all seated around a table are Savage, Johnny Banks, Cletus, and Chris Jericho.:: Savage: Now listen here, fellas. I don't know who you guys think you are making matches without my consent. I like the idea of a rematch between Chris Jericho and Johnny Banks, so it will happen on Low Down when we get back to the states. *fans cheer* Cletus, whether you win the title tonight will not change the terms of Halloween Havoc's World title match. The champ will still face a mystery opponent at the havoc in just three weeks. Jericho: Well, Cletus is not going to be going to the havoc. I am putting the title on the line, and I am going to win! (to Johnny) Are you gonna win? Johnny: Of course! Cletus: What about me? ::Jericho and Johnny look at each other, then at Cletus.:: Both: Hell no.
Tag Team Titles ::"I Don't Suck" plays as Kurt Angle comes out with a tag title to a mixed ovation. He holds up his arms in the air and red, white, and blue pyro shoots up. He enters the ring and spins around. "One of a Kind" plays as pyros erupt from the titantron. Rob Van Dam comes out with the other tag title and points to himself as Jessica announces his name. He enters the ring, raises his arms in the air, and spins around. The BushWhackers' theme plays as Miguel walks out, moving around funny like. He enters the ring and does a little dance. But then, "Tear the Roof Off" by Gangsta Blac and Haystak starts to play as Inferno dances his way to the ring, the people cheering him. He enters the ring and raises the roof. His dance is interrupted by the sounds of "Evolution" by Motorhead. The Crack Waltzes walk out and enter the ring. Bell rings.:: ::Angle and Inferno kick it off. Inferno with 2 arm drags. Angle tags in Tony Little. Inferno charges him and Tony nails a sidewalk slam. 1.......................2............... RVD dropkicks Tony off. Inferno tags in Miguel. Miguel hits a clothesline on Tony. 1..........................2......................... Popeil elbow drops Miguel. Popeil gets tagged in and goes for a Set-It-And-Forget-It on Miguel, but Miguel reverses it and gets a blind tag by RVD. RVD hits Popeil with a spinning wheel kick, but Popeil gets straight back up and hits RVD with a spine buster. Tony comes in and gives RVD a fall away slam from the second rope. Popeil then gives Angle the Set-It-And-Forget-It, Inferno hits the Gheddoe Blaster on Popeil. 1.............................2...........................3! POPEIL AND TONY ARE ELIMINATED! The Crack Waltzes have to go back to the locker room. Inferno and Miguel double suplex Angle. Angle gets up and shouts at RVD, who is out side the ring to get some tables. RVD picks up a table, but Miguel dropkicks it in his face. Miguel gets Angle Slammed, and thrown outside. RVD gets up and slams Miguel’s head off the announcer’s table. Miguel gets thrown back in the ring. Miguel tags in Inferno, who hits a leg drop on RVD. Miguel gets on the turnbuckle goes for a top rope scissor kick, but misses. Angle nails the Angle Slam on Inferno while RVD nails the Five Star Frog Splash. 1.....................2...................3! Bell rings.:: Winners and STILL Tag Team Champions: Rob Van Dam and Kurt Angle ::The referee hands RVD and Angle the belts as "One of a Kind" plays. RVD raises his belt in the air and spins around. The two head to the back.:: ::Footage of Dawn Marie getting fire blown in her face is shown.:: Christian vs. Andre Dawson ::The Chicago Cubs' theme plays as Andre Dawson comes out to a mixed ovation as well. He enters the ring raises his arms in the air. Christian's theme plays as Christian comes out to a booing ovation. He pats his chest, then points to the crowd. He enters the ring, climbs the top rope, and poses. Bell rings.:: ::They tie up. Both exchange chops. Andre opens up on Christian with left hands and knees to the head. Christian hits Andre with a missile dropkick. 1.....................2.................... Andre kicks out. Christian nails a dropping reverse DDT on Andre, then locks in a Texas Cloverleaf. Andre is screaming in pain, but he manages to reach the ropes. Christian relinquishes the hold, but Andre is saying his back hurts and maybe broken. Christian goes to check on Andre, as does the referee. Christian sighs and turns his back on Andre. Andre shoots up and nails Christian with the Dawson Driver. 