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Name: Fluisa

Height: 5 foot 6

Weight: 465 pounds

From: Culver City, CA

Finishing Move: Fireball

Career Highlights: Women's Champion (3), Intercontinental Champion, Hardcore Champion (2), EWF Women's Champion, Television Champion

Associates: Mark Little

Fluisa is the most disturbing WWF diva to ever grace the WWF ring. Signed in June of 1999 as Marquis Littal, Fluisa won the Women's championship in her first match against Cindy. People thought her as Mark Little until Booker T and Mark revealed that she wasn't. She eventually joined Harlem Heat with Booker, Stevie Ray, and Mark in December of the same year. In 2000, Fluisa feuded with the Golden People's Paige, who was the Women's champion, and she defeated her at Wrestlefest for the title.

In a bizarre turn of events at the Survivor Series of 2000, Harlem Heat had to battle with RonCo, Inc.: Ron Popeil, Jesse Pearce, Matt McQuality, and Matt Park. McQuality was the Hardcore champion and Mark was the IC champion. To make the match interesting whoever made the first fall would be Hardcore champion in which Stevie Ray won. The second fall would determine the IC champion which Fluisa won. This led to the disintegration of her and Mark's relationship as he turned on her the following night.

Fluisa had to defeat Mark for the Hardcore title in December of 2000. After losing the Hardcore title to Ivory in 2001, Fluisa was released. She went to the EWF and defeated Christina for their Women's title. She was stripped of the title when she shot Chris Jericho with a flamethrower, mistaking him for Paul Heyman. Fluisa joined the invading WWF side afterward, she finally being reunited with Mark.

In 2002, Fluisa returned to the WWF and won the Women's title. In April of the same year, Mark and Fluisa dressed like superheroes. But sadly the company went into hiatus again, not before Fluisa defeated Pritch E. Pritchard for the Hardcore title. In 2004, Fluisa returned as the Hardcore champion. She is now in search for Women's gold once again.