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< - - - The Monday show of the WWF, Monday Night Medium Rare - - - > |
Episode # | Titles Decided | Commentators | Date | Location | Arena |
8 | WWF Championship, WWF Intercontinental Championship, WWF European Championship, WWF Cruiserweight Championship | Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler | October 18, 2004 | Fort Myers, FL | Germain Arena |
< - - - Monday Night Rare - - - > | |||||
::Pyros shoot everywhere in the arena as the Rare theme starts to play. The audience members are holding up signs and are cheering their heads off. The camera crew goes around the arena, getting shots of the audience members with their signs.:: JR: What a night we're going to have here on WWF Rare, King! King: This is going to be great, JR. Last week on Low Down I thought we were going to have a new Women's champion in Fluisa, but we don't! It's still Dawn Marie! Why did Fluisa throw away her chance to be the champ? JR: I don't know, King. But I got word that tonight's main event will be Johnny Banks and Andre Dawson against Cletus and Andre Dawson. Plus, Jericho is still looking for the mystery opponent for Halloween Havoc. But first, let's go to our first match. Kyle vs. Max Turner ::"Firefly" plays as Max Turner comes out to a mixed reaction. He starts at Jericho, who taunts him to get in the ring. Max runs in as the refrain goes off. He climbs to the top rope and poses for people to take pictures. "You Look So Good to Me" plays on the PA system as Steve and Kyle, with Coach, come out to a booing ovation. To everyone dismay, Kyle is dressed with a blond wig and red dress. The two are locked arm-in-arm and are walking down the ramp way. They enter the ring and Steve pulls off Kyle's wig and dress. Kyle throws the wig and dress into the crowd. Coach looks confused. Steve steps out and stands by Coach. Bell rings.:: ::It starts off with Kyle attacking Max from behind. Max gets the upper hand and clotheslines Kyle out of the ring. Steve and Coach check on him, then Max leaps out of the ring with the plancha on the outside onto the three. Max throws Kyle back into the ring and hits him with a drop kick. Max goes to the top and nails him a leg drop. 1................2.............. Kyle kicks out. Max with a surfboard locked on Kyle. Kyle seems to like it and Max lets go. Kyle hits Max with a flying forearm. He then tosses Max out of the ring by his hair. Kyle tries to follow up with a suicide dive but misses. Kyle tries to throw Max back in the ring, Max bounces off the ropes and catches him with a DDT. Back in the ring Max hits the Flat Liner followed up by a standing moonsault. 1......................2....................... Kyle kicks out again. Kyle tosses Max to the outside. He follows out and chokes Max with the camera cables. Kyle hard Irish whips him into the chairs and safety rail. Back in the ring Kyle hits a Lou Thez press. 1......................2..................... Max kicks out. Kyle repeatedly slams Max's head to the mat. Short arm clothesline by Kyle. Suplex by Kyle. 1....................2............... Max kicks out. Max whips Kyle into the corner and hoists him up for a powerbomb, but Kyle counters with a hurricanrana. 1.....................2................... Max kicks out. Kyle with a swinging neckbreaker on Max. 1..................2.................. Max kicks out. Max low blows Kyle. Max goes for a Screwdriver, but Kyle struggles and gets a northern lights suplex. 1................2................ Max kicks out. Both men collide with shoulder blocks and Kyle falls out of the ring. Max gets up then tells the crowd to be quiet. Max lays down and plays possum. Kyle finally gets up and notices Max still out. He starts to move around the ring seductively. He picks up Max and goes to kiss him, but Max drop kicks him in the knees, sending Kyle to one knee. Max springs off the ropes and nails a shining wizard on Kyle. 1..................2..............3! Bell rings.:: Winner: Max Turner ::"Firefly" plays as Max raises his arms in the air in victory. From behind comes Coach who low blows Max. Max turns around slowly and Coach nails a spear on him. He starts punching away at Max and tells Steve to check on Kyle. But then, "Be a Man" plays. Randy Savage comes out to a standing ovation with a mic in hand.:: Savage: OOOOOOOOOOOOOH YEAHH! THE MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE IS IN THE HIZ-OUSE! *crowd cheers* Now, Coach, I don't know what you're on to make you think that those two in the ring are beautiful girls, but you need to stop taking whatever it is you're taking. Plus, your match is still on at Halloween Havoc for the tag titles, but I'm thinking we need to have a short match here. Coach, grab your two skanky bitches, and get ready. You're going to team with them against Max and the tag team champions on Low Down next week! ::Crowd cheers.