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< - - - The Thursday show of the WWF, Low Down - - - >

Episode # Titles Decided Commentators Location Arena Date
8 Steve Stone and Chip Caray Evansville, IN Roberts Arena October 28, 2004
< - - - Low Down - - - >
::Pyros shoot everywhere in the arena as the Low Down theme starts to play. The audience members are holding up signs and are cheering their heads off. The camera crew goes around the arena, getting shots of the audience members with their signs.::

Chip Caray: We are here in Evansville, Indiana for Low Down! Chip Caray at ringside with Steve Stone! What a night we have in store for us! Randy Savage has told us all that Meeko and Cletus will face each other in a hardcore match tonight!

Steve Stone: Not only that, but Macho Man has made a match that Johnny Banks and Andre Dawson will battle each other just to be fair.

Chip: Also, we just got word that Dawn Marie and Paige will be competing against each other in a costume match with Fluisa being the referee. This is going to be an exciting night indeed.

Steve: Don't forget that John Tobias has challenged Chris Casamassa to a martial arts show down. I'm going to be in the ring when they're doing this and the fans will be the judges.

Chip: We can't forget the return of Gemini Drake and Kristin. They are going to face Martha Stewart and Ron Popeil here tonight. Ted Turner has called in sick today so he won't be here tonight. But Gemini will get him at Halloween Havoc in just three days.

::"Cat's the Greatest" starts to play as Ernest "the Cat" Miller walks out on stage.::

Steve: Looks like Macho Man Randy Savage's assistant, Ernest "the Cat" Miller will be gracing us with his presence.

::Ernest Miller enters the ring and starts to do a little dance to the fans' enjoyment. Jessica Bice hands him a mic and Ernest gives a kiss on the cheek. Jessica exits the ring with a smile on her face.::

Ernest: Hey hey hey! It's Ernest "the Cat" Miller here in Evansville, Indiana! *crowd cheers* I'm here tonight so say that Mr. Savage won't be here tonight, so sorry to say. But, in other news, I'm in charge for the night! Ha hey! *claps* I know that a few fans here want to see some action before Halloween Havoc starts up, but there's one thing that's been bothering me. Jonathan Coachman hanging with the BFO and calling them, and half the locker room, beautiful women?! *crowd laughs* Pretty funny, eh? Not to mention that at Halloween Havoc Coach has to pick which of those "lovely ladies" will be his tag partner. Here's what we're going to do. I know that Coach can't decide which one so in the six-man tag that's coming up, whoever pins one of the BFO, that BFO member is out of the match and the remaining one will be Coach's bitch -- er, partner. And speaking of tag matches, let's get this show underway! Max, Kurt, RVD, let's give these guys a show!

::Ernest Miller leaves the ring.::

Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam, and Max Turner vs. The Coach and the BFO

::"Firefly" plays as Max Turner comes out to a mixed reaction. He stands on the stage and poses for the fans. Max runs in as the refrain goes off. He climbs to the top rope and poses for people to take pictures. "I Don't Suck" plays as Kurt Angle comes out with a tag title to a mixed ovation. He holds up his arms in the air and red, white, and blue pyro shoots up. He enters the ring and spins around. "One of a Kind" plays as pyros erupt from the titantron. Rob Van Dam comes out with the other tag title and points to himself as Jessica announces his name. He enters the ring, raises his arms in the air, and spins around. "You Look So Good to Me" plays on the PA system as Steve and Kyle, with Coach, come out to a booing ovation. To everyone dismay, Kyle is dressed with a blond wig and red dress. The two are locked arm-in-arm and are walking down the ramp way. They enter the ring and Steve pulls off Kyle's wig and dress. Kyle throws the wig and dress into the crowd. Coach looks confused. Bell rings.::

::Steve and Angle start off as Steve chucks Angle on the floor. Steve and Angle then clash and throw back and forth. Steve goes for the powerbomb early but Angle sweeps his legs out and goes for the Ankle Lock. Angle is backed into a corner where Max tags himself in. Steve gets Max early on with clubbing blows until Max fights back with some right hands. Max comes off the ropes numerous times trying to take down Steve several times with shoulder blocks. On the third he whacks him out of the ring. Max comes off the ropes and RVD tags himself in! Coach is tagged and RVD kicks Coach multiple times in one corner, whips him to the other and then gives him a back body drop. Angle is tagged in and he chops Coach numerous times who comes off the ropes ready to fight but then he takes a flop! Angle hits a high back body drop but he walks right into a right hand from Coach. Coach follows up with a knee breaker and then he goes for a figure four but Angle reverses and slaps an Ankle Lock on Coach! All men hit the ring and Max and RVD put the other two members of the BFO in Ankle Locks as well! Three Ankle Locks in the ring as Hebner has lost control!::

::Commercial break::

