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< - - - Redemption - - - > |
Special Guest Appearance :: |
:: Jim Carey, Randy Orton, Sean Astin |
Theme Song(s) :: |
:: "Downfall" by Trust Company |
Titles Decided :: |
:: WWF Championship, WWF Hardcore Title, WWF Women's Title |
Commentators :: |
:: Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Chip Caray, Steve Stone |
Date :: |
:: September 26, 2004 |
Location :: |
:: Rose Garden in Portland, Oregon |
< - - - Redemption Card - - - > |
Announcer: And now, Sony Pictures with their new film, Resident Evil Apocalypse, brings to you, WWF Redemption! ::Pyros shoot everywhere in the arena as "Downfall" starts to play. The audience members are holding up signs and are cheering their heads off. The camera crew goes around the arena, getting shots of the audience members with their signs.:: JR: We are here live in Portland, Oregon, for WWF Redemption, King! It has been a long hard road, but we've made it! King: I know what you mean, JR! We are just about to start the September pay-per-view of the year with the main event being a six pack elimination challenge! This is great! JR: Our colleagues, Chip Carey and Steve Stone, are standing by as well for supportive commentary. Chip, Steve, how you guys doing on the floor? Chip: Everything's going fine, JR! We're just about ready to start! We know that the first match is going to decide who will face Ahmed Johnson tomorrow for the IC title on Rare! Steve: Max Turner against the Reflection of Perfection, Jared Jindrak! This match was to take place when Jared attacked Max on Rare! ::Footage of Jared stomping on Max in the corner on Rare is shown. Then, Max asking for the match is seen.:: Max Turner vs. Jared Jindrak ::The sounds of "Firefly" by Breaking Benjamin blare through out the arena as silver lights strobe. Max comes out and the fans are on their feet. Max waves to the ground, then runs into the ring. He climbs the top rope and poses for his fans. He leaps down and waits for his opponent. "Narcissist" plays as Jared Jindrak comes out. Jared puts his hands on his hips and the fans start to boo him. Jared tells the fans to show some respect. He walks down to the ring in disgust. He enters the ring and raises his arms in the air. Bell rings:: ::The match starts with a lockup, leading to a wristlock from Max. Jindrak rolls through, and puts Max in a wristlock of his own. Max rolls through as well, flips up, and wraps a headlock on Jindrak. Jindrak picks Max up, and tosses him across the ring, breaking the hold. A lockup attempt leads to Jindrak kicking Max, then forearming him in the back. Jindrak stomps on Max, then wraps on a headlock. The fans are solidly behind Max, giving Max the energy to push Jindrak into the ropes. Max is knocked down with a shoulder tackle, ducks under Jindrak, hits two armdrags, and dropkicks Jindrak out of the ring. The crowd loves it, as Max misses a baseball slide, and gets clocked with a HARD left hand on the outside. Jindrak gets back in the ring, and tells the ref to start the count. Jindrak gets impatient, and brings Max back into the ring. Jindrak stomps on Max, and chokes him out a bit. Jindrak picks Max up, and textbook suplexes him. Jindrak makes the cover. 1..................2.............. Max kicks out. Jindrak puts Max in a tight side headlock, as the crowd really wants Max to get up. Max does as commanded, as he gets to his feet, elbows Jindrak, hits the ropes, ducks a clothesline, and right hands Jindrak HARD in the jaw three times. Max hits the ropes, and clotheslines Jindrak. Max has his whip reversed, but comes back with a flying forearm smash. Max seems to be on fire, as he charges towards Jindrak in the corner. Jindrak back elbows Max, misses a clothesline, and gets nailed with a drop kick, knocking the energy out of both men. The fans chant for Max, as Max flips up to his feet during the ref's count. Max sets up, goes for a face crusher, but Jindrak ducks, goes for a back suplex, but Max flips onto his feet. Max rolls Jindrak up. 1......................2.................... Jindrak kicks out. Jindrak kicks Max, and sits him on the top rope. Jindrak attempts a superplex, but Max holds onto the ropes, and knocks Jindrak down. Jindrak left hands Max, leaps onto the top rope, goes for a top rope hurricanrana, but Max holds on, dropping Jindrak onto his head! Max sunset flips Jindrak, but Jindrak sits out. 1..............................2.............................. Max kicks out. Jindrak taunts Max, causing Max to enziguiri him. Max hits some forearms, and goes to whip Jindrak. Jindrak reverses the whip, but Max ducks under Jindrak, hits a drop toe hold, and leaps off the second rope with a legdrop. 1......................2..................... Jindrak kicks out. Max makes fun of Jindrak with some poses, and slaps Jindrak in the face. Jindrak picks Max up, but Max flips over, and hits a sunset flip. 1.........................2.................. Jindrak kicks out. Max nails a nice dropkick, sending Jindrak int the corner. Max hits him with a running forearm smash, goes to whip him, but Jindrak holds on, and kicks him. Jindrak forearms Max in the back of the head, and stomps on him. Max gets stomped on in the corner, and even choked out. Jindrak levels Max with a HARD left hand, goes for a cover. 1.........................2..................... Max kicks out. Jindrak poses over Max, and beats on him some more. Jindrak hits a dropkick to the back of Max's head, goes for a cover. 1.........................2..................... Max kicks out again. Jindrak traps Max in a strong side headlock, and the fans want Max up. Max punches his way out, but is too groggy to build an offense. Jindrak whips Max into the ropes, but Max goes for a sunset flip. Jindrak is able stay on his feet, picks Max up, and nails him with a STIFF clothesline. Jindrak goes for a cover. 1..........................2................. Max gets a shoulder up. Max gets trapped in a chicken wing variation, but with the fans support, gets to his feet. Max kicks and forearms out of the move, but gets whipped into the corner. Jindrak charges after Max, but Max kicks him in the face. Max nails two running forearms, ducks a clothesline, calls for a possible DDT, but Jindrak gives him a HUGE back drop. Jindrak picks Max up, and nails a Perfectplex. 1.........................2...................3! Bell rings.:: Winner: Jared Jindrak ::"Narcissist" plays as Jared poses for people to take pictures, but they chant "You suck!" at him. From behind comes Ahmed Johnson, who kicks Jared in the gut and nails him with a Pearl River Plunge. Ahmed yells at Jared, the fans cheering, as "Pearl River Rip" plays. Ahmed raises the IC title up in the air, then leaves with a groggy Max behind him. He pats Max on the back for support.:: ::Backstage, Miguel and Inferno are talking with Eddie.:: Eddie: Okay, guys, up next is your tag team match with those two bitches that humiliated you! Go out there and embarrass the hell out of them! Go! Win this for men everywhere! Inferno: You got that right, Eddie! Miguel: Dude! ::Miguel and Inferno, with Eddie, leave toward the ring.:: Steve: Well, folks, up next is our tag team bra and panties match. Yes, you heard right, folks. The men in this match will also be wearing bra and panties underneath their outfits. Chip: A disturbing image, but we witnessed it before on Rare a few weeks back. Steve: Roll the footage, I'm looking away. ::Footage of Paige and Cindy ripping off Miguel and Inferno's clothes is shown, revealing that they're wearing bra and panties. Then, on Rare a few weeks later, Eddie shown getting his clothes ripped off by Paige and Cindy, revealing he is wearing bra and panties.::