1........................2......................3!! Bell rings.:: ::The Chicago Cubs' theme plays as Andre starts to celebrate. From behind comes Meeko, who clotheslines Andre. The fans boo as Meeko picks up Andre and gives him a Fooko Bomb. "Bulldog" plays as Meeko heads to the back.:: ::Backstage, Johnny Banks and Shawn Michaels are talking to one another, then Shawn Michaels heads to the ring.:: JR: Our next match is going to start, Shawn Michaels vs. Johnny Banks. Shawn Michaels vs. Johnny Banks ::"Sexy Boy" plays as Shawn Michaels comes out, the fans cheering. He gets down halfways to the ramp, gets on his knee, and raises his arms in the air. Pyros shoot up from the ramp way. He enters the ring, spins around, and does his classic pose. "Fight to Survive" plays as Johnny Banks comes out to a mixed ovation with Eric Bischoff. He enters the ring poses for the fans to take pictures. Bischoff sits down for commentary. Bell rings.:: ::The two start to stare each other down, then Johnny cuts the staredown short with a right hand. He starts stomping, punching, and kicking at HBK. He picks HBK up and pulls him into a short clothesline. 1...............2.............. HBK kicks out. Johnny starts doing a combination of chops and punches on HBK. Johnny still in control, he whips HBK into the ropes, but it's reversed, Johnny ducks the swing, grabs a waistlock and hits a German suplex. 1......................2.................... HBK kicks out. Johnny starts to punch and kick HBK, then whips him into the opposite corner, but HBK gets the boot up and leaps up to the second rope. Johnny catches him in a belly-to-belly off the top rope. 1..................2................... HBK kicks out again. HBK out, now the chase is on. HBK back in, Johnny in, HBK ducks a clothesline, then dumps Johnny to the outside over the top! HBK out to try to work on him diving from the apron to the floor to land a springboard crossbody. HBK pulls the padding off the barricade, then drops Johnny across it. Johnny rolled back in, HBK climbing up top and nails the elbow drop on Johnny. 1....................2................... Johnny kicks out. HBK starts to drive a few knees into the spine of Johnny. Off the ropes with an elbowdrop to the back. 1...................2................. Johnny kicks out again. HBK stands on the neck. He starts to chop him a few times and whips him into the ropes. HBK with the back elbow. HBK tries to get Johnny in the Sharpshooter, but Johnny rolls him into a small package. 1.....................2................... HBK kicks out! Johnny takes over - shoves to the corner, fireman's carry out, punches him a few times, into the ropes is reversed, head down and Johnny kicks away. Johnny runs into a hot shot from HBK. HBK out to the apron, climbing up, taking too long, Johnny runs into the corner, climbs up and superplexes HBK back into the ring. 1............................2........................... HBK kicks out!! Johnny and HBK start to trade right hands, but one of HBK's swings is ducked and Johnny hits the German suplex. HBK grabs the ropes - Johnny breaks the waistlock enough to forearm him into letting go - ANOTHER German suplex - wants a third but HBK shifts his body weight into a rollup...then stands up and grabs the legs - again wants the Sharpshooter, and again doesn't get it - THIS time Johnny grabs a leg and rolls HBK into an Ankle Lock! HBK quickly crawls to the ropes to get it broken. Johnny kicks and stomps on HBK, then a whip into the opposite corner is reversed, HBK off the ropes looking for a forearm, but Johnny is ready with a stiff clothesline! 1......................2..................... HBK kicks out. Johnny calls for a Super Kick - no, HBK dodges it - HBK ducks a clothesline - double leg - and HBK locks in the Sharpshooter on Johnny!! Johnny reaches - and grabs the bottom rope! After a brief discussion over whether Johnny tapped or not, HBK leaves the ring and grabs the ring bell. Hebner out to try to stop him. HBK reenters with the bell in hand - ready to swing, but Hebner stops him. HBK takes a swipe at him and hits Hebner by mistake. Johnny super kicks the bell into HBK's face. Hebner slowly gets up as Johnny makes a cover. 