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< - - - Halloween Havoc - - - > |
Special Guest Appearance :: |
:: Naomi Watts |
Theme Song(s) :: |
:: "Waiting for You" by Mary Elizabeth McGlynn |
Titles Decided :: |
:: WWF Championship, WWF Tag Team Championship |
Commentators :: |
:: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Chip Caray, Steve Stone |
Date :: |
:: October 31, 2004 |
Location:: |
:: Broadbent Arena in Louisville, KT |
< - - - Halloween Havoc - - - > |
::Pyros go off as "Waiting for You" plays. The fans are standing on their feet cheering, holding up signs, or some other kind of props.:: JR: We welcome you to the Broadbent Arena here in Louisville, Kentucky for Halloween Havoc! Jim Ross here with Jerry "The King" Lawler ready to get things underway with Halloween Havoc! Also our colleagues Chip Caray and Steve Stone are at ringside! King: JR, we have waited for a month now and we're ready to know who the opponent of Chris Jericho is in the WWF title match up! We have waited too long and now it's time! Chip Caray: Indeed! This is indeed a great Halloween experience here! Each match seems to have a different stipulation than the next! Steve Stone: Our first match is about to get underway! We have Kristin against Martha Stewart! Let's show the fans why these two are meeting here tonight! ::Footage of Gemini accidentally hitting Kristin with a chain a month ago is shown. Then, Kristin is seen attacking Martha on her return on Rare.:: Kristin vs. Martha Stewart ::"Evolution" starts to play on the PA system. Martha Stewart and Ron Popeil come out to a chorus of boos. Martha enters the ring and stretch out a bit. "Going Under" plays as multi-colored lights strobe throughout the arena. Kristin comes out and the fans cheer for the returning diva. She waves to the fans and runs into the ring, sliding under the ropes. She points at Martha, climbs on the top rope, and poses for the fans to take pictures. She leaps down and the bell rings.:: ::Kristin attacked Martha and scored with some forearm shots to Martha. Kristin then scored with a big back body drop and kicked Martha right in the spine. Kristin whipped Martha to the corner, but Martha reversed but was met with an elbow from Kristin and then was given a heel kick. 1.......................2..................... Martha kicks out. Kristin mounted Martha with some right hands. Kristin again knocked Martha down, and Kristin scored with a dropkick to knock Martha to the outside of the ring. Kristin scored with a beautiful moonsault over the ropes onto Martha to knock her down and then rolled her back inside, and hoisted herself over the ropes onto Martha with a somersault splash. 1......................2..................... Martha kicks out. Martha came back with a rake of the eyes and then kicked Kristin straight in the face. Martha then threw Kristin hard into the ring post, gut first, and then gave her a baseball slide, sandwiching Kristin into the post. Martha then stomped away at the mid section of Kristin and locked in an abdominal stretch on the mat. Kristin fought back with some shots to the gut but Martha kicked her hard in the gut and made the cover. 1.......................2..................... Kristin kicks out. Martha locked in a surfboard stretch on Kristin. Kristin fought to her feet and escaped with a kick and then some right hands. Martha caught Kristin on her shoulders after trying an up and under, and then delivered a gut buster across the knee and made the cover. 1...........................2....................... Kristin gets a shoulder up. Martha whipped Kristin to the ropes and sent Kristin high into the air, and Kristin came down to the mat face first. 1....................2...................... Martha kicks out. Martha went back to the abdominal stretch on the mat, and punched away at the mid section of Kristin. Kristin fought out, but Martha came right back, kicking Kristin in the mid section. Kristin fought back with a hard forearm and then kicked Martha in the gut and went to work on Martha with forearms in the corner. Kristin hit a spin kick to knock Martha down and Martha went for a bulldog from the middle ropes, but Kristin escaped and hit a running enziguri. 1..........................2......................... Martha kicks out. Kristin went for a powerbomb but Martha reversed into a DDT and made the cover. 1.......................2................. Kristin kicks out. Martha charged at Kristin, but Kristin back dropped him to the apron. Kristin sent the head of Martha into the turnbuckle and went to suplex her back inside. Martha floated over the suplex but Kristin hit a huricanrana into a pin. 1.............................2.............................. Martha kicks out. Martha fought back, sending Kristin to the ropes and then knocked her down with a clothesline. Martha then went to go to the ropes, and Kristin throws her off. Martha gets up and Kristin goes for the Deja Vu DDT, but Martha counters with a tilt-a-whirl slam. 1......................2..................3! Bell rings.:: Winner: Martha Stewart ::"Evolution" plays as Martha rolls out of the ring. Popeil comforts her and walks her to the back. Kristin slowly gets up and glares at Martha, who is laughing at her.:: JR: Damn you, Martha! Damn you to hell! King: I can't believe that Martha Stewart defeated Kristin! She was doing so well! What happened?! JR: I don't know, but I hope to God that the other Crack Waltzes don't succeed! This is a load of crap! ::Backstage, Gemini is talking with Mahalia.:: Gemini: Think about what you're doing, Hali. I don't want you to get hurt out there. This is non-sanctioned and you could hurt extremely bad out there. Lesnar doesn't care what happens to you as long as he can make an impact on you. You're the first six-time WWF champion. You shouldn't lose to this bozo. Hali: Gemini, listen. I know you care about me but right now I need to prove to people that I can kick Lesnar's dying ass. I'm tired of the way he's treating our family. I'm still pissed off on how he treated me months ago! That radioactive giant ape gopher hybrid bastard is not going to beat me! Not now, not ever! ::Hali walks away.:: King: Radioactive giant ape gopher hybrid?! HA HA! I LOVE IT! Chip: Up next, ladies and gentlemen, we have a trick or treat match waiting for you. Fluisa against Paige. If Fluisa wins, she gets to decide who will be naked besides herself. If Paige wins, she and Cindy have to strip naked and make out in the ring. Steve: I hope Fluisa wins then.