Bra and Panties Match ::The BushWhackers' theme plays as Miguel walks out, moving around funny like. He enters the ring and does a little dance. But then, "Tear the Roof Off" by Gangsta Blac and Haystak starts to play as Inferno dances his way to the ring, the people cheering him. He enters the ring and raises the roof. His dance is interrupted by the sounds "Not Gonna Get Us" by TATU. Purple strobe lights go off as Paige and Cindy come out, hand in hand. The two enter the ring and raise their arms in the air. Bell rings.:: ::Inferno and Cindy started the match. Inferno got the upper hand and then nailed her with a dropkick from behind. Inferno got her in the corner and Cindy countered and hit a big clothesline. Cindy finally tagged in Paige. Inferno tags in Miguel. Miguel got in the ring and Paige ripped off his shirt to reveal a green bra. She then grabbed Miguel and pulled his pants and almost got them off until he was able to roll out of the ring. Paige came right back in and women handled him around the ring and whipped him around by his hair. Miguel finally tagged in Inferno and Cindy nailed him with a clothesline. She got Inferno in the corner, but Inferno countered and slammed her down by the hair. Inferno then stood on her hair and pulled up on her arms. Cindy rolled her up and pulled off his pants. Trish’s shirt came off as well. Inferno’s shirt was then ripped off by Cindy and then Paige came over and they went to work on Miguel. Cindy held Miguel and Paige went up top and nailed her with the Paige Turner. They then each pulled off his pants together. Bell rings.:: Winners: Cindy and Paige ::"Not Gonna Get Us" plays as Paige and Cindy hug each other. Miguel and Inferno run to the back as fast as they can, the two girls pointing and laughing.:: King: EW! That was disturbing as hell, JR! I want that de-bikining contest to come on now! Come on! JR: Not yet, King, we have at least one more match before that. King: Oh, that sucks! ::Backstage, Mark Little is walking in the back with Fluisa, talking with her. The two are eating bags of dill pickle potato chips. Brooksbanker jumps out from a corner and screams at Mark, trying to scare him, but instead causes Mark and Fluisa to spit the chips in Brooksbanker's face.:: Mark: Damn, fat whitey boy, can't ya see dat me an' girl wuz trying ta eat? You can wait yo' turn, dumbass. Brooksbanker: Oh, for shizzle, yo! ::Fluisa and Mark look at him.:: Fluisa and Mark: What da fuck did ya just say, muthafucka?! Get yo' ass out o' here 'bfoe we's eat it! ::Brooksbanker walks away.:: JR: Up next, folks, Mark Little against Brooksbanker. Here's how it happened. ::Footage of Mark scaring Brooksbanker and making him crap himself is shown. Then, a few weeks later, Mark, Chris Jericho, and Dawn Marie are shown defeating Catie, Brooksbanker, and Cletus.:: Mark Little vs. Brooksbanker ::"Sexual Chocolate" plays as Mark Little comes out to a cheering crowd. He waves to the fans and "jumps" up and down in excitement. He gets in the ring and starts doing a little dance. "Wait and Bleed" by Slipknot plays as Brooksbanker walks out. The fans are booing him to no end. Brooksbanker flips the people off, but then holds his back. He enters the ring after that. Bell rings.:: ::They went right at it and exchanged fast-paced blows. They fought to the outside and Brooksbanker slammed Mark into the announce tables and then dropped him on the barrier and then slammed him into the steel steps. Brooksbanker choked Mark against the ropes and then bulldogged him in the middle of the ring. Brooksbanker clothesline Mark into the corner twice and Mark reversed it on the third, but then Brooksbanker nailed him with a clothesline. Brooksbanker turned his back and Mark chop blocked Brooksbanker’s knee. They fought to the outside and Mark hit another on Brooksbanker’s knee. Mark tossed Brooksbanker down on the announce table and picked his knee up and slammed it down on the table. Mark slammed him into the crowd barrier and then they went back to the ring and Mark worked on the leg of Brooksbanker. Mark then pulled Brooksbanker’s legs around the ring post and the ref pulled him away. Mark got whipped off the ropes and then punched Brooksbanker right in the face. Mark locked Brooksbanker in an ankle lock of sorts in the middle of the ring. Brooksbanker inched his way over to the ropes and grabbed the bottom rope to break the hold. Mark then pulled Brooksbanker’s legs around the ring post again and slammed his knees against the steel post. Mark missed a clothesline and then got nailed with one by Brooksbanker. Brooksbanker threw blows at Mark and then hit the Lou Thesz Press and then nailed Mark with blows on the mat. Brooksbanker sent Mark off the ropes and missed a clothesline and then got nailed with a flying cross body by Mark. Brooksbanker got up and hit Mark with a Ha Hey and then went for the pin. 1...................................2....................... Mark kicks out. He looks pissed off. Mark then got up and hit Brooksbanker's version of the DDT on Brooksbanker. Mark went for the pin. 1..............................2............................. Brooksbanker kicks out. Mark threw blows at Brooksbanker and they had no effect, but Brooksbanker ducked the last one and hit a huge clothesline on Mark. Brooksbanker got up and picked up Mark, but he nailed Brooksbanker with the low blow. Mark then stood over Mark and went for the Moonsault but he missed and Brooksbanker went for the DDT. Mark countered and hit a spinebuster on Brooksbanker and then hit the Moonsault. Before he could pin him, Mark smells something horrible. Brooksbanker has shit himself again. Mark was waiting for Brooksbanker to get up to his feet and gloating to the crowd in the meantime. Mark hit the Ha Hey. 1......................2..................... Mark can't stand the stench. Mark hit another Ha Hey. 1.......................2..................... The stench is getting horrible. Mark went for a third Ha Hey. 1..........................2......................3! Bell rings.:: Winner: Mark Little ::"Sexual Chocolate" plays as Mark starts coughing, then he pukes all over Brooksbanker. Brooksbanker screams, cries, then runs out of the ring. Mark gets out of the ring and heads to the back. The clean up crew shows up right on time.:: Chip: Oh man, I still smell that crap from over here. Steve: Hoo! Thank God I brought my fan! That should get the smell away. Chip: Up next is a match that King has been looking forward to all day, the de-bikining match. Unfortunately, one of the competitors of the match will not be here tonight. ::Footage of the Gemini and Kristin/Lesnar and Stewart match on Rare is shown where Gemini accidentally hit Kristin with a chain.:: Steve: Kristin is currently suffering from a concussion and we wish her a speedy recovery. ::Camera reveals Randy Orton in the crowd with a camera. He looks at the camera and gives it the thumbs up.:: Chip: Well, how about that? We're being visited by WWE superstar Randy Orton. Looks like he's excited for this next match.