1..................2....................... HBK kicks out!!!! Johnny locks in the Ankle Lock on HBK. HBK screams in pain...but *does* manage to hook that bottom rope. Johnny wants to put it on again and pulls on his leg. HBK manages a desperation enziguri that puts Johnny on the outside. Cletus runs out and stands behind Johnny. Cletus throws Johnny back into the ring and HBK nails the Sweet Chin Music. 1.............................2.................................... HBK suddenly falls off of Johnny. Cletus and the referee look confused. Johnny rolls over onto HBK. 1......................2.......................3! Bell rings.:: Winner: Johnny Banks ::"Fight to Survive" plays as Johnny helps HBK up to his feet. HBK says that he didn't know what happened. They watch as Cletus runs to the back as fast as he can.:: ::Camera goes to the stage to see Megumi Ogata at the stage with a band. Jessica Bice is standing by her.:: Jessica: *Megumi translating* Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Megumi Ogata! ::The crowd cheers. Megumi performs "Embracing the Ice Knife." Just as she is singing, Dawn Marie and Ivory come out to a standing ovation. Dawn holds up the Women's title and they head to the ring. They enter the ring and wait for their opponents. Megumi ends the performance as they are getting prepared for the next match.::
Paige is the referee ::"Rebel Yell" by Billy Idol starts to play. Purple lights strobe everywhere as Paige comes out to a chorus of boos. She holds her head up high and enters the ring. "Rebel Yell" plays. "Feel the Burn" by Fozzy plays. Fluisa walks out to a mixed ovation. She raises her arms in the air and Booker T-like pyros shoot up, nearly catching her on fire. She "runs" to the ring and enters it. "Wildcat" plays as Catie comes out to mixed reactions. She rolls under the ring and waves to the fans. Bell rings.:: ::Ivory and Catie start the match. They lockup and Catie hits a knee to the midsection and a blow to the back and an axehandle takes Ivory down. Ivory is whipped into the corner but she flips up and over Catie, armdrags her twice and bodyslams her to the canvas. Ivory shakes her thing and connects with a leg drop. 1................................... Paige starts to look at her nails. The fans boo. Ivory gets in Paige's face, then looks back at Catie. Ivory picks Catie up but she uses a rake to the eyes to escape and tags in Fluisa who charges at Ivory but she gets a semi-flapjack for her troubles. 1............................ Paige starts to rub her eyes. The fans boo again. Ivory works the arm a little and tags in Dawn Marie. Fluisa is the victim of a double hiptoss off the ropes and then a double elbow drop and another cover this time by Dawn. 1......................................... Paige looks at the people stupidly asking "What comes after one?". The fans boo. Dawn punches Fluisa into the ropes and slaps and kicks her and then hits a giant impact DDT. 1................................ Catie and Paige start to gossip with one another. Catie seems to have distracted Dawn as both exchange words but Dawn stays focused and boots Fluisa to the midsection before hitting another DDT. Catie enters and Ivory goes to do the same which distracts Paige and as she goes to usher Ivory out Catie kicks away at Dawn, beats her, retreat and swings the momentum into her team's favor. Fluisa is now up and hits a big clothesline to the back of Dawn. Catie is now tagged in and she drops an axehandle and then leg drop onto the back of Dawn. 1....2... Ivory breaks up the pin and argues with Paige. Catie chokes Dawn in the ropes with her foot, Dawn tries to fight back with punches but Catie punches her back down and rains down with more blows to the back. Fluisa is tagged back in and Catie and Fluisa kick away at Dawn in their corner. Catie lies Dawn across the ropes before bringing her down across the knee of Fluisa. Again Dawn tries fighting back but Fluisa throws her against the ropes and to the canvas and kicks her in the back a few times before nailing a big splash to the same area. Catie is tagged in again and the attack is still concentrated on the back of Dawn. Catie applies a chinlock with her foot driven into the back of Dawn and the crowd get behind Dawn who responds by punching her way out of Catie’s hold. Catie stops Dawn by hitting a backbreaker across her knee. Catie slaps and kicks Dawn down to the canvas, picks her up and plays to the crowd a little but Dawn surprises Catie with a rollup. 