Trick or Treat Match ::"Feel the Burn" by Fozzy plays. Fluisa walks out to a mixed ovation. She raises her arms in the air and Booker T-like pyros shoot up, nearly catching her on fire. She "runs" to the ring and enters it. "Not Gonna Get Us" plays as purple strobe lights go off. Paige and Cindy come out to a mixed ovation. The two kiss each other and then Paige enters the ring. Bell rings.:: ::Paige immediately nailed Fluisa with a punch to the head and then slammed her into the corner and hammered away on her. Fluisa whipped Paige to the other side of the ring and charged at her but Paige kicked Fluisa in the face. Paige then hopped to the second rope and gave Fluisa a flying clothesline. Paige gave Fluisa a tornado DDT from the second rope and then she pinned her. 1..................................2........................ Fluisa kicks out. Paige then laid into Fluisa with some right and left hands to back her into the corner. Fluisa then fired out of the corner with a hard upper cut to send Paige down to the mat. Fluisa follows Paige to the floor but then Cindy slaps Fluisa. Fluisa stumbles around and Paige gave Fluisa the Paige Turner from the apron on the outside of the ring and then she got back in the ring and told the referee to start the ten count. Referee Jan Kaitschuck started her count and Fluisa sat up at the count of six and then she slowly got up and got back in the ring at the count of nine. As Fluisa rolled into the ring, Paige stomped away on her and then Cindy went over and grabbed the ring bell and set it on the ring apron for Paige. Cindy then went over and distracted the referee, giving Paige the opportunity to clock Fluisa with the ring bell. Paige then covered Kane. 1.........................2................................... Fluisa put her foot on the middle rope to break the pin. Paige headed to the top rope and jumped off at Fluisa but Fluisa caught her by the waist. Paige fought out of the Ha Hey predicament and then she went for the Paige DDT but Fluisa overpowered out by putting Paige over her shoulder and slamming her down with a powerslam. Fluisa then headed to the top rope and Paige got up and knocked Fluisa down to straddle the top rope. Paige laid into Fluisa with a number of hard right hands and then she climbed up and went for a super DDT but Fluisa breathed fire into Paige's face, knocking her off the top rope. Fluisa then nailed the Swanton Bomb on Paige. 1..................................2..................................3! Bell rings.:: Winner: Fluisa ::"Feel the Burn" plays as Fluisa raises her arms in the air. She runs outside and grabs a microphone. She has a big smile on her face. The music halts and Fluisa looks around.:: Fluisa: Well, since I am granted the power to have anyone in the wrestling business or in this arena get naked, I'm going to pick someone that you people will adore seeing! *crowd cheers* I pick........... Naomi Watts! King: WHAT?! SHE'S GOING TO HAVE THE SPECIAL GUEST STRIP!? JR: Cool yourself, King. ::Naomi Watts gets guided over the barricade into the ring. The strip tease music starts to play as Naomi smiles nervously. She slowly starts to take off her clothes to the fans' amusement. Now she is standing butt naked in the middle of the ring. Fluisa then tosses her a robe to put on. Fluisa then guides Naomi to the back.:: King: Hey, wait! Don't leave! I want to see more puppies! Oh well, I'll wait until the PPV comes out on DVD, then I can slow this scene down! Ha ha! JR: That's nice, King. Anyways, up next, the Tag Team titles are up next. Kurt Angle and Rob Van Dam will defend the tag titles against Coach and Steve of the BFO. Let's show you why these guys are here tonight. ::Footage of Coach agreeing to accompany the BFO is shown. Kurt and RVD are seen defeating the BFO, then Coach attacks the two and he calls the BFO beautiful ladies. Kurt is seen defeating Coach on the following Rare, then he and RVD beat up the BFO with Coach. Then, Max Turner is seen defeating Kyle, eliminating him from being Coach's tag team partner.::
Tag Team Titles ::"You Look So Good to Me" plays on the PA system as Steve and Kyle, with Coach, come out to a booing ovation. To everyone dismay, Kyle is dressed with a blond wig and red dress. The two are locked arm-in-arm and are walking down the ramp way. They enter the ring and Steve pulls off Kyle's wig and dress. Kyle throws the wig and dress into the crowd. Coach looks confused. Kyle walks outside. "Firefly" plays as Max Turner comes out to a mixed reaction. He stands on the stage and poses for the fans. Max runs in as the refrain goes off. He climbs to the top rope and poses for people to take pictures. "I Don't Suck" plays as Kurt Angle comes out with a tag title to a mixed ovation. He holds up his arms in the air and red, white, and blue pyro shoots up. He enters the ring and spins around. "One of a Kind" plays as pyros erupt from the titantron. Rob Van Dam comes out with the other tag title and points to himself as Jessica announces his name. He enters the ring, raises his arms in the air, and spins around. Bell rings.:: ::Steve started it off in the ring for his team and Kurt and RVD had a little argument as to who would start in the ring against Steve and Steve went over and grabbed both of their asses and they both quickly jumped out of the ring, still not agreeing as to who is going to start the match. Steve then allowed Coach in the ring and both RVD and Kurt went after Coach but Steve stepped into the ring to send them back a bit. Coach also looked a little bit freaked out by Steve's antics. RVD and Coach finally started it off in the ring and the two locked it up and RVD backed Coach into the corner and then he kicked Coach in the chest as he was in the corner. The two then locked it up once again and Coach took RVD down with a fireman carry take down and then a pin. 1.............................. RVD kicks out. When Kurt Angle was tagged into the match, he gave Coach a series of German suplexes and then Steve got in the ring but Angle gave him a shot to the knees to knock him down. Kyle then got in the ring and Angle gave him a German suplex and then he knocked Steve from the ring apron. Kyle went for a clothesline on Angle but Angle dodged it and Kyle knocked Coach down to the mat. Angle then planted Coach with the Angle Slam and then pinned him as the ref forced Kyle out. 1........................2....................... Steve breaks up the count. Steve got in the ring and went to nail Angle but Angle once again dodged it and Steve charged right through Coach. Kurt Angle then put Steve in the ankle lock to force him to tap out, but he's not the legal man. Coach immediately got in the ring and gave Kurt Angle a low blow and a roll up. 1....................................2....................... Kurt kicks out. Kurt later put Coach in the Ankle Lock and Steve was about to get in the ring but RVD got in the ring and stopped him as Coach countered the Ankle Lock into a pin. 1........................2..................... Kurt kicks out. Angle maneuvered Coach back into the Ankle Lock but Coach was able to get to the ropes. RVD makes a blind tag. Coach tags in Steve. Steve gave Kurt a pumphandle drop and being that Kurt wasn't legal, as the referee was trying to get him out of the ring, RVD grabbed a chair and threw it to Steve. Steve catches it. Coach is distracting the referee, yelling at him to take the chair. RVD gets his Van Daminator on Steve, then Kurt hits the Angle Slam on Steve. RVD climbs the top rope and dives off with a karate kick, knocking Coach off the apron onto Kyle. Angle makes the pin. 1................................2..................3! Bell rings.:: Winner and STILL Tag Team Champions: Kurt Angle and Rob Van Dam ::"I Don't Suck" plays as Angle and RVD grab their tag titles and head out of the ring toward the back. Coach looks disappointed in Steve's performance. Steve tries to apologize but then Coach walks away.:: ::Backstage, Ernest Miller is talking with Macho Man.:: The Cat: Hey, man, things are going great so far. Ha hey! This is going to be the best Halloween Havoc we've had all year! So, could you give me a hint as to who the mystery opponent is for Jericho? Macho Man: Cat, listen to me. I'm not going to tell anyone who it is until it is time for Jericho's match. He thought it was Eddie, but it isn't. I'm going to give him one last hint. Halloween has many creatures running about, like ghosts, ghouls, and goblins. That's all I'm going to say. ::Cat looks at Macho Man blankly.:: Chip: Up next is Andre Dawson against Meeko. These two use to be tag team partners in September until Redemption came about. Steve: Let's show the folks at home what happened. ::Footage of Meeko giving Andre a Fooko Bomb at Redemption, then at Destruction in Japan is shown.:: Andre Dawson vs. Meeko ::The Chicago Cubs' theme plays as Andre Dawson comes out to a mixed ovation as well. He enters the ring raises his arms in the air. "Bulldog" plays as the fans give mixed reactions. Meeko comes out and runs into the ring. Bell rings.:: ::Andre and Meeko got face to face and talked some trash and then exchanged right hands, with Meeko coming out on top until Andre hit a kick to the gut. Meeko came back with a pair of shoulder knock downs. 