Women's Title / De-Bikining Match ::Dawn Marie's theme plays as Dawn Marie comes out in a tight revealing black leather bikini. She skips her way to the ring and enters it. Ivory's theme plays as Ivory comes out to a standing ovation as well, wearing a thin aqua bikini. She waves to the fans and shakes her fine ass. She gets on the apron and shakes it again. She enters the ring and gets a high five from Dawn. "Not Gonna Get Us" by TATU. Purple strobe lights go off as Paige and Cindy come out, wearing a pink and purple bikini, hand in hand. The two enter the ring and raise their arms in the air. "Wildcat" plays as Catie comes out to a standing ovation with the Women's title around her waist and leopard bikini on. She enters the ring and starts to strut her stuff, then holds up the Women's title in the air. Before the action can get underway, "Feel the Burn" by Fozzy plays as Fluisa comes out in a small white bikini. The fans are grossed out as are the competitors. Fluisa has a mic.:: Fluisa: In case you're wondering what I'm doing here, Mr. Savage said that since Kristin is injured, I get to take her place. So here I come, baby! ::Fluisa gets in the ring. Bell rings.:: ::As the bell sounded, all of them began fighting, causing a mass of female bodies in the ring as the crowd went nuts. Dawn Marie and Catie established a mini fight as Ivory went straight for Fluisa. Finally, the sisters Paige and Cindy went at each other, with Paige gaining a decided advantage. Cindy laid out Paige with a clothesline and put Paige on the top rope. She goes for the Class Dismissed, but Paige pushes her off. Cindy stood back up and Paige nails her with the Paige Turner. Paige whispers "forgive me" to Cindy and pulls off Cindy's bikini, getting the crowd excited. Cindy is eliminated! Ivory spanked Fluisa. As Fluisa rolled away though, Ivory turned around to a kick in the gut. As the crowd realized what was going on and went nuts, Dawn set Ivory up for the face buster and nailed it. She then tears off Ivory's bikini. Ivory stands up and flaunts her stuff, then walks to the back. Ivory is eliminated! Paige tried to take Fluisa down with the Michinoku Driver, but Fluisa was too heavy to pick up. As Paige got back to her feet, Fluisa hit her and connected with her Fireball, burning Paige's bikini off. Paige screams and runs ot the back as quickly as she can. Paige is eliminated! As Paige rolled out and Fluisa got up though, Catie ran up and hit her Fluisa with a jumping karate kick. Fluisa falls backwards, then Catie removes Fluisa's bikini with a pair of scissors. The fans groan, as does Catie and Dawn. Fluisa "runs" to the back. Fluisa is eliminated! And so it came down to Catie and Dawn. The action slowed down as these two felt each other out, but then it all broke loose again. Catie took Dawn down with a spiraling DDT, then immediately bounced off the rope and performed her trademark leg drop. Catie could only rip off Dawn's top, exposing Dawn's breasts. Finally, Catie went for her Catie Bomb. Dawn though rolled through the powerbomb in a sunset flip position and tore off Catie's bikini. Catie is eliminated! Bell rings.:: Winner and NEW Women's Champion: Dawn Marie ::Dawn Marie's theme plays as she holds up the Women's title. She gets out of the ring and skips to the stage, people taking pictures. She skips over to Jim Carey's seat and gives him a big kiss. Jim takes a quick picture. Dawn looks insulted and tell Jim to take a better picture with her posing with the belt. Jim does so and gives a thumbs up to her. Catie is angry at this that she starts having a tantrum. Orton is too busy taking pictures.:: King: PUPPIES! PUPPIES EVERYWHERE! WHOO HOO! JR: I'll say. This match is probably going to be one of a kind, I think. But that doesn't matter. Up next is the fatal four way Hardcore Championship match between the Big Show, the Undertaker, Tazz, and the Green Goblin. Let's show why these four are here tonight. ::Footage of the "Blame Canada" Low Down is shown as Taker and Goblin burn Wayne Gretzsky, then Taker choke slamming Goblin. Then, footage of Desert Heat is shown when Taker choke slams Goblin off the stage. Then to Taker's surprise, the Big Show choke slams Taker through the stage. Goblin is helped up by Show, then Show throws Goblin into the hole. As Goblin gets up, Show choke slams him through the stage as well. Then, footage of Taker and Tazz getting up in Show's face is shown. The four men stare each other down as the montage closes out.::
Hardcore Title ::The arena darkens. "Deadman's March" plays. The crowd cheers as the Undertaker comes out. Fog shoots out everywhere as the Deadman walks slowly towards the ring. He gets on the apron, raises his arms and the lights turn back on. He enters the ring and takes off his coat and hat. The arena is filled with orange mist and orange lights. A heart monitor sound is heard, then it dies out. Pyros hit and "Just Another Victim" by Cypress Hill plays as Tazz comes out with a frying pan and a shopping cart, which he parks outside of the ring. He enters the ring and crosses his arms on the top rope. "Big" plays as pyros shoot up from the stage. The Big Show walks out to a mixed reaction. He gets on the ring apron and steps over the top rope. He raises his arm in the air afterwards. "Spectre of the Goblin" plays as the Green Goblin laughs. He flies down from his glider. He lands in the ring and throws the Hardcore title at the referee. Bell rings.:: ::Taker jabs Big Show knocking him back as Goblin turns around and springs off of the top rope coming down onto Tazz with a cross body block taking him down. The crowd is already into this match up. Undertaker whips Big Show into the ropes and before he can even come back Undertaker decks Big Show with a clothesline taking him over the top rope and out to the floor. Goblin has mounted himself on Tazz and is delivering some brutal punches to his head. Undertaker walks over giving Goblin a big boot saving Tazz from any more torture, but Undertaker picks Tazz up and gives him a choke slam. Undertaker slowly looks up to the crowd and they begin cheering him as he taunts. Undertaker just doesn’t know that Big Show is back into the ring with a hub cap in his hands which he got from underneath the ring. Undertaker slowly begins to turn around and Big Show takes off from the other side of the ring charging at Undertaker but Goblin comes out of no where and takes Big Show down with a drop toe hold causing Big Show to fall to the mat face first smashing into the hub cap. Goblin then jumps up and takes Undertaker down with a hurricanrana, Undertaker then rolls with the momentum out of the ring. Big Show is revealed to be bleeding from the head. Undertaker begins walking over to Chip and Steve's table, Goblin runs into the ropes and comes running back, Goblin leaps over the ropes and comes down with a corkscrew dive taking Undertaker out. The crowd give Goblin a very negative response for that move. Tazz goes to pick Big Show up but Big Show meets him with that same bloody hub cap to the face, Tazz knocking him back into the turnbuckle. Big Show runs over and jumps up onto the middle rope to begin the ten punches but Tazz blocks the first punch then flips Big Show off of him causing Big Show to go flipping out of the ring to the floor below where Undertaker and Goblin are brawling. Tazz slides out of the ring and walks over grabbing his frying pan and shopping cart. Tazz walks over with the cart and rams it into the back of Goblin who isn’t looking. Tazz then tips to cart over dumping all of these weapons out. Tazz then lifts the cart up over his head and brings it down right onto the head of Goblin laying him out. Tazz then runs back towards the ring and slides under the bottom rope. Tazz runs into the ropes and comes running back leaping over the top rope flipping forward with a cross body and he comes crashing down on top of all three men who are still laid out on the outside, he also lands on the shopping cart which knocked the wind out of him. Tazz rolls to the side as the crowd begins the “Holy Shit” chant. All four men