::When we come back we see that during the break Angle was chopping away at Coach and Steve came outside to work on him and he slammed him into the ring. Kyle is working on Angle whipping him from corner to corner followed by a tag to Steve who gives Angle a big side backbreaker. 1........................2........................ RVD drop kicks Steve off of Angle. Steve works heavily on the back of Angle with clubbing blows. Angle throws a clubbing blow but cannot make a tag. Both men are up and Angle is chopping like mad. He comes off the ropes though and Steve nails him with a spinebuster. Kyle is tagged and he hits a suplex on Angle. 1..................2................ Angle kicks out. Coach is then tagged in and he drops a knee across the nose of Angle. He then takes Angle to the corner where he chops away at him. Steve is tagged in and he drags Angle to the apron where he beats away. Angle is bleeding from the mouth. Coach slaps on an Ankle Lock and when it is about to be reversed Coach tags Steve. Steve has Angle by the leg but Angle slaps him with an enziguri! Angle tags RVD and Kyle hits the ring and the two go at it! RVD hits Kyle with a spinning heel kick and a step-over heel kick. Coach tries to get involved but RVD takes care of business, gives Kyle jumping martial arts kick and then nails him with a Rolling Thunder. 1.........................2......................... Steve breaks up the count. All hell breaks loose as Kyle hits a knee on RVD. Outside of the ring Max tosses Steve into a pole. Kyle goes for the BFer on RVD but RVD reverses and tosses him over his head. Angle climbs the top rope and gives Kyle a moonsault! Steve pulls him out of the ring however. RVD sets up in the corner for the Five Star Frog Splash but before he can hit it Max tags himself in! Max looks at RVD and the two stare down and Max turns around right into a kick from Kyle who goes for the BFer but RVD nails Kyle with a jumping martial arts kick from the top rope! Kyle stumbles around then Max nails a Flat Liner. 1.......................2.....................3! Bell rings.::

Winners: Max Turner, Rob Van Dam, and Kurt Angle

::"Firefly" plays as Max starts to celebrate in the middle of the ring. RVD and Kurt enter the ring and shake his hand. Coach and Steve can't believe that Kyle lost. Coach snaps his fingers and starts to talking to Steve. Kurt and RVD are staring Coach and Steve down, keeping them away from the ring.::

Steve Stone: They better stay away from that ring! It will be the last thing they ever do!

Chip: Well Steve, since Kyle was defeated Coach must team with Steve!

Steve: I hope Kurt breaks Coach's ankle. Snap some sense into his ass. Anyway, our new backstage interviewer, Guy LaDouche, is backstage with Cletus. Guy?

::Backstage, we see Guy LaDouche talking with Cletus.::

Guy: Guy LaDouche here backstage with Mr. Cletus. Cletus, last week on Rare you were powerbombed by your own teammate, Meeko. Tonight, you face Meeko in a hardcore match. Any comment?

Cletus: That was the first time in ages that a tag partner of mine turned against me and cost me the win, but that it was no big deal since it was a tag match and I am a singles wrestler. I was the greatest singles wrestler of all-time, and --

::Johnny Banks and Eric Bischoff walk up to Cletus.::

Johnny: Excuse me, Cletus. Did you just say that YOU'RE the greatest singles wrestler of all time? I don't think so! None of these fans think you are either, you disgusting pig sty! Look at you! You're fat, you smell like crap, you look like crap, that's for sure. Not to mention, if you were such a great singles wrestler then how come people beat you at Redemption, Great American Bash, and Destruction in Japan. All chances for the WWF title, but you failed! I know for sure that come Halloween Havoc you won't beat me. Not no way. Not no how. So get use to not being a champ, Cletus. That will haunt till the day you die.

::Johnny and Bischoff walk away, Bischoff complementing Johnny.::

::Commercial break::

Johnny Banks vs. Andre Dawson

::The Chicago Cubs' theme plays as Andre Dawson comes out to a mixed ovation as well. He enters the ring raises his arms in the air. "Fight to Survive" plays as Johnny Banks comes out to a mixed ovation. He enters the ring and poses for the fans. Bell rings.::