1..................2............... Andre kicks out. Andre came back with a takedown and then locked in a front face lock but Meeko came back with right hands and then knocked Andre to the outside with a clothesline. Back inside, and Andre hit a knee to the gut and then a club to the back of Meeko and then chopped Andre on the chest, and went to work on him with right hands and knees in the corner. Andre whipped Meeko to the corner and followed him in, but was met with a boot to the face and then Meeko came out with a flying forearm. 1......................2...................... Andre kicks out. Andre came back with a shoulder block to knock Meeko down. 1.......................2.................... Meeko kicks out. Andre then threw Meeko to the outside of the ring. Andre followed Meeko to the outside and sent Meeko into the ring steps, and went to do so a second time, but Meeko reversed and Andre went into the steps. Back inside and Meeko made the cover. 1.......................2.................... Andre kicks out. Meeko whipped Andre to the ropes but Andre held on and hit a shoulder to the mid section and then hotshotted Meeko on the ropes to take him down and Andre scored with a haymaker to the face of Meeko. 1.............................2........................... Meeko kicks out. Andre then locked in a rear naked choke on Meeko on the mat. Meeko fought out with elbows and ran the ropes and hit a cross body on Andre. 1................. Andre kicks out. Andre came back with a hard whip to the corner, knocking Meeko off his feet. Andre then scored with a vertical suplex. 1.....................2.................. Meeko kicks out. Andre went back to the rear naked choke on Meeko. Meeko again fought out of the hold until Andre hit a high knee. Andre went for a suplex, but Meeko blocked and then hit a fisherman’s suplex on Andre and then charged at him, but Andre scored with a flapjack and made the cover. 1......................2..................... Meeko kicks out. Andre then mounted Meeko and gave him a series of right hands and then hit a straight right to the jaw and went for a kick, but Meeko moved and Andre straddled himself on the top rope. Meeko hit a series of right hands on Andre and then whipped him to the ropes and took him down with a clothesline and then a flying shoulder. 1.........................2.................... Andre kicks out. Meeko then scored with a bulldog to take Andre down to the mat and then hit a jumping leg drop to Andre. 1....................................2............................. Andre gets a shoulder up. Meeko then went for the Fooko Bomb but Andre floated out and hit the Dawson Driver on Meeko and made the cover. 1.....................2.......................... Meeko kicks out! Andre then went to the outside and grabbed a baseball bat but the referee said that if he brings the chair inside, the match would be over. Andre went for a swing but Meeko moved and nailed Andre with a hard clothesline. 1..............................2............................. Andre kicks out! Andre kicked Meeko in the mid sections but Meeko rammed Andre into the corner and then hit the Fooko Bomb. 1............................2...............................3! Bell rings.:: Winner: Meeko ::"Bulldog" plays as Meeko picks up Andre's baseball bat. He puts it around Andre's neck and hoists him up, choking him with it. The referee tries to pry the bat away from Meeko, but he can't. Other officials run out and try to get Meeko to let go of Andre. After a minute, Meeko lets go. "Bulldog" plays as the people boo. Meeko leaves to the back.:: JR: What is your problem, Meeko!? Why would you do that a baseball legend?! Why?! King: JR, calm down! Calm down! You yelling at Meeko isn't going to make things better! JR: I'm sorry, folks. Up next is a tag team match up to determine who will remain in Mortal Kombat history. It is Chris Casamassa and Ed Boon against Robin Shou and John Tobias. The loser will be deleted from Mortal Kombat history. ::Footage of Ed Boon and Chris Casamassa attacking John Tobias and the rest of the Crack Waltzes is shown. Then Tobias is seen running from Casamassa as he pulls out the Scorpion harpoon.::
Loser Erased from Mortal Kombat History Match ::"Born in China" plays as the fans boo. John Tobias and Robin Shou run out and enter the ring. Tobias raises his arms in the air, the fans still booing. "Test Your Might" plays as Ed Boon and Chris Casamassa walk out to a standing ovation. The two enter the ring. Bell rings.:: ::Ed Boon and Tobias started out the match with a lock up and Tobias took Boon down to the mat and both chain wrestled around until Boon kicked Tobias in the mid section and then scored with a sunset flip. 1...................2..................... Tobias rolls over. 1..........................2.................. Boon rolls over. 1.........................2.................... Tobias rolls over. 1.........................2................... Boon rolls over. 1............................2...............Tobias kicks out. The two then had a stand off to a good pop from the crowd. Tobias made the blind tag to Shou, and Shou came in and they double teamed Boon and Shou scored with a martial arts kick to the face. 1..........................2.................... Boon kicks out. Casamassa was tagged into the match and he went to work on Shou with kicks and chops. Shou came back with a kick of his own and then hit a baseball slide to the face of Casamassa in the corner. Boon then charged at Shou and both Boon and Casamassa are on the outside. Shou tagged in Tobias and both men go to the outside and hit double team clotheslines onto Boon and Casamassa on the outside. Tobias sent Casamassa back inside and made the cover. 1....................2............... Casamassa kicks out. Tobias knocked Casamassa down with a chop across the face and then knocked Boon off the apron with a forearm and scored with a crappy jump kick to Casamassa and then went to the top rope, but Boon shoved him off to the outside of the ring. Back inside and Casamassa takes control of Tobias with some chops and kicks in the corner and then gave him a body slam and knee to the throat of Tobias. Casamassa gave Tobias a snapmare and then tagged in Boon who drove his knee into the head of Tobias and then locked in a neck wrench. Boon knocked Tobias down again and then knocked Shou off the apron and made the tag to Casamassa who came in and gave Tobias a jump kick to the chest and then drove his knee into the throat of Tobias again and made the cover. 1............................2........................ Shou kicks Casamassa off of Tobias. Casamassa then locked in an arm bar on Tobias as Shou tried to get the crowd behind Tobias, but the fans are chanting "Finish him." Tobias finally made it to the corner for the tag and Shou came in and took Casamassa down with a swinging kick. 1......................2...................... Boon breaks up the count. Shou then sent Boon to the outside and gave Casamassa some mounted punches in the corner. Shou hit a seated senton on Casamassa. 