** King: Ha ha! Skanky bitches, the BFO! That's a good one, JR. ::"Be a Man" plays as Macho Man heads for the back.:: ::Commercial break:: ::Halloween Havoc ad:: ::In the ring is Chris Jericho, the WWF title around his waist.:: Jericho: Now I know that last week on Low Down that Mr. Johnny Banks got screwed over again by that hick, Cletus. But you know something, I'm going to have Johnny take care of him tonight. I'm out here to find my opponent for Halloween Havoc, even if I have to tear up the entire locker room area. I know it's not Max. The only hint I got was that this person LOVES Halloween more than anyone. I thought it was Gemini Drake or Mahalia, but since they're both not here tonight it's obviously the Undertaker! *crowd cheers* Yes, the great and powerful Deadman. Big deal. Taker, I know that YOU'RE the so-called mystery opponent for me on Halloween. But your title shot will be nothing tonight! Taker, I'm calling you out, so get your ass out here and let's get it on, baby! JR: Is he for real?! Did he just call out the Undertaker?! ::The arena darkens. "Deadman's March" plays. The crowd cheers as the Undertaker comes out. Fog shoots out everywhere as the Deadman walks slowly towards the ring. He gets on the apron, raises his arms and the lights turn back on. He enters the ring and takes off his coat and hat. Jericho hands his title to the referee. Bell rings.::
WWF Title ::The Undertaker goes after Jericho right away with a grapple attempt but Jericho ducks out of the way and when Undertaker turns around Jericho bounces off the ropes and hits him with a running enziguri. Undertaker is knocked down on all fours but immediately begins to get up to his feet but as he is getting up to his feet Jericho grabs both of his arms and gives him a double armed suplex into a back breaker. Undertaker goes down and favors his back as he rolls around the mat with a look of pain on his face. That doesn’t keep the Undertaker down as he again starts getting up to his feet almost immediately but as he is Jericho charges and dropkicks The Undertaker right in his face. Jericho gets up to his feet, slapping The Undertaker on the back of his head as he does. Jericho starts to get up while picking up Taker but as he does The Undertaker grabs him by the throat. Undertaker gets up on his feet and picks Jericho up for a Chokeslam but as he lifts Jericho up in the air, Jericho kicks him in the groin. Jericho stands next to the Undertaker, puts him in a full nelson, then drops him down face first in the Breakdown! Jericho goes for a cover, 1...................2..................... Taker kicks out, sits up, and begins to get back up to his feet. Jericho runs off the ropes and as he nears him The Undertaker goes for a big boot but Jericho slides through his legs, gets up, bounces off the ropes, and takes Undertaker down to the mat face first again with a one handed face buster. Jericho pulls Undertaker over so he is laying on his back, Jericho then runs to the ropes, jumps up to the second rope, jumps back and hits Undertaker with the Lionsault! Jericho doesn’t go for a cover but instead gets up and poses for the cameras then does a little dance followed by holding his arms up in the air drawing more reactions from the crowd. Jericho taunts some of the fans at ringside while The Undertaker sits up behind him. Jericho turns around and The Undertaker again goes for a big boot but Jericho catches the leg, sweeps the other one out from under the Undertaker taking him down to the mat, then puts Undertaker in the Walls of Jericho!! Jericho pulls back on the hold keeping his knee against the back of The Undertaker’s neck while keeping him in a Boston crab. Jericho cinches in the hold until The Undertaker flips Jericho off of him! The Undertaker runs into the ropes. Jericho hits The Undertaker with a kick then nails a clothesline. Taker seats up and Jericho executes a dropkick on him. Jericho punches and chops away at the Deadman, but then the Deadman kicks and punches Jericho in the corner. Jericho pushes Taker away and nails a spinning heel kick. Taker seats and Jericho backs into a corner. Taker beats Jericho into the corner. Jericho dropkicks Taker out of the ring. Jericho