1............................ Paige yells at Ivory not to tell her how to do her job. The fans are booing big time. Catie clotheslines Dawn to the mat. Catie sits on the back of Nidia and rakes away at the face on the canvas, twice punches her down and punches Ivory off the apron. Ivory tries to enter and Paige is distracted again, so Fluisa and Catie proceed to kick away at Dawn. Catie then whips Dawn into her corner attemps the handspring elbow as Fluisa holds Dawn but nobody’s home as Dawn moves. She is still a bit away from her corner and Catie is right by hers. Dawn begins to crawl to her corner but Catie’s up and she grabs the leg but Dawn uses her other leg to kick her away and both divas make the tag. Ivory enters and takes Fluisa and Catie down with a series of clotheslines. Fluisa is whipped to the corner and walks into a leg lariat. 1................................. Catie leg drops Ivory to break up the pin. Dawn enters to take down Catie and now all four divas are in. Dawn and Catie fight to the outside and back in the ring Ivory blocks a spinning clothesline attempt by Fluisa twists around into the Poison Ivory. Ivory yells at Paige to do her job. 1................................2.........................................3! Bell rings.:: Winners: Dawn Marie and Ivory ::Ivory's theme plays as Dawn joins Ivory in the ring to celebrate. Paige clubs Dawn in the back, then nails Ivory with the Michinoku Driver. Paige grabs the Women's title and a mic.:: Paige: I don't care what Macho Man says, Dawn, you're okay to wrestle. And when we get back to the states, I'm getting my rematch for the Women's title. ::Fluisa gets up and snatches the mic.:: Fluisa: No way, ho! That belt is mine! I worked too hard to be held back by a stupid bitch like you! ::Catie gets in the ring and snatches the mic.:: Catie: I was the former champ, I deserve the rematch, not any one of you guys! ::The three divas start to argue, then "Be a Man" plays. Macho Man Randy Savage comes out to a standing ovation.:: Savage: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH YEAH! The Macho Man Randy Savage is in the hiz-ouse! Now I see that I have a bunch of stupid divas in the ring arguing over who should get the shot for the Women's title. I'll tell you this. When we get back to the states, we're going to have a six-way elimination tag team match for the Women's title. Paige against Cindy against Catie against Fluisa against Ivory against Dawn Marie. There you have it! Now stop arguing! ::"Be a Man" plays as Macho Man leaves to the back.:: ::Halloween Havoc ad.::
WWF Title ::"Man of Constant Sorrow" starts to play as Cletus comes out, doing a hillbilly dance to the ring. He enters the ring and does another hillbilly dance, taking off his hat at the end. He tosses his hat and vest outside afterwards. The Y2J countdown begins. When the symbol reads "Y2J," pyros shoot up. "Break the Walls Down" plays as Chris Jericho comes out with the Intercontinental Championship belt around his waist. He enters the ring, pulls off the belt, and raises it up in the air. He hands the referee the title. Bell rings.:: ::Jericho and Cletus go face to face and exchange words. Cletus smacks Jericho across the face. Jericho staggers back smiling and attacks Cletus with several right hands. Cletus backs into the ropes and Jericho hits Cletus with several knife edge chops to the chest. Jericho goes to throw Cletus into the ropes but Cletus reverses it and throws Jericho into the ropes and Cletus goes for a back elbow but Jericho ducks and comes back with a flying forearm to Cletus. Both men quickly get up and Jericho kicks Cletus in the gut and hits him with more knife edge chops to the chest. Cletus fights back with right hands to Jericho. Jericho ducks a right hand and clotheslines Cletus. Cletus rolls out of the ring onto the ring apron. Cletus gets up and Jericho runs and springboards off the second rope dropkicking Cletus off the ring apron. Earl Hebner starts the 10 count. 