1....................2.................. Casamassa kicks out. Casamassa came back with a big spin kick to the face but Shou sent Casamassa into the ropes and went for a Liu Kang-like flying kick but Boon came inside and went for a powerbomb, but Tobias took out his legs. Tobias then back dropped Shou onto Boon. Boon crawls into a corner and then Tobias scored with the bronco buster. Shou then scored with the flying kick as the referee tried to get Tobias to the outside. Shou went for the Bronco Buster but Boon speared Tobias. Tobias charges at Boon, but then he is hit in the shoulder by a Scorpion harpoon. He is pulled to Casamassa who uppercuts Tobias. Shou tries to get up but then Boon nails a Shadow Kick. Boon and Cassamasa cover both Tobias and Shou. 1......................2....................3! Bell rings.:: Winners: Ed Boon and Chris Casamassa ::"Test Your Might" plays as Boon and Casamassa talk trash to the fallen Tobias and Shou. But then "Cat's the Greatest" plays. Ernest Miller dances his way out to the ring with a mic in hand.:: Cat: Hold up! Hold up a sec! Hey, Boon, Casamassa, congrats on your victory! But there's a small problem! These fans here were chanting "Finish him" and the loser is to be deleted...... So, FINISH THEM! ::The crowd cheers. Tobias and Shou shake their heads and start to beg for mercy. Boon grabs Casamassa's harpoon and throws it through the side of Tobias' head. The fans cheer as Boon rips Tobias' head off with the spear. Shou tries to run but then Casamassa pulls his mask off and shoots fire at Shou like Scorpion. Shou burns to death. The fans cheer some more. "Test Your Might" plays as Boon and Casamassa head to the back, shaking the fans' hands, signing quick autographs, and posing for a few pictures.:: Chip: Congratulations Ed Boon and Chris Casamassa! One of the Crack Waltzes are gone! Steve: Speaking of Crack Waltzes, we have Ted Turner in the back about to be interviewed on his match against Gemini Drake. Guy La Douche is standing by. Guy? ::Backstage, Ted Turner is being interviewed by Guy.:: Guy: Guy LaDouche here talking to the leader of the Crack Waltzes, Ted Turner. Now, Ted, tonight you face Gemini in a Braves match where whenever a pinfall is made the loser has one of his limbs removed by a hatchet. Any comment? Ted: You know, I been back in WWF for a month now, it feels REAL, real good. It feels so good, you know Randy Savage...and Gemini Drake's family, you know, they already gave me a surprise party just last week on Rare. And you know, I came right here tonight, to Louisville, Kentucky - *thumbs up* BRAVES! I came here tonight for one reason only... one good turn deserves another. You know, I concentrated on Gemini Drake so much, I forgot about all the people who hate the Crack Waltzes in the back. So I'm gonna say it like this here.... no matter whether it's Gemini Drake, Mahalia, you know, even Johnny Banks or Chris Jericho - even YOU Randy Savage, you all ancient, antique decrepit old buzzards. I tell you like this here, tonight, I'm gonna stand in that ring until I know for sure that Gemini will get his ass hacked up into tiny little pieces. Guy: Guy don't like. Chip: Thanks for the interview, Guy. Steve: Folks, up next, like Guy said, is a Braves match. Ted Turner against Gemini Drake. Each time a pin fall or submission is made the loser must lose a body part. Chip: This match will continue until someone is dead and hacked up. Here's why these guys are here tonight. ::Footage with "Waiting for You" is playing. Johnny Banks is seen turning to the entryway of Low Down to see all four members of the Crack Waltzes come out. They all enter the ring and surround Johnny. The Crack Waltzes charge at Johnny trying to ambush him. Johnny side steps Tony Little, then hits him with Sweet Chin Music. Martha runs at him with a lead pipe in hand, but Johnny kicks her in the gut and nails her with a Snow Plow-like move. John Tobias and Ron Popeil double axe handle Johnny from behind, then start to stomp on him. Gemini runs out and enters the ring. Popeil turns around and gets nailed with a Big Boot to the face. Gemini clotheslines Tobias off of Johnny. Johnny gets up and tackles Tobias, punching him on the way down. Then, the Crack Waltzes are shown walking out from the back and start to attack Jericho and HBK. The crowd boos as the Crack Waltzes start to brutally attack HBK and Jericho. The bell is ringing fiercely. Martha grabs the IC belt and nails Jericho in the face with it. Popeil hits HBK with the Set-It-And-Forget-It on the concrete floor. Then, Gemini and Johnny run out and start to fight off the Crack Waltzes. The Johnny Bank/Gemini Drake vs. Crack Waltzes match is shown, then the Crack Waltzes being attacked week after week is shown. Then, Gemini Drake is seen putting Tony Little in the New Shit, making him tap out. Tony is seen losing to Randy Orton, then Gemini big booting him in the face on his way to the back. As Gemini defeats Orton, Tony attacks Gemini, but Orton assists him. After that, Gemini is seen talking with Ted Turner with the Crack Waltzes surrounding the ring. Then, Tony Little is seen clotheslining Gemini from behind. After that, Gemini is seen talking with Ted Turner with the Crack Waltzes surrounding the ring. Then, Tony Little is seen clotheslining Gemini from behind. Desert Heat footage plays of Gemini defeating Tony Little in the handicap match, then Ted Turner ordering Brock Lesnar to F-5 Mahalia neck first into the turnbuckle. Gemini is seen chasing the Crack Waltzes with a 2x4 and banging up their limo. Mahalia's interview is shown. During the WWF title match on a Low Down, Gemini is shown big booting Lesnar and Johnny pinning him. Lesnar seems to be crying. Gemini runs back in and starts kicking and punching Lesnar. He tries to lock Lesnar in the New Shit, but Lesnar kicks him away. Gemini falls to the outside. Lesnar picks up Gemini and screams, "Say hello to Mahalia for me!" He puts Gemini on his shoulders for an F-5, but Johnny nails Lesnar in the back of the head with the WWF title belt. Then, on Rare, Gemini accidentally punches Kristin with a steel chain, then Brock F-5ing Gemini is shown. The two stare each other down with rage as the footage shows Gemini defeating Lesnar. Ted Turner is shown hitting Gemini with a steel chair. The montage ends with Gemini nailing the Gemini Splitter on Ted Turner and the two staring each other down.::
Braves Match ::A few Native Indians are shown at ringside with a table filled with tomahawks. "This is the New Sh*t" by Marilyn Manson plays as Gemini Drake comes out to a mixed ovation. He stands on the rampway and raises his arms in the air. He enters the ring and waits for Ted Turner. "Evolution" by Motorhead plays as Ted Turner walks out. The fans are booing him to no end. Turner walks down the aisle, the fans cheering him. He sticks up his thumbs and shouts "Go Braves!" He enters the ring and does it again. Bell rings.:: ::Fans are already starting a "Gemini" chant. Ted tells the fans to shut up but they get louder and louder. Gemini grins evilly. Ted and Gemini locked it up in the center of the ring and Gemini put Ted in a wrist lock and Ted countered it into a wrist lock of his own until Gemini flipped and rolled to get out of it. Gemini then nails Ted with a springboard bulldog. 1.....................2.....................3! Gemini wins the first fall. Gemini walks out of the ring and grabs one of the tomahawks. Ted screams in fear as Gemini cuts Ted's entire left arm off. Gemini tosses the tomahawk back to the Indians. Gemini got right in the ring and he attacked Ted from behind to send him down to the mat. Gemini put Ted in a dragon sleeper and to force him to tap out. Gemini wins the second fall. Gemini walks out of the ring again and grabs another tomahawk, haking off Ted's left leg. Ted screams in pain as blood fills the ring. Gemini tosses the tomahawk out. He hopped to the ring apron and he nailed Ted with a springboard senton and then he got up and went off the ropes but Ted somehow nailed Gemini with a one legged drop kick to send him down to the mat and Ted pinned Gemini. 