dives out of the ring on Taker. Taker sends Jericho into the ring steps. Back in the ring Jericho hits a springboard dropkick knocking Taker out of the ring. Jericho throws the ring steps at Taker. Taker catches Jericho coming off the top and bodyslams him. 1...............2............... Jericho kicks out. Taker chokes Jericho in the corner. Taker clotheslines Jericho. Big boot by Taker. Taker hangs Jericho over his back, holding Jericho by his jaw. Taker exposes one of the turnbuckles. Taker throws Jericho out of the ring. Taker goes up top and Jericho crotches him. Jericho follows him up and gets pushed off. Taker comes off the top but Taker catches him in mid-air with a dropkick. Jericho goes up top and hits a missile dropkick. 1.....................2.................... Taker kicks out. Jericho pushes Taker into the exposed turnbuckle. Jericho locks on the Walls of Jericho, Taker makes it to the ropes but Jericho refuses to break it. The hold is broke and Jericho tries it again but gets kicked off. Jericho with a bulldog. Jericho hits the lionsault but Taker catches him by the throat. Taker pulls Jericho up and chokeslams him. 1......................2.......................... Jericho kicks out. Taker seems frustrated and picks Jericho up for the Tombstone Piledriver. Before he can execute it, Jericho slides through with a sunset flip of sorts on Taker and holds onto the ropes. 1...........................2.........................3! Bell rings.:: Winner and STILL WWF Champion: Chris Jericho ::"Break the Walls Down" plays as Jericho grabs his title and runs up to the stage. He raises the title in the air, but then Savage appears on the titantron.:: Savage: Um, Chris, sorry to bother you on your celebration thing, but Taker wasn't the mystery opponent either. *crowd boos* Look, Chris, if you're that anxious to know who it is just wait until Halloween Havoc. Here's another hint for you, Chris. Not only does this man like the dark and Halloween, but he is an extreme high flyer. King: An extreme high flyer? JR: Who the hell could that be? ::Jericho looks at Taker in the ring in disbelief, then lowers his head down in shame.:: ::Commercial break:: ::In the ring is Ted Turner, the fans booing. The Crack Waltzes are around the ring.:: Ted Turner: Tonight, I thought I'd come out here and be a nice guy...and let all you white trash mourn the loss of your fallen hero. Mourn the loss of the biggest white trash of them all. And a few weeks ago on Low Down, Gemini White Trash found out it was time to put up or shut up. He found out he was NOT the last man standing. We were just savin' him for last. And now he's on the outside lookin' in, just like Mahalia, just like Norman Smiley, just like Ernest Miller, and just like Pritch E. Pritchard. You see, our path of destruction continues, and we're goin' down as the greatest stable of all time...because never before has a stable not only beat people, but beat 'em up and took 'em outta the game. So I want all you white trash to get on your hands and knees and pay homage to the Crack Waltzes, but more importantly, pay homage to me! Go Braves! *crowd boos* I don't think for one moment there was any doubt in anyone's mind that Brock Lesnar would now kill, destroy Gemini Drake and Mahalia, we knew it, it was a given - he's the Next Big Thing - he's the next world champion, and boy, he'd eat a guy like you up in about thirty seconds, pal. But I do think there was some doubt in some people's minds as to whether or not I would beat Gemini Drake in that Braves match. For those of you that won't see it, I will beat him from one end of Louisville to the other. I will ware him out! I will outwrestled him! I will outsmart him! I will beat him at his game! You know why? Because I'm just simply the best thing goin' today. Now Brock Lesnar and I are about to have a tag team match against two other people who will face our wrath: Miguel and Inferno. So get out here, you two, and let's fight! Brock Lesnar and Ted Turner vs. Miguel and Inferno ::The BushWhackers' theme plays as Miguel walks out, moving around funny like. He enters the ring and does a little dance. But then, "Tear the Roof Off" by Gangsta Blac and Haystak starts to play as Inferno dances his way to the ring, the people cheering him. He enters the ring and raises the roof. Before Lesnar can get in, Miguel leaps over the top rope with a cross body onto him but Lesnar catches him and throws him into the ring. Bell rings.:: ::Brock slammed into Jeff in the corner with shoulder thrusts. Miguel shoves Lesnar