are laid out for a moment until Undertaker sits up. Undertaker stands to his feet looking at the other three men, he then covers Tazz, 1........................................2...................................... Tazz kicks out. Undertaker picks Tazz up to his feet rolls him onto the table which is right beside him. Undertaker then goes to pick Big Show up to his feet but Big Show gives Undertaker a dirty low blow. Big Show then knees Undertaker in the side of the head and rolls him onto the table beside Tazz. Big Show looks under the ring and pulls out a seven foot ladder and the crowd just goes nuts! Big Show taunts and the cheers slowly fade away. Show sets the ladder up lined up in front of the table where the two men lay. Big Show then goes around to the back side of the ladder and begins to climb it while he taunts. Just as Big Show is nearly at the top of the ladder Goblin crawls out from underneath the shopping cart and he begins to climb the ring side of the ladder where is back is facing the table. Both men reach the top of the ladder and begin slugging it out. Big Show gives Goblin a headbutt and Goblin begins to fall back but quickly catches himself. Goblin then jabs Big Show in the chest and hooks him in a vertical suplex position! Goblin goes to lift Big Show up but Big Show hooks his leg around one of the prongs on the ladder. Big Show then lifts Goblin straight up into the air for a choke slam! Big Show lets go of the ladder and falls forward! Both of the man go falling into the ring with a huge thud! And both lay there motionless. Big Show slowly rolls out of the ring and reaches down picking up a stop sign that is wrapped in barbwire! Big Show then begins to climb back up the ladder carrying the stop sign. Once Big Show reaches the top top of the ladder he places it against his stomach and lets out a loud roar! Big Show then plunges off of the top of the ladder and comes flying down towards the two men still laying on the table. Chip and Steve run away from the scene as Big Show comes crashing down on top of both men driving that stop sign wrapped in barbwire into their bodies! For a moment the entire arena was lit up with the flashes of the fans cameras. Two minutes later, all four men are slowing getting up. Goblin runs up to Big Show with a steel chair and smacks him in the head with it! Undertaker has the ladder in his hands now. Goblin's skull crashes into the barricade, courtesy of Undertaker and his ladder. Big Show groggily gets up and grabs Goblin's chair, and smashes Undertaker in the face with it before hitting Goblin repeatedly. Tazz runs over to his weapons, grabs a broom from it, and bashes it over Big Show's head! Tazz goes for the pin. 1......................................2......................... Big Show kicks out. Tazz stomps Big Show and puts the chair over Big Show's head. He gets ready to stomp on the chair legs to crush Big Show's head. However, Goblin got to the weapons and grabbed a stop sign. The stop sign collides with Tazz's head, and he falls down. Goblin throws Tazz into the shopping cart. Undertaker attacks Goblin, and grabs the shopping cart. He throws the stop sign, the chair from around Big Show's head, and the broom onto Tazz, and carts it up the ramp to the backstage area. Big Show, Tim White, and Goblin chase after Taker. They see him taking the cart to the parking lot. He runs with it, and lets go, sending Tazz into the wall! The hit causes Tazz to pop up, slamming him face first into the wall! Tazz collapses back into the cart! Big Show rushes over with a toaster from the shopping cart weapon pile and bashes Undertaker over the head. Big Show catches Undertaker as he falls and drops the toaster, Big Show lifts Undertaker up by his throat and choke slams him onto the toaster! Undertaker doesn't look good, but Goblin comes up from behind and attacks Big Show. Goblin leaves himself open, though, and Big Show grabs his head and flips him onto his back and into Big Show's knee. Big Show stomps on Goblin repeatedly and grabs the broom from off of the unconscious Tazz and beats him with it. However, Undertaker gets up from behind and grabs Big Show's head and drops a reverse DDT. Undertaker chokes out Big Show with the broom handle. Goblin starts to get up but Undertaker punches him. Undertaker sees Tazz still in the cart, and so he carts Tazz over to a truck loading dock! He takes him and grabs a table and opens it. He tosses it down the loading dock. It manages to land right side up. Undertaker rolls Tazz over the edge and onto the table, but the table doesn't crack! Undertaker looks angry. He suddenly runs over the edge himself, making a huge leg drop onto Tazz, cracking the table in half! Undertaker covers, and the ref runs down the ramp and makes the count. 1.............................2................................. out of nowhere, Goblin comes flying out of the air and hits Undertaker with a shooting star press! Undertaker looks knocked out and so does Tazz, but Goblin doesn't seem to care and doesn't pin either of them. He leans them up against the wall and grabs the table wreckage. He takes one piece and slams it into their faces! It shatters after a few hits and he picks up another piece and continues the assault. Goblin stops to talk trash to the unconsious competitors. Goblin goes up the loading dock to grab the steel chair he had at the top. He jumps down and brings the chair crashing into the skull of Tazz! Goblin stands over the slumped over body of Tazz, pinning him with his foot and holding the chair above his head in triumph. 1......................2...................... Big Show falls from the sky with a fist drop into the chair! The chair clangs against Goblin's head and he's down! Big Show picks up Goblin and gives him a huge choke slam, sending his helmet off. The fans and Big Show are shocked to see an unconscious Marrissa Mazzola-McMahon on the floor wearing the Green Goblin get up. Big Show quickly pins her and the referee counts. 1.....................................2.........................................3! Bell rings.:: Winner and NEW Hardcore Champion: The Big Show ::"Big" plays as Big Show celebrates and limps away, he's suddenly attacked by another Green Goblin! The two start brawling through-out the back until officials and security break them up. Big Show looks confused and Goblin screams "that's my title!" Undertaker gets up and see's what's going and joins in the brawl, but he too is separated. EMTs are checking on Tazz and get him to an ambulance.:: ::Backstage, Coach is walking around and see two beautiful woman. One with long blond hair and looks nearly Asian. The other one has short dark brown. They smile.:: Girls: Hi, Coachie. ::To the camera's view, the Coach is really looking at the BFO, Kyle and Steve.:: Coach: Well, where did you lovely ladies come from? Kyle: Well, we've worked here for a while. We heard we're getting a tag team title match against Kurt Angle and RVD tomorrow night on Rare. Steve [BFO]: So, would you like to accompany us to the ring tomorrow night, big boy? Coach: Could I get you lovely ladies' names? Kyle: Kyle. Steve [BFO]: Gay. Coach: What..... weird names for girls. You know, we have someone named Kyle that works here. Do you know him? Kyle: Not really. Coach: Well, let me escort you ladies to my room. ::Coach and the BFO walk away.:: ::Backstage, Eric Bischoff is talking to Johnny Banks.:: Eric: Hey, Johnny, you told Andre, Shawn, and Chris this plan to get Cletus out of the match, but I didn't see it in action. What is going on? Do you have a back up plan? Do ya? Huh? Johnny: That's none of your business, Coach. The plan is going underway right now. I know it is. ::Cletus storms into Johnny's room.:: Cletus: What the fuck is this about you having a plan to get me out of the world title match!? This is so like you, Johnny, to hold those down that YOU don't think should be champ! You're holding me down, you're holding HBK down, Jericho....... even your friends. You're holding them down! Johnny: You know what, Cleter, that is a total lie about me holding people