1...................2...................... Gemini kicks out. Ted gave Gemini a spinebuster and a pin. 1..................2.................. Gemini kicks out again. Ted perched Gemini on the top rope but Gemini countered it into a sunset bomb. 1........................2.....................3! Gemini gets the third fall. He walks outside and grabs another tomahawk, cutting off Ted's right arm. Blood is everywhere! Gemini tosses the tomahawk out. Ted got right in the ring and kicked away on Gemini and Gemini went for a moonsault on Ted but Ted avoided it. Gemini knocked Ted into the ropes and then he hit him with the big boot. 1......................2......................3! Gemini wins the fourth fall and cuts off Ted's last leg. Ted is nothing more but a torso and a head. He begs Gemini to let him go. Gemini shakes his head and hoists the old man up. Ted continues to beg but Gemini hits the Gemini Splitter on Ted. 1.....................2.....................3! Bell rings.:: Winner: Gemini Drake ::"This is the New Sh*t" plays as Gemini walks out of the ring and grabs another tomahawk. He runs back into the ring, trying to keep himself from slipping on the blood. Ted is out like a light and Gemini cuts off Ted's head. The fans gasp, some cheer, some scream. Gemini picks up the disembodied head and kicks it out of the ring like a soccer ball. Gemini heads to the back with a smile on his face.:: ::Backstage, Martha Stewart, Brock Lesnar, Tony Little, and Ron Popeil look shocked.:: Martha: Oh my God, I can't believe this! Ted Turner AND John Tobias are dead! I can't believe this! Who's going to be next?! Tony: Martha, calm down! Calm down! It's not the end of the world! We can still be a powerful stable without the likes of Ted Turner. Be calm! Popeil: I can't believe that Savage and the board of directors would legalize those actions! This is bull! Lesnar: Calm down, guys, calm down. I'm up next in my match. My non-sanctioned match against Mahalia. She maybe a former WWF champion, but let me tell you something. I am also a former champion. I will see to it that Mahalia is done for! ::Lesnar heads out to the ring. Camera is on JR and King.:: JR: Folks, if you happened to just tune in...... Ted Turner has lost the Braves match. He is dead. The clean up crew is currently trying to clean up the mess that has been made by this war. It is going to be finally over. King: JR, this is Mahalia's first match back. I too am a little worried about her well being in this match. But it is unsanctioned. I'm not going to stop her. No one is going to stop her. She wants to go through with this match and defeat Lesnar once and for all. JR: Here's how these two came to meet with one another. ::Footage plays with Ted Turner and the Crack Waltzes beating down Gemini Drake at Desert Heat. Then Brock Lesnar walks out with Mahalia in hand. He then nails her with the F-5 in the ring post neck first. Gemini checks on Mahalia who is sent to a hospital. Mahalia's interview is shown saying if she ever gets back she wants Lesnar herself. Then Mahalia is seen talking to Savage about a match. Mahalia and Lesnar then sign a contract. Mahalia and Lesnar are shown talking and that Lesnar promises to break her in half.::
Unsanctioned Match ::"The Call of Ktulu" by Metallica plays as the arena darkens. Mist shoots up from the ramp and stage. Mahalia walks out to a standing ovation. She throws her arms in the air and waves at the crowd. She enters the ring and climbs a turnbuckle, posing for pictures. She leaps down and awaits Lesnar. "The Next Big Thing" plays as Brock Lesnar comes out. The crowd boos Lesnar as he comes out. Lesnar runs in place, then walks down to the ring. He leaps on the apron, expecting pyros, but doesn't get any. He enters the ring and runs in place again. Bell rings.:: ::Mahalia leaps at Lesnar and tackles him. She starts to give him a few mounted punches across the face, showing no mercy whatsoever. Lesnar tossed Mahalia to the outside but Mahalia hopped right back into the ring and speared Lesnar down to the mat and gave him a number of right hands to start it off. Mahalia tossed Lesnar over the top rope and then she came over the top rope with a high cross body on Lesnar to take him down on the outside. Mahalia went under the ring and pulled out a trash can and a trash can lid but Lesnar launched Mahalia into the security wall to knock her down. Mahalia knocked Lesnar down with a trash can and then she came off the top rope with a missile dropkick to knock Lesnar down. Mahalia seems to have aggrovated her neck on the drop. Mahalia then signaled for the dragonrana but Lesnar ducked it and gave Mahalia lands on her back, reaggrovating her neck injury again. Lesnar picks Mahalia up and hoists her on his shoulder. He then flips her over like a Death Valley Driver, but has his knee hit the back of her neck. Mahalia screams in pain. Mahalia rolled around on the mat screaming and with that, Lesnar picked Mahalia up and gave her another nasty neckbreaker. Lesnar continued to work over the neck by whipping MAhalia into the corner as hard as he could, two times and then he delivered a couple elbow drops to the back of the neck and pinned her. 1.......................2........................ Mahalia kicks out. Lesnar then got out of the ring and grabbed a steel chair and brought it back into the ring and nailed Mahalia right in the head with it and then he pinned her. 1....................................2............................. Mahalia kicks out again. Lesnar placed the chair in the center of the ring and then he planted Mahalia on it with a DDT and then he pinned her. 1..............................................2..................................... Mahalia kicks out. Mahalia was busted opened as a result. Lesnar reached underneath the ring and pulls out what looks like a cable. He then he whipped her like a slave with the cable. Lesnar went under the ring and he pulled out a sledge hammer and the referee tried to stop him from using it but Lesnar just shoved the referee and that gave Mahalia the opportunity to hammer Lesnar down into the corner with a shoulder ram. Lesnar clohteslines Mahalia hard, Hali holding her neck. Lesnar puts Mahalia in a Brock Lock and then he used the ropes to his advantage and Earl Hebner argued with Lesnar, even though he can't legally break it up. Lesnar gets in Hebner's face, breaking the hold. Hali is holding her neck in pain and glaring at Lesnar. Lesnar perched Mahalia on the top rope but Mahalia fought out of it and then Mahalia stood up on the top rope but Lesnar shoved Earl into the ropes and that knocked Mahalia down. With Mahalia hanging down off the ropes, Lesnar nailed him with a hard chair shot to the head to knock him down and out. Lesnar set a chair up in the middle of the ring and then he picked Mahalia up and gave her the vicious neckbreaker right onto the steel chair, using the chair in place of his knee. Lesnar then pinned Mahalia. 1................................2................................. Mahalia kicks out. Lesnar tries again. 1.............................2................................ Mahalia kicks out again. Lesnar tries one more time. 1.................................2.............................. Mahalia kicks out. Lesnar gave Mahalia a sidewalk slam onto the folded steel chair and then he pinned Mahalia again. 1............................2................................ Mahalia kicks out. Lesnar placed the chair in the center of the ring once again, but this time, he attempted to F-5 Mahalia but Mahalia battled out of it and gave Lesnar a low blow and both competitors went down to the mat. Both got up and Lesnar picked up the steel chair and went to use it but Mahalia thrust kicked the chair right back into the face of Lesnar but he was unable to cover him to pick up the win. With that, Lesnar was busted wide opened at the hands of Mahalia. Lesnar whipped Mahalia off the ropes and Mahalia came back with a flying kick to the face and whipped Lesnar off the ropes and gave him a back body drop as the fans went nuts for Mahalia. Mahalia grabbed the steel chair and he nailed Lesnar with it to knock him down and then Mahalia whipped Lesnar into the corner and Lesnar went sailing to the outside of the ring where Mahalia beat on him with various weapons at ringside. Mahalia nailed Lesnar with a trash can lid and then she spin kicked him right in the forehead, knocking him backwards into the barricade. Mahalia then moved the top set of steel steps and then she circled the ring and gave Lesnar a bulldog onto the steps! After that, Mahalia pulled out a ladder and the fans went absolutely nuts for her as she charged into Lesnar with ladder to knock him down. Mahalia gave Lesnar a slingshot into the ladder on the outside and then she rolled him into the ring and pinned him. 1...................................2................................... Lesnar kicks out. After that, Mahalia went to bring the ladder into the ring but Lesnar kicked the ladder right into Mahalia to knock her down on the outside. Mahalia gave Lesnar a hurricanrana from the second rope. Lesnar brought the steel steps into the ring and he went to hit Mahalia with them but Mahalia gave Lesnar a drop toe hold and Lesnar's face bounced off the stairs. After that, Mahalia knocked Lesnar to the outside with a clothesline and then Mahalia went out and got a table and set it up at ring side. Mahalia knocked Lesnar onto the table with a fire extinguisher and then she went to the top rope and came off the top with a big dragonsault through Lesnar and the table and the fans chanted "Holy shit! Holy shit!" Mahalia then brought the ladder into the ring as Lesnar rolled into the ring and Mahalia set the ladder up and climbed it in the corner and came off the ladder with a moonsault on Lesnar! As quick as Mahalia went down, she got right back up and pumped herself up for the dragonrana and she waited on the top rope for Lesnar to get up and she went for the dragonrana but Lesnar caught her. He flips her onto his shoulders, looking for an F-5, but Mahalia lashes her hand on Lesnar's face for the Dragon Claw. The fans are on their feet, Lesnar trying to fight Mahalia off of him. He falls to one knee, then falls to his back, Mahalia having the hold on him still. Lesnar's shoulders are down. 1......................................2............................................................3! Bell rings!:: Winner: Mahalia ::"The Call of Ktulu" plays as Mahalia rolls out of the ring, holding her neck. Gemini and Kristin run out, helping Mahalia to the back. The fans are cheering for her. She gives people high fives, hugs, autographs, and poses for pictures. She heads to the back afterwards.:: Chip: I'll be damned, Steve! I'll be damned! Mahalia barely defeated Brock Lesnar in that contest! Steve: Good for Mahalia! She has gotten her revenge! Take that, Lesnar! ::Backstage, Johnny Banks is being interviewed by Jessica Bice.:: Jessica: Johnny, I would just like to say that it is an honor to interview you again. Johnny: Hey, the pleasure is all mine, Jessica. Jessica: Up next is your match against Cletus. Do you have any comments before going out there and competing? Johnny: Just a bit. Cletus, I know you were going to say all this stuff about me on Low Down, there's one thing you forgot to mention and that's the fact as to why you left the WWF in 2002. Let's face it... the reason Cletus LEFT...is me. Cletus knows that he doesn't belong in the same ring with me or anyone else in this arena. Cletus knows that he can't hang with us in this ring. As a matter of fact, Cletus doesn't belong speaking our name, that RCW sell out. And the fact is, that the second I had Chris Jericho beat to become the WWF champion, Cletus knew that his days as getting a championship were numbered. So he ran with his tail between his legs. You see, Jessica, as it turns out, the Redneck Messiah has no balls. ::Johnny leaves.:: Steve: Johnny seems fully prepared for this match up. Chip: Folks, here is the reason why these two are going against each other. ::Cletus is seen being eliminated first from the six-pack elimination challenge at Redemption thanks to Johnny Banks' plan. During Johnny's rematches against Chris Jericho Cletus interferes in both matches and costs Johnny each of them. Footage of Eric Bischoff being fired from being Johnny's assistant is shown.:: ::"I'm Back" plays as the fans boo. Eric Bischoff comes out and walks down to Chip and Steve's table to do commentary.:: Steve: Well, here comes Mr. Banks' former assistant. Bischoff: Shut up, Steve, I'm not in the mood to put up with your bullcrap tonight. I'm telling you this now. Johnny Banks is going to lose tonight like he'll lose every other night. Chip: That's just your opinion. Cletus vs. Johnny Banks ::"Fight to Survive" plays as Johnny Banks comes out to a mixed ovation. He enters the ring poses for the fans to take pictures. "Man of Constant Sorrow" starts to play as Cletus comes out, doing a hillbilly dance to the ring. He enters the ring and does another hillbilly dance, taking off his hat at the end. He tosses his hat and vest outside afterwards. Bell rings.:: ::The two men lock up and Cletus goes behind Johnny with a waist lock. Johnny reverses into a waist lock of his own. Cletus counters into another waist lock and rolls Johnny up. Phoenix kicks out before the referee can make a count and comes back up. The two men find themselves in a collar and elbow tie up once more. Johnny places Cletus into a headlock. Cletus pushes Johnny off. Johnny bounces off the ropes. He ducks a clothesline from Cletus. Johnny comes off the ropes once more and Cletus takes Johnny down with a spinebuster. Cletus hooks the leg of Johnny. 1.........................2.................... Johnny kicks out. Cletus comes off of Johnny and he smiles. Cletus goes up top. He comes off with an elbow drop. Johnny rolls out of the way and Cletus crashes to the mat. Johnny quickly makes the cover on Asher. 1..............................2........................... Cletus kicks out. Johnny comes off of Cletus and he goes up top. Johnny stands on the top rope, but Cletus is quickly up. Cletus runs up to the second rope. He takes Johnny down with a super back drop. Both men lay on the mat, but Cletus is the first man up. Cletus lifts Johnny up to his feet. Cletus nails Johnny with a right hand. Cletus Irish whips Johnny into the corner. Johnny leaps onto the second turnbuckle. Johnny jumps off and hits a spinning back kick to take Cletus down. Johnny covers Cletus. 1............................2.................................. Cletus gets the shoulder up. Johnny comes to his feet and he brings Cletus up with him. Johnny nails a right hand. Johnny bounces off of the ropes. He goes for a cross body but Cletus catches him in mid-air. Cletus takes Johnny down into a back breaker. Johnny rolls off of the knee of Cletus and Cletus mounts Johnny and nails numerous rights to the face of Johnny. Cletus brings Johnny up. Cletus nails a kick to the gut of Johnny. Cletus sits Johnny up and takes him down with a neckbreaker. Cletus goes for another cover. 1............................2...................... Johnny kicks out. Cletus brings Johnny up. He Irish whips Johnny. Johnny ducks a clothesline. Johnny bounces off the ropes again. He ducks another clothesline. Johnny once again comes off of the ropes and he takes Cletus down with a Shadow Kick. Johnny bounces off the ropes again and hits a leg drop onto Cletus. The crowd gets behind Johnny as he goes up top. Johnny comes off the top turnbuckle with the HBK-like elbow drop. Cameras flash as he soars through the air, but Johnny hits the mat hard as Cletus barely rolls out of the way. Both men lay on the mat and the referee starts the ten count. 1....2....3....4....5....6....7.... Cletus starts to move. He quickly makes the cover on Johnny. 