away and charges at him, but Lesnar grabs him again and belly-to-belly slammed him into the mat. Lesnar picks up Miguel by his legs, but then Miguel spits in his face. Miguel tags Inferno in. Lesnar grabs Inferno and tosses him with a belly-to-belly suplex. Inferno gets up and backs into a corner where Lesnar drills into him with shoulder thrusts. Lesnar picks up Inferno and nails his triple backbreaker on him. Inferno low blows Lesnar and drills him with a DDT. Miguel was tagged in and he came right in and nailed a crossbody from the ropes. Inferno got the tag and they double-teamed Lesnar with a double spinebuster and then clotheslined him over the ropes. Miguel then went after Ted Turner and Inferno got him as he was trying to run away. They throw Ted into the ring. He starts to beg for mercy. Inferno nails Ted with the Flamer. He picks Ted up and Miguel nails the scissor kick on him. After that, Inferno gets the Ghetto Blaster in on Turner. Inferno laughs at Ted but then Lesnar pulls him out of the ring. Lesnar intercepted Miguel in mid-air as he was going for a splash off the ropes on Turner. Lesnar then nailed the F-5 on him and tags in Ted. Ted jumps onto Miguel. 1...............................2...................................3! Bell rings.:: Winners: Ted Turner and Brock Lesnar ::"Evolution" plays as Ted starts to celebrate. Lesnar pats Ted on the back, but then stops as "This is the New Sh*t" plays. Ted tells Lesnar and the Crack Waltzes to get to the stage. They do so, but then Gemini Drake comes out from the crowd and gets in the ring. Ted turns around and Gemini nails him with a big boot. The Crack Waltzes turn around and start to chase Gemini out of the ring through the crowd.:: ::Commercial break:: ::Backstage, Ernest Miller is talking with Savage.:: Ernest Miller: So, Mr. Savage, whaddya say? Savage: Well, Cat, you have paid your dues and I know that you've been commissioner on multiple occassions. I'd be happy to make you my assistant. ::Savage and Cat shake hands.:: Cat: Ha hey! That's what I'm talking about! Somebody call my momma! I'm the new assistant to the Macho Man Randy Savage!
Cruiserweight Title ::"Whatever" by Our Lady Peace plays as Slappy comes out to a mixed ovation. Slappy has the Cruiserweight Championship around his waist as he struts down to the ring. As he enters, Slappy holds the Cruiserweight championship in the air. "Paint it Black" plays as Scott Whiteman and Test walk out to mixed ovation. Scott stands at the rampway and does the Lance Storm pose. The two enter the ring and Scott poses, as does Test with an arm flex. Test leaves the ring and the bell rings.:: ::Slappy hits Scott with a forearm backing Scott to the corner. Slappy throws Scott into the other corner and charges but Scott flips off Slappy and kicks him in the face sending Slappy to the mat. Scott then jumps up on the top rope and waits for Slappy to get to his feet. Slappy gets to his feet, and Scott catches him with a flying drop kick. Cover by Scott. 1..........2........ Slappy kicks out and backs up to the ropes. Scott kicks him in the gut and throws him off the ropes, but Slappy holds on to his arm and hits him with a short arm clothesline. Slappy picks up Scott and gives him another upper cut forearm to the face and then another. Slappy throws Scott out though the ropes. Slappy poses for his fans as an "I love Slappy" sign is shown. He jumps out of the ring and picks up Scott and drops him neck first into the barricade. Slappy then taunts one more time. Martha Stewart comes walking down the ramp way very slow and goes over to King and JR and puts on a head set. Slappy then looks at Martha, hisses, and hops back in the ring. Slappy goes for a cover. 1...........2........ Scott kicks out. Slappy then puts Scott into a sleeper hold. Scott then starts to gain the upper hand. Scott elbows Slappy in the gut, and then another shot to the gut. Scott gets out and hits Slappy with a kick to the face. Scott then starts to climb the ropes to be looking for a leg drop but Slappy bounces off the ropes making Scott dropping to his groin. Slappy then goes up real close and puts him into a DDT and stretches him out where his feet are touching the ropes and drops Scott with a vicious DDT, making his head bounce. Slappy covers Scott. 