down. You know that as well as I do that I respect people's chances around here. Cletus: Oh really? Johnny: Yeah, really! Eric: Guys, guys, stop! Not now! ::A man in black runs into the room and spears Eric down, knocking him into the wall. Johnny tries to super kick the man, but the man ducks and gives Johnny a Rock Bottom onto the floor. Cletus tries to run, but the man grabs Cletus from behind and gives him an Unprettier. He leaves afterwards.:: JR: Folks, we are very sorry that you had to witness that as well as the carnage that was the Hardcore title match. King: JR, should you tell them what's up next? JR: Up next, folks, is a match of Redemption indeed. Brock Lesnar against Gemini Drake. Let's look at the footage as to why they're here. ::Montage plays. Johnny Banks is seen turning to the entryway of Low Down to see all four members of the Crack Waltzes come out. They all enter the ring and surround Johnny. The Crack Waltzes charge at Johnny trying to ambush him. Johnny side steps Tony Little, then hits him with Sweet Chin Music. Martha runs at him with a lead pipe in hand, but Johnny kicks her in the gut and nails her with a Snow Plow-like move. John Tobias and Ron Popeil double axe handle Johnny from behind, then start to stomp on him. Gemini runs out and enters the ring. Popeil turns around and gets nailed with a Big Boot to the face. Gemini clotheslines Tobias off of Johnny. Johnny gets up and tackles Tobias, punching him on the way down. Then, the Crack Waltzes are shown walking out from the back and start to attack Jericho and HBK. The crowd boos as the Crack Waltzes start to brutally attack HBK and Jericho. The bell is ringing fiercely. Martha grabs the IC belt and nails Jericho in the face with it. Popeil hits HBK with the Set-It-And-Forget-It on the concrete floor. Then, Gemini and Johnny run out and start to fight off the Crack Waltzes. The Johnny Bank/Gemini Drake vs. Crack Waltzes match is shown, then the Crack Waltzes being attacked week after week is shown. The montage ends with Heyman announcing the handicap match and Tony Little and Popeil laying down for Martha and John Tobias. Then, Gemini Drake is seen putting Tony Little in the New Shit, making him tap out. Tony is seen losing to Randy Orton, then Gemini big booting him in the face on his way to the back. As Gemini defeats Orton, Tony attacks Gemini, but Orton assists him. After that, Gemini is seen talking with Ted Turner with the Crack Waltzes surrounding the ring. Then, Tony Little is seen clotheslining Gemini from behind. Desert Heat footage plays of Gemini defeating Tony Little in the handicap match, then Ted Turner ordering Brock Lesnar to F-5 Mahalia neck first into the turnbuckle. Gemini is seen chasing the Crack Waltzes with a 2x4 and banging up their limo. Mahalia's interview is shown. During the WWF title match on a Low Down, Gemini is shown big booting Lesnar and Johnny pinning him. Lesnar seems to be crying. Gemini runs back in and starts kicking and punching Lesnar. He tries to lock Lesnar in the New Shit, but Lesnar kicks him away. Gemini falls to the outside. Lesnar picks up Gemini and screams, "Say hello to Mahalia for me!" He puts Gemini on his shoulders for an F-5, but Johnny nails Lesnar in the back of the head with the WWF title belt. Then, on Rare, Gemini accidentally punches Kristin with a steel chain, then Brock F-5ing Gemini is shown. The two stare each other down with rage as the montage closes out.:: ::Gemini is seen walking toward the ring side area. Another area of the backstage area, Lesnar is talking with Ted Turner.:: Brock: I'm telling ya, Ted, tonight is the night I end Gemini! He has gotten in our way of success for far too long! Ted: I know, Brock, I know. But don't let success go to your head, that's how I lost WCW. As soon as you nail the 1-2-3 on Gemini, I want you to give him the same treatment you gave Mahalia. Brock: Oh trust me, I'll F-5 his ass into the turnbuckle so hard that he'll just get what Mahalia should've gotten. ::The two walk to the ring.:: Gemini Drake vs. Brock Lesnar ::"This is the New Sh*t" by Marilyn Manson plays as Gemini Drake comes out to a mixed ovation. He stands on the rampway and raises his arms in the air. He enters the ring and waits for Brock. "The Next Big Thing" plays as Brock Lesnar comes out with Ted Turner. The crowd boos Lesnar and Turner as they come out. Lesnar runs in place, then walks down to the ring. He leaps on the apron, expecting pyros, but doesn't get any. He enters the ring and runs in place again. The referee tells Ted Turner to leave the arena at once. Ted looks pissed off, but agrees. Bell rings.:: ::Gemini and Lesnar locked it up in the center of the ring and Gemini shoved Brock into the corner. The two locked it up once again and Gemini once again shoved Brock into the corner and then Brock drove Gemini into the corner with a running spear. Brock Lesnar gave Gemini an over the head belly to belly suplex and then he picked him up and gave him another one. Brock went for a third one but Gemini grabbed Brock by the throat to stop him from doing so. Gemini then launched Brock over the top rope to the outside of the ring. Lesnar gets back in the ring and rests in the corner. Gemini charged at Brock Lesnar in the corner but Brock moved and then Brock pulled Gemini out of the corner with a German suplex and then a pin. 1.............................2............................... Gemini kicks out. Gemini kicked Brock in the face to knock him down. Gemini signaled for the Gemini Splitter and then he stalked Lesnar and grabbed him by the sides of his head but Brock pulled Gemini down to the mat with an Oklahoma roll into a pin. 1.........................2................... Gemini kicks out. Brock then gave Gemini another over the head belly to belly suplex. Lesnar taunts the fans as they boo him. He turns around and Gemini nails the Big Boot. Lesnar gets up, holding his face, then Gemini grabbed him in a headlock and gave him a springboard bulldog. 1..................................2................................. Lesnar kicks out. Brock went after Gemini and nailed him with a fall away slam and then nailed him with a few suplexes and went for the pin. 1.........................2.................. Gemini kicks out. Brock then locked Gemini in a front facelock on the mat. Brock continued to unleash on Gemini and then gorilla pressed him in the middle of the ring and then clotheslined him over the ropes to the outside. Brock slammed Gemini into the Chip and Steve's new announce table. They got back in the ring and Gemini ducked a punch and then ran out of the ring to regroup. Brock followed him and then slammed him into the side of the ring. Gemini then countered and threw Brock into the steel ring steps. Gemini then went to work on him busted him open near his eye. Gemini took it to Brock in the ring. He somehow scoop slammed Brock and then ran his hands through the blood on his face. Brock tried to fight back, but Gemini rammed him out of the ring. He worked on him on the outside and then got him back in the ring and went for the pin. 1....................................2............................. Lesnar kicks out. Gemini then locked Brock in a headlock in the middle of the ring. Gemini had Brock locked in a reverse headlock on the mat and Brock fought up to his feet and then slammed Gemini’s back into the corner three times and then fell to the mat. Brock got up and clotheslined Gemini and then slammed him into the turnbuckle with a shoulderblock. Gemini broke free and hit a neckbreaker on Lesnar and then went for the pin. 1.............................2..................... Lesnar kicks out again. Gemini fights back with chops and a pair of arm drags. He tosses Lesnar outside and slams his head on the announce table. Gemini reverses a whip and sends Lesnar into the ring post. He throws Lesnar back in the ring and immediately latches on the New Shit, which Lesnar is able to get out of. Lesnar goes back in control, holding Gemini high up in a cradle suplex. 