1.................2...................... Johnny gets the shoulder up. Cletus comes up and he brings Johnny up with him. Cletus nails a kick to the gut of Johnny. Cletus tosses the head of Johnny between his legs. Cletus wraps his arms around the waist of Johnny. Cletus goes for a piledriver, but Johnny reverses into a back body drop. Johnny picks up Cletus and nails him with a side effect and goes for the cover. 1..................2............... Cletus kicks out. Johnny brings Cletus up. Johnny Irish whips Cletus, but Cletus takes Johnny down with a clothesline. Johnny gets up and Cletus nails him with three jabs, steps back, does a hillbilly dance, and punches Johnny down. He picks Johnny up and nails the Three Second Ride. Cletus goes for the cover. 1..................................2.............................. the count is broken up as Johnny gets his foot on the ropes. Cletus drags Johnny off of the ropes. Cletus covers. 1.........................2........................ Johnny barely rolls the shoulder off of the mat. Cletus comes up. He can't believe it. Cletus brings Johnny up. Cletus goes for a right hand, but Johnny somehow blocks it. Johnny dropkicks Cletus to the outside. Johnny looks a little groggy, but he follows Cletus to the outside. The referee follows the action and tells the two men to get back into the ring. Johnny follows Cletus who is hunched over at the announce table. Bischoff hands Cletus something and Cletus puts it in his mouth. Johnny turns Cletus around. Cletus spits a brown liquid from his mouth, but Johnny moves and the referee gets blinded. Cletus takes this opportunity and nails Johnny in the head with the a chair that Bischoff handed to him. Johnny is laid out on the floor and Cletus tosses him back in. Cletus picks Johnny up and nails the Three Second Ride again. Cletus covers. There is no referee. Cletus checks on the ref, who is still blinded on the outside. Cletus tosses him in. Cletus covers. The referee continues to wipe his eyes and finally sees the pin. 1..........................2........................ Johnny kicks out. Cletus is livid. Cletus comes up and grabs Johnny up to his feet. Cletus sends Johnny into the ropes. Cletus goes for a belly to belly throw. Johnny reverses somehow and takes Cletus down into a reverse neckbreaker. Both men are down but Johnny kips up. He goes to the corner and sets up for Sweet Chin Music. Cletus gets up and Johnny goes for the kick, but Cletus dodges it. Cletus turns around and Johnny gets him with a Shadow Kick. Johnny covers. 1..............................2..........................3! Bell rings.:: Winner: Johnny Banks ::"Fight to Survive" plays as Johnny slaps Cletus across the face. He tells him not to get in his way again.:: Bischoff: NO! DAMMIT NO! WE WERE SO CLOSE! Chip: Just what the hell did you give Cletus back there, Bischoff?! Bischoff: That's none of your damn business! I am so disappointed in Cletus just like I am disappointed in Johnny Banks! It's so hard to find good help these days! ::Backstage, Chris Jericho is walking toward the ring.:: JR: There he is, King, the WWF Champion is on his way here to face his mystery opponent. King: I can't wait, JR. I can't wait. ::Survivor Series ad:: ::The Y2J countdown begins. When the symbol reads "Y2J," pyros shoot up. "Break the Walls Down" plays as Chris Jericho comes out with the WWF Championship belt around his waist. He enters the ring, pulls off the belt, and raises it up in the air. He hands the referee the title. He waits patiently for his opponent to show himself. Suddenly, the arena darkens. Lightning strikes. Jericho looks determined. Suddenly, "Spectre of the Goblin" plays. The arena turns green. The Green Goblin's laugh is heard. He flies down from his glider. He lands in the ring. Jericho looks shocked to see this.:: JR: The Green Goblin is Jericho's mystery opponent?! King: Unbelievable! I never saw this one coming, JR! Not in a million years! JR: Folks, I just got word from the back that this match is now a no DQ match! ::Jericho glares at the goblin. Bell rings.::
WWF Title / No DQ match ::The two men stand face to face not taking their eyes off one another. Jericho arches back and shoves Goblin. Goblin breaks a smile under his helmet. Jericho swings, but Goblin blocks it. Goblin nails a right hand. Goblin backs Jericho into the corner with more right hands. Goblin sends a knife edge chop into the chest of Jericho. Goblin Irish whips Jericho and Jericho crashes into the turnbuckle. Goblin runs at Jericho, but Jericho ducks and drops down out of the ring. Jericho starts to make his way up the ramp as the crowd cheer. "Y2J" chant is heard. Jericho continues to walk away from the ring. Goblin looks on before finally going through the ropes. Goblin runs up the ramp. He extends his arm and takes Jericho down with a stiff clothesline to the back of the head. Jericho stumbles forward. Goblin spins Jericho around and Irish whips him toward the ring. Jericho crashes back first into the ring. Goblin nails a right hand to Jericho. He turns Jericho around and sends him head first into the apron. Goblin rolls Jericho into the ring. Goblin slides into the ring. Goblin stands up to his feet and sends his boot into the spine of Jericho. Goblin brings Jericho up to his feet and Irish whips him into the ropes. Jericho comes off of the ropes and receives two feet to the chin as Goblin nails a dropkick. Goblin quickly goes for a cover, but it is too soon as Jericho gets his shoulder up. Goblin comes up off of the canvas and stalks over Jericho. Jericho is brought to his feet. Goblin arches his arm back and nails Jericho with a right hand. Goblin grabs the arm of Jericho. Goblin pushes Jericho off of the ropes and Irish whips him across the ring. Jericho jumps onto the second rope. He springboards off and takes Goblin to the mat with a cross body. Jericho goes for the cover. 1.........................2...................... Goblin kicks out. Jericho rolls off of Goblin. Jericho pushes himself up on his elbows and comes up to his feet. Jericho brings Goblin up and plants a fist into the side of his face. Jericho arches back and nails another right to Goblin. Jericho Irish whips Goblin. Goblin comes off of the ropes. Jericho gets a boot into the stomach of Goblin. Goblin hunches forward and Jericho wraps an arm around the neck of Goblin. Jericho falls back and takes Goblin to the mat with a DDT. Jericho puts an arm over Goblin. 1...............................2................................. Goblin gets a shoulder off of the mat. Jericho slides out of the ring. Jericho grabs the leg of Goblin. Jericho drags Goblin to the corner post. He pulls the leg of Goblin away from the post. Jericho sends the leg of Goblin toward the steel post. Goblin stops his leg from hitting the post. He nails a kick to the face of Jericho. Jericho stumbles backward. Goblin slides to the outside and nails a right hand to the face of Jericho. Goblin backs away. He runs at Jericho. Jericho ducks and sends Goblin into the crowd. Jericho steps over the barricade. Goblin uses the leg of a female fan to push himself to his feet. Goblin turns and is met by a right hand. Goblin stumbles backwards. Jericho runs at Jericho. Goblin ducks. He grabs the legs of Jericho. Jericho is lifted into the air and Goblin sends him to the concrete floor with a spinebuster. Goblin grabs the hair of Jericho and brings him to his feet. Goblin sends Jericho over the barricade back toward the ring. Goblin follows over. Goblin tosses Jericho in by the hair of his head. Goblin follows into the ring. Goblin makes his way over to Jericho. Goblin crawls over onto Jericho. Goblin hooks the leg. 1....................2..................... Jericho pulls his shoulder up off of the mat. Goblin pushes himself up to his feet. Goblin grabs the leg of Jericho. Goblin nails a kick to the back of the knee. Goblin slides to the outside of the ring. Goblin grabs the leg of Jericho and drags him to the corner. Goblin sends the leg of Jericho into the steel ring post. Goblin grabs the leg of Jericho and sends it into the steel post once more. Jericho grabs his leg in pain, but he doesn't get to comfort it long as Goblin grabs his leg and drags him to the outside. Goblin nails Jericho with a right