1.......2......... NO! Scott kicks out. Slappy pulls Scott up for a Crippler Crossface but Scott pushes Slappy off into the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Slappy ducks and slaps Scott into the crossface. Scott screams in pain, Test telling him to hang on. Scott is near the ropes, but Slappy is holding on like a pitbull. Martha runs down the ramp and enters the ring. She stomps on Slappy's back as hard as she can. The referee calls for the bell.:: Winner by DQ: Scott Whiteman, but STILL Cruiserweight Champion: Slappy ::"Paint it Black" plays as Test drags Scott out of the ring, taking him to the back. Martha kicks Slappy in the gut as hard as she can, then throws him in a corner. She is about to give Slappy a stink face, but then Kristin runs into the ring. Martha looks freaked out. She tries to run out of the ring, but Slappy gets her in a crossface. Martha is tapping out. Slappy lets go, picks Martha up, and throws her to Kristin. Kristin pulls out a ping pong paddle from her shirt and starts to spank Martha with it. "Going Under" by Evanescence plays as Kristin holds up Slappy's arm, then heads to the back.:: ::Backstage, Theodore R. Long is talking with Harlem Heat.:: Theodore Long: Now listen here, playahs, up next are your title matches. It maybe a tag team match where whoever pins who gets a championship, but that's okay. Just as long as you guys can keep your titles and your heads in tha game, ya feel me? Harlem Heat should not be humiliated by losing both titles in one night. Booker T: Teddy, man, listen. I am Booker T. I am the five time, five time, five time, five time, five time WCW champion. I have been the European champion for two years now and no one's been able to beat me just yet. I've beaten the crap out of almost every superstar here. I'll be damned if some sucka tries to take my title or Ahmed's title tonight. Ahmed: As for our opponents, they're goin' down! ::Crowd cheers as Theodore Long leads Harlem Heat to the ring.:: ::Commercial break:: ::Diva magazine ad:: ::Replay of the Week; Ahmed Johnson defeating Jared Jindrak in the cage match in Japan.::
Intercontinental / European Title Tag Team Match ::"Can U Dig It Sucka!?" Booker T's theme plays as Ahmed Johnson, Booker T, and Theodore Long come out. The two hold up their title belts and the Harlem Heat pyro goes off. The two enter the ring and pose with the titles. Teddy Long is doing commentary. "Megalomaniac" by KMFDM plays as Rambo Mitts comes out with a machine gun in hand. He points the machine gun upwards and shoots. The fans are on their feet as the gun goes off. Mitts stops shooting and turns the safety on. He enters the ring and raises the machine gun in the air. "Bloodline" by Slayer plays as red strobe lights flash on and off. Brimstone comes out to a mixed ovation. Brimstone runs into the ring and the bell rings.:: ::Booker T starts off with Brimstone. Brimstone with knees to Booker's gut then throws him into his corner and Brimstone begins to distract the ref as Mitts chokes Booker in the corner. Mitts tries to come in but the ref stops him and Brimstone begins to kick Booker in the gut. Brimstone with knife edge chops to Booker in the corner. Brimstone snap suplexes Booker. Brimstone tags Mitts. Mitts comes in and taunts Booker to get up. Booker tries to get up but Mitts kicks him back down. Mitts with an elbow into the back of Booker's neck. Mitts pulls Booker up and pushes him back down. Mitts taunts Booker. Booker tries to get up but Mitts nails him with several right hands. Mitts throws Booker into the ropes and Mitts locks in a sleeper hold. The ref checks on Booker. Booker begins to fade. The ref raises Booker's arm and it drops. The ref raises Booker's hand again and it drops a second time. The ref raises it for the third time but Booker holds on! The crowd cheers as Booker begins to get back to his feet. Mitts tries to hold Booker off but Booker elbows Mitts in the gut several times then hits a side suplex to break the hold. Both man slowly get up and Booker goes for a clothesline on Mitts but Mitts ducks and kicks Booker in the gut and Mitts goes for a DDT but Booker locks and hits a bridge suplex for a pin. 1.............2............ Brimstone comes in and breaks the count!! The ref orders Brimstone out of the ring. Booker and Mitts get up and Booker nails Mitts with right hands. Booker goes for a belly to belly suplex but Mitts headbutts Booker to break the attempt and Mitts drop toe holds Booker and tags in Brimstone. Brimstone runs in and kicks Booker in the head. Brimstone begins to stomp Booker. Brimstone pulls Booker up and hits a snap suplex. Brimstone holds on and nails a second snap suplex on Booker. Brimstone with a cover. 