1..............................2.............................. Gemini kicks out. A low belly-to-belly suplex sends Gemini tumbling out of the ring. Outside, Lesnar presses Gemini and drops him on the announce table head first. He shoves Gemini back in the ring and covers. 1..................................2............................. Gemini kicks out again. Snap suplex by Lesnar. Lesnar locks his legs around Gemini’s waist and applies a choke hold. However, it didn’t happen, as Gemini fights out but eats a hard body slam! 1.............................2......................... Gemini kicked out. Lesnar locks a rear naked choke on Gemini. Gemini is able to fight out, chopping the hell out of Lesnar but ends up sailing over the top rope. Gemini is whipped into the steel steps. Lesnar stands inside the ring for the count. Gemini stands up, drags Lesnar outside and hurls into into the steps. Lesnar tries to flee, but Gemini catches him in the ring and stomps away at him. Lesnar connects with a German Suplex, and both men are down. They get up, and Lesnar charges Gemini only to ram into the ring post. That allows Gemini to lock in the dragon sleeper, but then Gemini drops Lesnar into a back breaker! Shoulder tackle keeps the monster down, and Gemini signals cutthroat! He picks Lesnar up and nails the Gemini Splitter! 1....................................2..................................... Lesnar kicks out. Lesnar elbows Gemini in the gut and whips him into the ropes. Gemini wraps his legs around Lesnar like a headscissors, trying to wrench on Lesnar's arm with his armbar move, but Lesnar is resisting and Gemini gets it locked in. Lesnar is on his knees, but then Lesnar stands up, and F-5s Gemini into the referee, but Gemini still has the armbar on! Lesnar is screaming in pain, and taps out! The ref didn’t see it though! Gemini checks on the ref, as Lesnar leaps up and hits the F-5. The ref crawls to count the cover on Gemini, 1................................................2.................................. Gemini kicks out! Kicks by Brock into a choke via foot in the corner. Whip to the corner by Brock, followed by a shoulder block, more kicks, and another foot choke. Brock kicks him in the head and gives him some more shoulder roast. Gemini tries a comeback, but takes knees for his troubles. Brock whips Gemini into another corner and eats elbow coming in. Gemini tries a few shoulder blocks of his own, then dropkicks Brock’s leg, finally taking him down. Gemini goes for the leg, and Brock bails outside. Lesnar then rolls back into the ring. Brock cheap shots Gemini and kicks him some more in the corner. A whip results in a reversal and three arm drags by Gemini, sending Brock outside. Brock grabs the steel steps to try and break the count, but the ref doesn’t fall for it. Brock breaks the count at 9, Gemini approaches, and Brock bails out to stall some more. Brock re-enters, Gemini goes for the leg and Brock bails again. Brock baits Gemini into a neck snap off the top rope, and then enters to stomp on and choke out Gemini. Whip by Brock gets turned into a big boot by Gemini. Gemini then throws Brock outside and follows Brock to beat on him. Gemini breaks the count and returns to the slugfest. Back in the ring, Lesnar nails Gemini with a quick F-5! He goes for the pin. 1..............................................2.................................. Gemini kicks out. Brock kicks away at Gemini’s ribs and taunts him some more, then locks in the New Shit on Gemini. Gemini screams in pain and tries to break free, but can't. He starts crawling to the ropes............... and he makes it! Lesnar breaks the hold. Brock continues the “insult to injury” party with a Gemini Splitter on Gemini. 1................................2............................... Gemini gets a shoulder up. Brock whips Gemini to the corner and hits another shoulder block. Beatdown in the corner plus kicks to the head. Brock whips Gemini into the other corner and Gemini avoids the charge. Rights by Gemini results in a whip and a reversal, but Gemini sends Brock back down to the mat. Gemini kicks Brock in the gut and nails him with a springboard bulldog, then another, then another. Brock dumps Gemini outside and follows to whip Gemini into the barricade in the aisle. Brock breaks the count, then returns. Gemini fires back, only to take an F-5 outside! Brock returns to the ring as a small “Holy shit!” chant erupts. The referee is at six, but then Gemini slowly gets back into the ring, breaking the count. Lesnar can't believe this. Gemini regains the advantage with two big boots on Lesnar. Gemini is tossed outside and returns for more punishment. Two elbows by Brock results in a cover. 1.........................2................... Gemini kicks out. A right by Brock is followed by kicks in the corner. Gemini makes the comeback and nails the Gemini Splitter! 1..........................................2............................ Lesnar gets his foot on the bottom rope. Gemini nails Lesnar with a strong DDT. 1.............................2....................... Lesnar gets out. Stomps by Gemini, followed by rights in the corner. Brock fires back with knees to the gut, but takes a dragon sleeper backbreaker by Gemini. The Gemini Splitter is countered into to a F-5, which is countered into a New Shit. Brock powers out and Gemini almost bumps the ref. Brock finishes that job with a clothesline ducked by Gemini. Gemini Splitter, but no ref to make the count for Gemini. Brock goes outside for some therapeutic timekeeper abuse and grabs a chair. Back in, Brock nails Gemini with the chair. Brock grabs the ref by his pants and tosses him beside Gemini to revive him. 1..........................2........................... Gemini kicks out. Gemini drags Brock outside. Gemini lands a few rights and tosses Brock into the steps. Gemini breaks the count, then pulls a Macho Man with a double axehandle to Brock off the apron. Back in and a cover by Gemini. 1................................2............................. Lesnar kicks out. Gemini goes up top for a missile dropkick. 1.............................2....................... Lesnar kicks out again. Gemini back up again and goes for a moonsault, but the moonsault misses and Brock clotheslines him for a double knock out. Brock is up just in time to walk into another big boot. 1..............................2................... Lesnar kicks out. Brock goes for a belly-to-belly suplex, but Gemini counters into the Dragon Sleeper. Brock rolls through and powers Gemini to the outside in a nice counter. Brock follows and whips Gemini into the steps. Gemini re-enters the ring as Brock goes for the opposite set of steps. Gemini baseball slides the steps into Brock’s face. Gemini brings Brock back inside. 1...............................2..................... Lesnar gets a shoulder up. Gemini with rights and kicks in the corner. Brock reverses and gets an overhead belly-to-belly suplex on Gemini from the top rope. 1................................2........................ Gemini gets his leg on the bottom rope. Both men are outside as Gemini bounces Brock’s head off of the announce table. Brock returns the favor, then sets up Gemini for an F-5 into the post. Gemini drops out and does it to Brock instead. Gemini breaks the ref’s count then stomps on Brock’s leg outside. Back in and Gemini gets a half Boston crab on Brock. Brock reaches the ropes, then takes the New Shit instead. Brock makes the ropes again, then decides he’s had enough by shoving Gemini away and hitting another F-5. Brock, after a bit of stalling, finally covers................... 