hand and grabs the arm of Jericho. Goblin Irish whips Jericho. Jericho holds on to the arm of Goblin and reverses the Irish whip. Jericho sends Goblin into the steel steps and both men collapse on the arena floor. Jericho puts his hand on the apron and slowly pulls himself up to his feet. Jericho limps over to the falling body of Goblin. Jericho brings Goblin up to his feet. He places a hand on the back of Goblin's head and sends it straight down into the steel steps. Jericho sends the head of Goblin into the steel steps once more and he realizes he is in full control. Jericho grabs the arm of Goblin and sends him into the announce table. Goblin goes down hard on the arena floor and the crowd starts cheering. Jericho doesn't look like he is ready to get Goblin into the ring just yet. Jericho rolls Goblin onto the announce table. Jericho sends an elbow into the sternum of Goblin. He show boats to the crowd, then places a leg onto the announce table. Jericho pushes himself up on to the announce table. Jericho brings Goblin up to his feet. He wraps an arm around the head of Goblin. Jericho grabs the leg of Goblin. Goblin blocks a suplex. Jericho tries to lift Goblin up again, but once again it is blocked. Jericho holds onto the head of Goblin. Jericho falls backwards. He plants Goblin with a DDT and the announce table collapses. The two men lay on the arena floor the crowd chanting "holy shit". The referee comes out and quickly checks on both men. Jericho starts to push himself up to his feet. The referee signals and EMTs run down the ramp. They immediately go around the ring and check on Goblin. The officials start to help Goblin onto a gurney and they wheel him around the ring. The officials make their way up the ramp as Goblin lies motionless on the bedding. As officials make their way up the ramp with Goblin, Jericho finally realises what is happening. Jericho takes off up the ramp and knocks EMTs to the side. Jericho grabs the hospital gurney and wheels it back down to the ring. Jericho sends Goblin crashing into the ring and the bed falls over. Jericho grabs Goblin and sends him into the ring. He follows in and he immediately covers Goblin. 1..............................2.............................. Goblin gets the shoulder up and a look of shock crosses Jericho's face. Jericho pushes Goblin back flat on the mat. Jericho hooks both legs as the referee counts again. 1.........................2.................. Goblin again kicks out. Jericho comes to his feet. He gets in the referee, Jan Kaitschuck's face and the two share words. The fans start chanting "Slug the bitch!" Jericho looks to be backing off by follows with a kick to the gut on Kaitschuck. Jericho hoists Kaitschuck up and nails her with the Flashback. Jericho looks at the fallen Kaitschuck and kicks her out of the ring. The fans cheer Jericho. Jericho turns his attention back to Goblin who continues to lay on the mat. Jericho grabs the head of Goblin. He brings Goblin up to his feet and follows that with a right hand. Jericho sends Goblin into the ropes. Goblin manages to duck a clothesline. Goblin bounces off the ropes again. Jericho turns and Jericho takes him down with a Lou Thesz press. Goblin wails away on the face of Jericho with numerous right hands and the crowd goes nuts. Goblin comes up to his feet. Adrenaline rushing. Jericho pushes himself up. He comes toward Goblin. Goblin nails Jericho with a right hand. Jericho takes two steps back. Jericho comes toward Goblin once more. Goblin nails him with another right hand. Goblin sends Jericho into the ropes. Jericho comes off of the ropes. Goblin sends a boot into the gut of Jericho. Goblin puts Jericho in the position of a diamond cutter, leaps in the air, backflips over, and drills Jericho with a reverse DDT. Jericho lays sprawled out in the center of the ring. Goblin covers. There is no referee. As the crowd watches the ramp, a referee finally appears running toward the ring at full speed. The referee slides in and it's Naomi Watts. Naomi counts. 1...........................2................................. Jericho kicks out. Fury fills the eyes of Goblin. Naomi sensing this goes out of the ring. Goblin follows. Goblin chases Naomi around the ring, but Naomi out runs him. Goblin ceases the chase. Naomi turns as Goblin raises his hand. Naomi is suddenly pulled toward Goblin since he has his hand pulling her hair. She tries to resist, but the force is too strong. Naomi comes toward Goblin and meets a foot to the face. Naomi stumbles back. Goblin grabs Naomi once more. Naomi is sent forward and Goblin takes her down with a clothesline. The crowd boos. Goblin comes back into the ring as Jericho stands on his feet. Jericho sees Naomi laying on the outside and a look of fear comes across his face. He shakes his head. Jericho goes to run to her, but Goblin grabs him. Goblin sends Jericho into the corner. Goblin sets Jericho onto the top turnbuckle and he makes his way up to the second. Goblin nails a punch to the gut and hooks the head of Jericho. Goblin stands. He takes Jericho over with a superplex. Goblin comes up to his feet. He notices there isn't a referee in sight and he goes over to the fallen Jericho. Goblin grabs the leg of Jericho. He hooks Goblin into a modified version of the dragon sleeper. Jericho's face turns red as Goblin holds on to the submission. Jericho starts to tap, but there is no one to make the call. Goblin continues to hold onto Goblin, as Jericho continues to pound away on the mat. Goblin pulls tighter on the hold. He suddenly feels a sharp pain in his back. Big Show stands over him with a steel chair as Jericho coughs, trying to regain control of his air. Big Show helps Jericho up to his feet. Jericho can barely stand, but he sees the job Show has done and he starts to smile. Show points to the ropes and Jericho knows what to do. Jericho makes his way over to the ropes. Big Show holds the arms of Goblin as Jericho sets up. Jericho runs at the ropes, springboards off with the Lionsault, and connects onto Goblin. Naomi Watts gets back in the ring and sees the pin. 1....................2...................... Goblin gets a shoulder up. Jericho cannot believe it. Jericho tells Big Show to grab the chair. Jericho comes up and he brings Goblin to his feet. Jericho holds Goblin and Show has the chair in hand. Show sends the chair into the stomach of Goblin. Jericho holds on as Big Show nails Goblin in the head. Jericho drops Goblin and he covers. Naomi makes the count. 1......................2................ Goblin again kicks out. Jericho comes up. Jericho grabs the chair away from Big Show. He stands over Goblin and sends the chair into the head of Goblin. Jericho raises the chair again and it crashes onto the stomach of Goblin. Jericho nails the head, then the stomach. Again, and again. Blood squirts out from Goblin's helmet. Jericho drops the chair and covers Goblin. 1..........................2....................... the shoulder comes off the mat and Jericho once again cannot believe it. Jericho comes up to his feet and kicks the chair. Jericho brings Goblin up to his feet. Jericho hoists Goblin up and plants him with a bulldog. He then nails the Lionsault. But then Jericho picks up Goblin and tosses him to Big Show, who choke slams him. Jericho hits another Lionsault on Goblin. Naomi counts. 1...............................2..........................................3! Bell rings.:: Winner and STILL WWF Champion: Chris Jericho ::"Break the Walls Down" plays. The fans are cheering. Naomi lifts Jericho's arm in the air. Big Show hands Jericho his title. Jericho says not yet. He walks over to the Goblin and rips his helmet off. It's........ It's.......... It's............... Jericho is shocked, as are the fans.:: JR: Well, who is he already? ::Jericho moves back to reveal.......... Willem Dafoe! Dafoe is bleeding from the head badly. EMTs run down to load Goblin on the gurney. Jericho and Big Show accompany him up the ramp, as does Naomi. The camera gets a close up of Willem before the show fades out.::
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