1..................2............. Booker gets his shoulder up! Brimstone pulls Booker up and tags in Mitts. Brimstone holds Booker back as Mitt punches him in the ribs. Mitts snapmares Booker down and locks in a front face lock. The ref checks on Booker but he refuses to give. Mitts applies more pressure but Booker begins to get up. Booker with a fireman's carry takeover on Mitts. Both men quickly get up and Mitts takes Booker down with a double leg takedown and Mitts goes for a half Boston crab but Booker quickly grabs the ropes. Mitts quickly attacks Booker with kicks to the back and neck. Mitts grabs Booker and tags in Brimstone. Brimstone comes in with knife edge chops to Booker. Brimstone sets Booker up top and Brimstone follows. Brimstone goes for a superplex but Booker blocks it. Booker with right hands to Brimstone's ribs. Booker pushes Brimstone off the top rope and Brimstone hits the mat hard. Mitts quickly walks over and pushes Booker off the top rope and Booker hits the mat hard. Both men are down. The ref begins the 10 count. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9... Both men stagger to their feet and Brimstone walks into an overhead belly to belly suplex from Booker. Ahmed waits for a tag. The crowd begins to cheer for Booker to make the tag. Booker begins to crawl towards Ahmed. Brimstone is crawling towards Mitts. Brimstone with the tag. Booker tags Ahmed! Mitts begins to stomp Ahmed. Mitts pulls Ahmed up and hits a backbreaker. Mitts climbs to the second rope and hits a flying elbow drop on Ahmed! Cover by Mitts. 1...........2........ Ahmed kicks out. Mitts begins to yell at the ref about a slow count. Ahmed is up with right hands. Brimstone runs in and Ahmed nails him with right hands. Ref pushes Mitts out of the ring. Brimstone begins to attack Ahmed. Brimstone pulls Ahmed up and hits a snap suplex. Brimstone slowly goes up top but Ahmed quickly gets up and runs up top with Brimstone and hits a top rope Pearl River Plunge! Both men are down. Ahmed slowly places his arm over Brimstone's chest. 1.............2........ Mitts comes in and breaks the count! Both men slowly get up and Brimstone kicks Ahmed in the gut. The ref pushes Mitts out of the ring. Ahmed grabs Brimstone's foot and attempts an Ankle Lock but Brimstone uses his free foot to kick Ahmed off. Brimstone quickly gets up and goes for a clothesline but Ahmed ducks and grabs Brimstone and nails a spine buster. Before he makes the pin, Booker runs in and hits a Harlem Sidekick on Mitts, knocking him off the apron. 1.......................2.......................3! Bell rings.:: Winners and STILL European AND Intercontinental Champions: Booker T and Ahmed Johnson ::Harlem Heat's theme plays as the referee hands the two champs their titles. The two raise them in the air then walk over to Mitts and Brimstone. They hold out their hands and they shake in respect. The crowd cheers to see this.:: ::Backstage, Johnny is speaking with Andre.:: Andre: Johnny, don't let this match get to you because you're facing Meeko. I know Meeko's been your best friend for a long time but he's your opponent tonight. I know you're not going to like it, but I will face him if I have to. Johnny: Hey, I know Meeko will forgive me if I do hurt him in this match. Just to say this, I'm only doing it to get to Cletus. Nothing more. ::Johnny walks away.:: Andre: Don't go screwin' our chances up, boy. ::Commercial break:: ::Halloween Havoc ad:: Meeko and Cletus vs. Johnny Banks and Andre Dawson ::"Man of Constant Sorrow" starts to play as Cletus comes out, doing a hillbilly dance to the ring. He enters the ring and does another hillbilly dance, taking off his hat at the end. He tosses his hat and vest outside afterwards. "Bulldog" plays as the fans give mixed reactions. Meeko comes out and runs into the ring. He slaps Cletus' arms away from him as Cletus tries to attempt to hug him. The Chicago Cubs' theme plays as Andre Dawson comes out to a mixed ovation as well. He enters the ring raises his arms in the air. "Fight to Survive" plays as Johnny Banks comes out to a mixed ovation. He enters the ring and poses for the fans. Bell rings.:: ::Johnny gets out of the ring as Andre starts off but is quickly attacked by both Cletus and Meeko. They beat Andre down in the corner with right hands and kicks. Johnny gets in the ring and goes for a clothesline on Cletus but Cletus ducks and Meeko nails a spinebuster on Johnny. Meeko can't believe he did that to him. Johnny rolls out of the ring holding his back in pain. Cletus pulls Andre out of the corner and throws him towards Meeko and Meeko hits a hard clothesline on Andre. Meeko gets out of the ring as Cletus starts off. Cletus quickly hits a leg drop on Andre. Cletus gets up and starts to hillbilly dance around Andre. Cletus pulls Andre up and tags in Meeko. Cletus holds Andre back as Meeko punches him in the ribs. Meeko forward slams Tazz. Cover by Meeko. 