1......................................2............................. Gemini kicks out again. Brock, now thoroughly frustrated, goes up top. Gemini gets up and nails a running enziguri on Lesnar, making him fall from the top rope to the ring. Gemini then goes for the pin. 1..................................2.................................... Gemini puts his foot on the middle rope................... 3! Bell rings.:: Winner: Gemini Drake ::"This is the New Sh*t" plays as Gemini rolls outside, exhausting. The crowd is on their feet, cheering for Gemini. Gemini grabs the steel chair that Lesnar hit him with earlier and brings it into the ring. He then starts to hit Lesnar repeatedly in the head with the chair, making Lesnar cry out in pain. After that, Gemini throws the chair out to the floor, raises his arms in the air, and leaves to the back.:: ::Backstage, there's a six screen shot, revealing the six competitors heading toward the ring.:: Chip: There they are, folks! It's time now for the WWF Championship six pack elimination challenge! Steve: Only one will walk out of here with the title. Whomever that'll be, I have no idea. Here is the footage of why these guys are here tonight. ::A video montage plays with "Downfall" playing in the background. Cletus run to the titantron. Andre meets him there then him and Meeko zap Cletus over and over again with the taser. They're up on the stage as Meeko sets up a table. Cletus fights back as Meeko climbs onto the stage - Andre tosses Cletus through the table. The two men continue to zap Cletus over and over again, but then Cletus gives the two low blows. Cletus yells at them and yells out the "N" word at the two. He continue to stomp and kick them, but then Chris Jericho runs out and starts to punch Cletus. Cletus starts to punch Jericho back. The two go back and forth, then Andre joins in and double clotheslines Cletus with Jericho. Meeko picks up Cletus and nails him with a spinning powerbomb on the stage. Cletus low blows everyone and grabs Andre's taser. Before he can zap any of them, Johnny Banks and Shawn Michaels run out and give Cletus double sweet chin music. Cletus stumbles off the stage and falls through an amplifier. Sparks fly everywhere and Cletus screams in pain. Randy Savage makes the announcement of the WWF title match. Andre Dawson is seen defeating Cletus with the Dawson Driver. After that, Andre stomps on Cletus, then kicks him out of the ring. As he does, a man in black enters the ring. Andre turns around and gets a spear from the man. The man does a Goldberg-like taunt. Cletus gets in the ring and bows before the man as if he were God. The man picks Cletus up and gives him a Last Ride powerbomb. Ahmed Johnson is seen defeating Chris Jericho, with help from Cletus, for the Intercontinental Championship. Gemini Drake is shown nailing Brock Lesnar with a big boot and then Johnny Banks super kicking Lesnar. Johnny grabs the belt and runs out of the ring. Lesnar seems to be crying. Gemini runs back in and starts kicking and punching Lesnar. He tries to lock Lesnar in the New Shit, but Lesnar kicks him away. Gemini falls to the outside. Lesnar picks up Gemini and screams, "Say hello to Mahalia for me!" He puts Gemini on his shoulders for an F-5, but Johnny nails Lesnar in the back of the head with the WWF title belt. Cletus runs out again and hits Johnny and Gemini with a chair. He yells at the two, but then Jericho sneaks up behind him and nails the running enziguri on Cletus. Lesnar is up, ready to F-5 Jericho, but Jericho kicks him in the groin. Jericho picks up the chair and hits Lesnar in the face with it. Johnny gets up, as does Cletus, then the two double super kick Cletus into the crowd. Shawn Michaels is seen walking toward the ring, but then from behind, a man nails him with a Harlem sidekick. Meeko raises his arms in the air. From behind comes the man in black who nails Johnny in the face with a big boot. He then choke slams Meeko. Michaels gets up and goes to super kick him, but the mystery man grabs Michaels' foot, spins him around, and nails him with a Stone Cold Stunner. The man climbs the top rope and does a Randy Savage pose, leaping off and nailing Johnny with an elbow drop. But he's not done, he then locks Michaels in a sharpshooter, making him tap out. Jericho runs and bulldogs the mystery man off of Michaels. He tries to lock in the Walls of Jericho, but the mystery man struggles out and leaves the ring. Jericho, as well as the rest of the men, stare the mystery man down as the montage closes out.:: ::"Man of Constant Sorrow" starts to play as Cletus comes out, doing a hillbilly dance to the ring. He enters the ring and does another hillbilly dance, taking off his hat at the end. He tosses his hat and vest outside afterwards. "Sexy Boy" plays as Shawn Michaels comes out with Steve Austin behind him, the fans cheering. He gets down halfways to the ramp, gets on his knee, and raises his arms in the air. Pyros shoot up from the ramp way. He enters the ring, spins around, and does his classic pose. The Y2J countdown begins. When the symbol reads "Y2J," pyros shoot up. "Break the Walls Down" plays as Chris Jericho walks out to a cheering ovation. He walks down to the ring, climbs onto the ring apron, and does his usual strut on the apron. After that, he enters the ring and flexes a bit. The Chicago Cubs' theme plays as Andre Dawson comes out to a mixed ovation as well. He enters the ring raises his arms in the air. "Fight to Survive" plays as Johnny Banks comes out to a mixed ovation. He has the WWF title around his shoulder. He enters the ring and hands the title to the referee. The five await the mystery opponent. After a minute of waiting, "Bulldog" plays. Meeko comes out to a standing ovation. He enters the ring and gives high fives to Andre, Johnny, Chris, and Michaels. Bell rings.:: ::Cletus wants to go first, but then Andre nails Cletus with the Dawson Driver. Meeko picks up Cletus and nails him with the Fooko Bomb. Jericho runs across the ring and nails the Lionsault on Cletus. The three pick him up and HBK hits Cletus with Sweet Chin Music. Johnny picks Cletus up and hits him with the Thunder Driver. All five make the cover on Cletus. 1.......................................2......................3!!! Cletus is eliminated! Meeko kicks Cletus out of the ring. Cletus yells at the five men, then heads to the back. The five stare each other down. A big brawl endures. Meeko, Andre, and HBK are clotheslined out to the floor by Jericho and Johnny. Johnny runs against the ropes and leaps off with a crossbody plancha on Meeko, Andre, and HBK on the floor, and Jericho then jumping onto the pile with a tope con hilo. HBK got back in the ring, and hit a springboard twisting moonsault onto the pile. Johnny put HBK in a Gory Special, with Andre inserting Jericho into a Boston Crab position. Meeko grabbed HBK into a camel clutch, for a weird five way submission spot, then dropkicked the whole pile, knocking them all over. Johnny hit a German suplex on Meeko. 1...............................2............................ Andre breaks up the pin to save his partner. Johnny hits HBK with a hurricanrana, but HBK dropkicked him as he tried a springboard. HBK came off the top rope to the floor with a hurricanrana on Johnny. HBK hit a Tornado DDT off the announce table on Johnny. In the ring, Jericho flipped out of a German Suplex by Andre, and tried a springboard hurricanrana, but Andre turned it into a powerbomb. 1.............................2............................ Meeko ran in to break up the pin. Andre hit a hard clothesline on Meeko. 1....................2.................... Meeko kicks out. Andre went for a DDT on Meeko, who blocked it. Andre got on the top rope, but Meeko crotches him. He gets up and superplexes Andre off of the top rope. HBK ran in, and Meeko hit a powerslam on HBK, followed by a double arm overhead suplex. 1............................2........................ Jericho dropkicked Meeko. Meeko is then a victim of Jericho's running enziguri. Jericho went to the top, but HBK took him down by running the ropes and hitting a press slam from the top rope. Andre and Johnny went at it, with Andre hitting a baseball slide drop kick on Johnny. Meeko hit the Fooko Bomb on Andre. 