1.................2.................3.................4............ Jericho taunts the crowd as Cletus starts to stagger to his feet on the outside. Jericho goes out onto the ring apron and runs off for a cross body but Cletus catches Jericho in a bear hug and drops back, dropping Jericho chest first on the barricade. 5....................6....................7................. Cletus taunts Jericho then pulls him up by the hair and throws Jericho neck first into the steel steps. 8.................9................... Cletus rolls Jericho into the ring and follows. Cletus stomps Jericho's ribs. Cletus pulls Jericho up by the hair and throws him into the corner. Cletus with several shoulder blocks to Jericho's gut. Cletus hits Jericho in the mid section with a knee shot. Jericho goes down holding his gut and Cletus begins to choke him and Hebner starts the 5 count. 1...2...3...4.... Cletus won't break it. Hebner pulls Cletus off Jericho. Jericho starts to get up on his hands and knees and Cletus drives his knee into Jericho's lower back. Cletus kicks Jericho out of the ring and follows. Hebner starts the 10 count. 1..............2...............3...............4............. Cletus pulls up the padding on the floor exposing the concert. Cletus pulls Jericho up and suplexes him back first on the concert. Jericho grabs his back in pain. Cletus pulls Jericho up and rolls him into the ring and follows. Cletus taunts Jericho to get up. Cletus pulls Jericho up by the hair and begins to yell in his face and Jericho tries to swing at Cletus but Cletus ducks and locks Jericho in an abdominal stretch. Hebner checks on Jericho and Jericho refuses to give. Cletus grabs the top rope for leverage. Jericho screams in pain and Hebner looks up and Cletus quickly lets go. Hebner checks back on Jericho and Cletus applies more pressure by garbing the rope. Jericho screams in pain and Hebner looks up and catches Cletus holding the rope and Hebner kicks Cletus' hand breaking his hold on the rope and Jericho hip tosses Cletus. Cletus quickly gets up and runs at Jericho and Jericho hits a heel kick on Cletus. Both men are down. Hebner starts the 10 count. 1.......2........3........4.........5.........6........7........ Jericho is up and goes for a Lionsault but Cletus gets his knees up. Jericho gets up staggering around holding his ribs and Cletus getz up and DDTs Jericho. Cover by Cletus. 1.....................2.................... Jericho kicks out. Cletus gets up and pulls Jericho up and throws him into the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Jericho ducks and comes back and Cletus hits a high knee to Jericho. Cletus with repeated elbow drops to the left thigh of Jericho. Cletus kicks Jericho in the left leg. Cletus attempts an STF but Jericho breaks the attempt by raking Cletus's eyes. Jericho gets up and hitz knife edge chops to Cletus' chest. Jericho clotheslines Cletus. Jericho quickly goes up top as Cletus staggers to his feet and Jericho hits a missile dropkick. Cover by Jericho. 1................2.............. Cletus kicks out. Jericho grabs Cletus' right leg which he blown his quad in. Jericho rolls to the outside with it and pulls Cletus to the ringpost and slams Cletus' leg against the ring post. Cletus screams in pain and Jericho slams it against the post again. Jericho then locks a figure four in around the ringpost on Cletus. Hebner quickly starts a 5 count. 