1...................2............. Johnny comes in and kicks Meeko in the head to break the count. Meeko gets up and yells at The Ref to get Johnny out. The Ref orders Johnny out of the ring. Meeko pulls Andre up and puts him in his corner and Cletus begins to choke Andre with the top turnbuckle rope as Meeko distracts The Ref for several seconds. Meeko turns around as Cletus breaks the choke. Andre grabs his throat in pain as Meeko pulls him out of the corner and throws him into the ropes and goes for another clothesline but Andre ducks it and goes behind Meeko and hits a reverse DDT. Both men are down. Meeko quickly rolls out of the ring. Cletus drops off the ringapron and checks on Cletus. The Ref starts the 10 count. 1...2...3....4.... Meeko rolls back into the ring as Andre starts to get up. Meeko goes to kick Andre in the gut but Andre catches Meeko's foot and spins him around and hits a German suplex. Meeko rolls back out of the ring pissed off. The Ref starts the 10 count. 1....2....3....4.... Meeko continues to walk around the ring taking a breather. 5....6....7.... Meeko walks by Johnny and Johnny drops off the ringapron and attacks Meeko with right hands. Johnny slams Meeko face first in the ring apron then rolls him back into the ring. Meeko looks at Johnny and Johnny says he's sorry. Meeko quickly gets up and Andre hits a clothesline. Meeko gets back up and Andre hits another clothesline. Meeko gets up again and Andre hits a powerslam. Meeko quickly rolls over to his corner and tags in Cletus. Cletus comes in and he stares at Johnny. He yells at Johnny, accusing him of being a thief. Andre tags in Johnny. Johnny comes in and both men stare at each other. Johnny and Cletus lock up. Johnny quickly drops to his knees and firemen carry's Cletus over onto his back and locks in a front face chin lock. The Ref checks on Cletus and Cletus refuses to give. Cletus slowly begins to get back to his feet as Johnny keeps the hold on. Cletus elbows Johnny in the gut. Cletus elbows Johnny in the gut again and Johnny breaks the hold. Cletus then monkey flips Johnny up and over. Both men quickly get up and Cletus kicks Johnny in the ribs several times. Cletus throws Johnny into the ropes and Johnny comes back and Cletus monkey flips Johnny again. Cletus quickly gets up followed by Johnny and Cletus clotheslines Johnny. Cletus pulls Johnny up by the hair and body slams him. Cletus pulls Johnny over to a corner. Cletus begins to climb the ropes facing the crowd. Cletus is on the second rope and he goes for a second rope vader bomb splash but Johnny gets his knees up. Cletus rolls around the mat holding his ribs in pain. Johnny gets to his feet followed by Cletus. Johnny punches Cletus in the face then hits a back breaker. Johnny tags in Andre. Andre comes in and taunts Cletus to get up. Cletus starts to get up and Andre hitz him with several knife edge chops to the chest. Andre throws Cletus into the ropes and catches him and throws Cletus in the air and Cletus comes down with a splash on Andre. Both men quickly get up and Cletus punches Andre three times. He then does a hillbilly dance and clotheslines Andre. Cletus quickly tags in Meeko. Meeko comes in as Andre starts to get up. Meeko kicks Andre in the gut and throws him into the ropes and hits a powerslam. Cover by Meeko. 1................2............ Johnny breaks the count. Meeko yells at Johnny. Meeko pulls Andre up and tags in Cletus. Meeko body slams Andre as Cletus goes up top and Cletus goes for a splash onto Andre but Andre rolls out of the way and Cletus hits the mat. Both men slowly get up and Andre hits a baseball slide drop kick on Cletus. Andre quickly tags in Johnny. Johnny comes in as Cletus starts to get to his feet. Johnny kicks Cletus in the gut. Johnny throws Cletus into the ropes and goes for a back elbow but Cletus ducks and Cletus clotheslines Johnny. Johnny quickly gets up and runs into the ropes. He starts to hillbilly dance again and drops an elbow. Cover by Cletus. 1...................2.............. Johnny kicks out. Cletus gets up pissed and pulls Johnny up by the hair. Cletus tags in Meeko. Meeko looks shocked as to what he has to do. Cletus yells at him to get in the ring. Meeko comes in and picks Johnny up onto his shoulders back first. Cletus quickly jumps to the top rope and Meeko and Cletus hit a backbreaker and legdrop combo on Johnny! Cletus rolls out of the ring as Meeko reluctantly covers Johnny. 