1......................................2...............................3!! Andre is eliminated! Andre rolls out of the ring, looks at Meeko, and asks what Meeko was doing. Meeko yells at Andre to get his ass out of the arena. HBK dropkicked Johnny from the ring. Meeko hit a double flying clothesline over the top rope onto HBK and Johnny. Back in the ring, Meeko hit a front release suplex on Johnny. Jericho kicked Meeko, and Johnny hit the Thunder Driver on Meeko. He goes for the pin. 1............................................2.........................3! Meeko is eliminated! Meeko rolls out of the ring, angry. Johnny, HBK, and Jericho look at one another, then the three men lock up, using a series of holds and reversals on each other until HBK makes the ropes when Jericho and Johnny both have hold on him. Johnny and Jericho go back and forth with punches, kicks, headscissors, clotheslines, and arm drags, with HBK content to watch, until he suddenly tries a Sweet Chin Music on Johnny, but he misses. HBK lets them go at it again, then attacks Johnny with a forearm, before getting caught by a running enziguri by Jericho. Johnny spears Jericho in the corner, but Jericho catches him on a second attempt with a drop toehold. HBK hits a neckbreaker on Jericho and a snap suplex on Johnny. 1.............................2............................. Johnny kicks out. Jericho gets a sleeper on Johnny, but Johnny reverses to a leg sweep, only for HBK to stomp on both men. HBK gets to the top rope and hit an elbow drop on Jericho to a huge pop. Johnny kicks HBK in the gut and nails him with the Thunder Driver. 1...................................2.................................. HBK kicks out. Johnny suplexes Jericho on HBK. 1...............................2........................ Jericho and HBK kick out. Johnny tries a piledriver on HBK, but Jericho hits him with an enziguri, then hits a cross-neckbreaker on HBK. 1.........................2................................ HBK kicks out. Johnny hits a piledriver on HBK, then hits a leg drop. 1...................................2....................... HBK kicks out. Johnny tries to hit Jericho with a super kick, but Jericho dodges it and nails Johnny with a bulldog. He gets up and HBK powerbombs Jericho into the turnbuckle. Johnny hits a second rope neckbreaker on Jericho, who takes HBK over with him. 1..........................2............................. both men kick out. Jericho and Johnny hit a tandem super kick on HBK. 1............................2.............................. HBK kicks out. HBK reverses the Thunder Driver to a Sweet Chin Music on Johnny. 1.................................2............................... Jericho breaks up the pin. HBK goes for a dropkick on Johnny in the corner, but Jericho knocks him down and hits a dropkick of his own on Johnny. HBK retaliates by giving BOTH men a dropkick. HBK starts tuning up the band in front of Jericho. Both men get up, then Michaels nails Johnny with the Sweet Chin Music! 1...................................2..............................3! Johnny is eliminated! Johnny rolls out of the ring and walks to the back, people patting him on the back. Jericho blocks a Sweet Chin Music and locks on the Walls of Jericho, but HBK reaches the ropes. Jericho nails HBK with the Flashback. 1......................2................ HBK kicks out. HBK retaliates with a a flying forearm. 1........................2..................... Jericho kicks out. Jericho got free and then got up and nailed the veteran with a spinning heel kick to the side of the head. HBK got the hard Irish whip into the turnbuckle and then Jericho went for a Bulldog and HBK pushed him away and Jericho nailed the turnbuckle. Shawn then locked Jericho in the Figure-4 Leglock in the middle of the ring. Jericho got up and slammed Michaels into the turnbuckle, shoulder-first. Michaels got up and tossed Jericho out of the ring and then nailed him with a plancha over the ropes. HBK went for the dropkick and Jericho caught his feet and got him in a Boston Crab on the outside. Jericho got back in the ring and broke the 10 count and then drop kicked Michaels on the ring apron as he was getting back into the ring. Jericho slammed HBK in the middle of the ring and then Jericho proceeded to taunt Michaels and tell him he is better than him. Jericho went for the pin. 1...........................2.............................. HBK kicks out. Jericho went for an arrogant cover with one foot on HBK. 1..................................2.......................... HBK kicks out. Jericho locked a side headlock on Michaels in the middle of the ring. HBK got to his feet and broke the hold and tried to break the offense of Y2J. Jericho hit the ropes and Shawn hit a DDT, but both men were down on the mat fighting the 10-count. Jericho whipped off the ropes and nailed Shawn with a flying forearm and then mocked Michaels while he was down. Shawn got to his feet and nailed Jericho when he turned around. He hit an atomic drop and then a moonsault from the top rope. 1....................2................... Jericho kicks out. HBK rolled up Jericho again. 1........................2................ Jericho rolls over onto Michaels. 1........................2......................... HBK rolls over onto Jericho. 1......................2................. Jericho kicks out. Finally HBK got locked in the Walls of Jericho, but he gets into the ropes. Jericho hit a belly-to-belly suplex on HBK and held on for the pin. 1...............................2......................... HBK muscled his way out. Jericho nails HBK with a bulldog and then the Lionsault. 1................................2......................... HBK kicks out. HBK went for the Hurricanrana and Jericho caught him and locked him in the Walls of Jericho. Shawn Michaels made his way to the ropes and then Jericho went for the hold again, but Michaels rolled him up with the small package. 1.............................................2.................................................. Jericho kicks out. Jericho went upstairs and hit a reverse flying elbow from the top rope. Jericho then set up for a mock version of the Sweet Chin Music. Jericho warmed up and almost took Shawn’s head off. 1..........................................2......................... HBK kicks out. Michaels hit a crossbody from the middle turnbuckle and then pummeled away at Jericho on the mat. Shawn then catapulted Jericho into the corner and then rolled him up for the pin. 1................................2.......................... Jericho kicks out. Jericho hit a forearm to the back of HBK and then got him up top. Jericho went for a back suplex and Michaels countered in mid-air to his a cross body block. HBK went for the pin. 1.............................2............................. Jericho kicked out. Shawn went up for the flying elbow smash, but Jericho kicked the ref into the ropes to knock him down. Jericho went up to try and hit the superplex, but Michaels shook him off and hit the flying elbow. The crowd erupted and he warmed up for the Sweet Chin Music. He missed the kick and Jericho locked him in the Walls of Jericho. Shawn went for the ropes, but Jericho pulled him back to the middle. Michaels finally got to the bottom rope to break the hold. Jericho ran at Michaels and HBK lifted the leg and nailed a desperation Super Kick. Jericho tried to roll up Michaels, he countered. 1..........................2..................... Jericho kicks out. Jericho then tried to back suplex HBK, but he landed on his feet and rolled Jericho up from behind. 1.........................................2......................... Jericho kicks out. HBK and Jericho get up, but then Jericho nails a bulldog on HBK, followed by the Lionsault. 1...............................................2..................................3!!! Bell rings.:: Winner and NEW WWF Champion: Chris Jericho ::"Break the Walls Down" plays as the referee hands Jericho the WWF championship. He looks into it and raises it up in the air, celebrating. HBK gets up, then Andre, Meeko, and Johnny run into the ring, congratulating Jericho. The other superstars, except the heels, congratulate Jericho on his first WWF Championship win. Johnny raises Jericho's arm in the air. Jericho raises the title up in the air again as Redemption closes out.::
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