1...2...3...4... Jericho breaks the hold. Jericho rolls in the ring as Cletus grabs his leg in pain. Jericho grabs the leg and hits several elbow drops on it. Jericho then turns Cletus over onto his gut and drives Cletus's right knee into the mat. Jericho grabs Cletus' legs and attempts a Walls of Jericho. Tony Little runs down the aisle and jumps up on the ring apron and Jericho quickly drops Cletus and knocks Tony off the ring apron. Jericho turns around and Cletus hits a drop toe hold. Jericho grabs his face in pain. Both men slowly get up and Cletus kicks Jericho in the gut and hits him with several right hands backing Jericho into the corner. Cletus pulls Jericho out of the corner and hits a neckbreaker. Cover by Triple H. 1............2.......... Jericho kicks out. Cletus pulls Jericho up and drives his face into his knee. Cletus then chokes Jericho. Hebner starts the 5 count. 1...2...3...4... Cletus breaks the choke. Cletus pulls Jericho up by the hair and throws him into the ropes and hitz a snapbuster. Cover by Cletus. 1..................2................ Jericho kicks out. Cletus gets up pissed. Cletus kicks Jericho out of the ring. Cletus yells at Chip Caray and Steve Stone to move. Cletus cleans off the announcers table. Cletus grabs Jericho and puts him on top of the table and follows. Hebner starts the 10 count. 1.......2.......3.......4....... Cletus pulls Jericho up and sets him up for a Three Second Ride but Jericho blocks it and Russian legsweeps Cletus and himself through the table, breaking it. 5.......6.......7.......8....... Jericho gets up and pulls Cletus up and rolls him into the ring and follow. Jericho gets up and hits a Lionsault on Cletus. Cover by Jericho. 1................2.............. Cletus kicks out! Jericho can't believe it. Jericho pulls Cletus up and sets Cletus up for a Breakdown. Jericho attempts it but Cletus blocks it and nails a Russian legsweep of his own. Jericho quickly gets back up and Cletus kicks Jericho in the gut and goes for a Three Second Ride but Jericho blocks and double leg takedowns Cletus and goes for a Walls of Jericho. Cletus tries to hold on. Jericho gets it turned over. Jericho has it locked in. Cletus quickly grabs the ropes and Jericho breaks the hold. Jericho quickly attacks Cletus with kicks to the back. Jericho grabs Cletus and attempts a Tornado DDT but Cletus holds on and atomic drops Jericho. Jericho staggers back holding his groin and Cletus kicks Jericho in the gut and hits a Three Second Ride. Cover by Cletus. 1..................2.............. NO! Jericho kicks out! Cletus can't believe it. Cletus pulls Jericho up and setss him up for another Three Second Ride but Jericho pushes Cletus back and Cletus hits Hebner and Hebner goes down. Cletus staggers towards Jericho and Jericho double leg takedowns Cletus and locks in the Walls of Jericho. Cletus quickly taps out but there is no Ref. Tony Little hits the ring with a yardstick and breaks it across Jericho's back. Jericho goes down. Tony wakes up Hebner and rolls out of the ring and runs to the back as Cletus covers Jericho. Hebner slowly counts. 1........................2...................... NO! Jericho kicks out! Cletus gets up pissed and begins to yell at Hebner. Cletus pulls Jericho up by the hair and hits another Three Second Ride. Cover by Cletus. 1...................2.................. Hebner passes out. Johnny Banks runs into the ring with a kendo stick. Johnny cracks Cletus in the head with the cane and rolls out of the ring. Jericho slowly gets up and nails Cletus with the Lionsault. Hebner slowly gets up and counts. 1......................2.........................3! Bell rings.:: Winner and STILL WWF Champion: Chris Jericho ::"Break the Walls Down" plays as Chris Jericho roll out of the ring and walks up the aisle and stands at the top of the stage with Johnny Banks. Cletus starts to get up with an angry look staring at Johnny and Jericho. Johnny smiles at Cletus as Cletus gets up pissed:: JR: Chris Jericho wins but Johnny Banks has screwed Cletus. King: Johnny is pissing too many people off JR and I think pissing Cletus off was the wrong move. JR: That might be right King. King: Johnny better get security geared up to be around him 24/7. JR: Chris Jericho wins thanks to Johnny Banks. Ladies and gentlemen join us this Thursday for Low Down! :Scene fades with Chris Jericho posing with the WWF Title.::
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