1................2.............. Meeko breaks the count. Meeko gets up and pulls Johnny up. Batista sets Johnny up for a Fooko Bomb. Meeko picks Johnny up but Johnny pokes him in the eyes. Johnny slides down Meeko's back and hits a side Russian leg sweep. Both men are down. Johnny starts to slowly crawl towards his corner. Johnny goes for a tag but Cletus runs in and grabs Johnny's legs and pulls him away from Andre and back into the middle of the ring. Andre tries to come in but The Ref stops him. Cletus and Meeko then begin to double team Hart in the corner with kicks. Meeko gets out of the ring without tagging out. The Ref turns around and sees Cletus stomping Johnny in the corner and asks him if there was a tag and Cletus says yea. Cletus pulls Johnny out of the corner and throws him into the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Johnny ducks and Cletus turns around and goes for a kick to the gut but Johnny catches Cletus' foot and Johnny hits a step over heel kick on Cletus. Johnny gets up and does "Did I Do That?" taunt. Johnny jumps to the top rope and signals for the elbow drop but Meeko quickly runs over to the corner and clips Johnny's legs from under him and Johnny falls and gets a nut cracker up top. The Ref yells at Meeko as Johnny slowly starts to get up. Cletus sees Johnny up top and Cletus starts to go up top with him. Cletus with right hands to Johnny on the top rope. Cletus pulls Johnny up and both men are standing on the top rope. Cletus is attempting a superplex, but Johnny is blocking. Johnny punches Cletus in the face and sets him for the Thunder Driver. Johnny nails Cletus with the Thunder Driver off the top rope! Both men are down. The Ref starts the 10 count. 1....2....3....4.....5.....6.....7.... Both men slowly stagger to their feet. Cletus goes for a right hand but Johnny blocks it with his own. Johnny backs Cletus into the ropes with right hands. Johnny goes to throw Cletus into the ropes but Cletus reverses it and throws Johnny into the ropes towards Meeko and Meeko knees Johnny in the lower back. Johnny staggers towards Cletus and Cletus locks in a sleeper hold. The Ref checks on Johnny. Johnny tries to hold on as Cletus applies more pressure. Johnny suddenly goes behind Cletus and hits a side suplex to break the hold. Both men are down. Johnny starts to crawl towards Andre. Cletus starts to crawl towards Meeko. Cletus tags in Meeko. Meeko runs in but Johnny tags Andre. Andre comes in and Meeko goes for a clothesline but Andre ducks. Andre with right hands to Meeko. Andre goes to throw Meeko into the ropes but pulls him back towards him and Andre hits a double underhook suplex on Meeko. Cletus runs in and goes for a right hand but Andre ducks and Andre hits him with a sitdown hip toss. Cletus quickly gets back up and Andre goes for the Dawson Driver! Meeko is up behind Andre and clubs him in the back to break the hold. Meeko grabs Andre and throws him into the corner by Johnny. Meeko runs at Andre and Johnny blind tags Andre and Meeko splashes Andre in the corner. Andre staggers out and Meeko hits a snap spinebuster on Andre. Johnny comes in and clubs Meeko from behind. MEeko turns around and Johnny nails him with several right hands. Cletus gets up and kicks Johnny in the shin and Johnny staggers back holding his shin and Meeko kicks him in the gut and hits a Fooko Bomb. Andre starts to get up as Cletus hillbilly dances in the ring but Meeko clotheslines Andre over the top rope to the floor. Meeko picks up Johnny and throws him to Cletus. Cletus goes for a Three Second Ride and nails it on Johnny. Before Cletus can pin him, Meeko kicks Cletus in the gut and nails a Fooko Bomb on Cletus. He then throws Johnny onto Cletus. 1................2...............3! Bell rings.:: Winners: Johnny Banks and Andre Dawson ::"Fight to Survive" plays as Johnny looks up at Meeko. Meeko tells him this will be the last time this happens. He exits the ring and walks toward the back.:: JR: I can't believe what has just transpired here a few moments ago! Meeko turned on Cletus! He turned on his own tag partner! King: Serves Cletus right! He doesn't deserve to beat someone as great as Johnny Banks! Not in a million years! Ha ha ha! JR: We'll see you all next week on Low Down! ::Johnny stares at Meeko again as Rare closes out.::
< - - - Heat Wave Card - - - > | |||||
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