::The two men locked up. Andre got an arm lock, but Johnny reversed it into an arm wrench. Johnny put a headlock on Andre. Andre fought out of it. Johnny, locked in another headlock to take Andre into the mat. Andre came back up and fought out of the headlock into a wrist lock, but Johnny put on the headlock again. Andre pulled the hair of Johnny. Johnny hit an armdrag, but Andre sent Johnny to the outside. Johnny gets back into the ring. Andre hit an arm drag and then got Johnny in a headlock. Andre took him down and held onto the headlock. Andre took Johnny down again and held the headlock. Johnny fought his way up, but knocked Andre down with a right hand. Johnny stomped on Andre and brought him up to his feet. Johnny hits three suplexes in a row on Andre. 1.................2................ Andre kicks out. Johnny then applied a headlock. Andre countered and took Johnny down to the mat. Andre nailed some rights and Irish whipped Johnny, which was reversed. Johnny hit a back body drop. 1.......................2.......................... Andre kicks out. Johnny applied a chin lock to Andre. Andre came up to a knee. He came to his feet but Johnny held on. Andre hit some elbows and an uppercut. Bischoff took Andre down with a swift kick to the face as the referee was occupied. Johnny went for a Thunder Driver, but Andre took him down with a crossbody. Andre then hit a suplex. He hit a second suplex, and then hit a third. Bischoff came onto the apron and Andre kicked him off. Hebner sent Bischoff to the back and Meeko came in through the crowd and tossed nailed Andre from behind with a ring bell. Meeko then throws Johnny on top of Andre and leaves the ring. Hebner sees the pin. 1.........................2..........................3! Bell rings.::

Winner: Johnny Banks

::"Fight to Survive" plays as Bischoff runs back out and helps Johnny to his feet. Johnny pushes Bischoff away and asks him why he interfered. Bischoff tries to act innocent but then "Sexy Boy" plays. Shawn Michaels comes out to a standing ovation. He enters the ring and has a mic in hand. Andre is slowly getting up.::

HBK: Well well well, looky what we have here. Johnny, it's about time you realize that Eric Bitchoff here, he's not even worth your time. You and Andre were having a great match going here until this jerk off here interrupted it! *Bischoff shakes his head* Don't give us that bull, Bischoff, you know as well as I do that you interfered! And I know that Meeko interfered too. So, Johnny, Andre, should we let Mr. Bischoff stay with the group?

::Andre gives a thumbs down. They look to Johnny. Johnny sighs and starts to give a thumbs up, but then drops it down. Eric looks shocked.::

HBK: That's the way the cookie crumbles. Now, Bischoff, it's three votes against one here. And it's votes that's count. Bischoff, you are the weakest link, good-bye!

::Johnny nails Bischoff with some Sweet Chin Music. "Fight to Survive" plays as HBK raises Andre and Johnny's arms in the air.::

::Commercial break::

::Halloween Havoc ad::

::Backstage, Dawn Marie is showing Ivory, Stephanie, and Shoes her witch outfit.::

Ivory: That witch dress looks so cute on you.

Dawn: Do you think so? Thanks. Stephanie let me borrow it.

Stephanie: Hey, I would've worn it tonight but I'm busy trying to talk stuff over with Shane about our dad, God rest his soul.

Shoes: Hey, girl, don't worry about it. You'll know who to give the company to. We both know it's not going to be Triple H.

Stephanie: I guess so.

Dawn: Okay, girls, Fluisa is going to be the referee tonight. I have the advantage here since she's on our side. I know that Paige will have that lesbo, Cindy, and those bitches Catie, Ashley, and Adele, with her. Let's get this show on the road!

Ivory: Yeah! Let's win one for the good divas!

::The divas start to run out of the room.::

::Cameras show the commentators as Ernest Miller is taking a seat.::

Steve: Looks like we've got Mr. Cat here with us.

Chip: Hey there, Cat, how've you been?

Cat: So far, so far, right? I can't wait for our next match between Paige and Dawn in that costume match. This is going to be good.

::"Feel the Burn" plays as Fluisa walks out to a mixed ovation. She is wearing a referee outfit. She enters the ring and raises her arms in the air.::

Fluisa is the referee / Costume Match
Paige vs. Dawn Marie

::"They're Not Gonna Get Us" by TATU plays as purple lights strobe all over the arena. Cindy, Catie, Ashley, and Adele walk out. The fans are booing. Then, purple pyros go off as Paige walks out dressed like a Miss America model, with tiara, gloves, purple dress, slippers, and the weird cloth thing that they wear to show where they're from. Her's say "Illinois" and Cindy gives her a bouquet of roses. The group walks into the ring, then Paige enters, waving to the fans, but they continue to boo. She tosses the bouquet to Cindy. Dawn Marie's theme plays as Ivory, Stephanie, and Shoes walk out. The fans cheer them and then Dawn Marie comes out in the witch outfit, clevage exposes. She has the hat, broom, and the Women's title in her hand. She puts the broom between her legs and pretends to ride it to the ring. She hands the broom to Ivory and the belt to Shoes. She enters the ring afterwards. Bell rings.::

::Paige takes advantage early with some chops. Dawn reverses for chops of her own followed by an uppercut and clothesline. Dawn takes Paige down in the corner where she chokes away with the boot. Dawn hits a back body suplex. 1........................2........................ Paige kicks out. Dawn runs into a boot by Paige who comes off the top rope with a leg drop bulldog. Paige is in control in the corner and she follows up with a snapmare into an arm bar. Dawn fights her way up with a few elbows followed by a headscissors. Dawn runs at Paige and she catches a drop toe hold onto the turnbuckle. Paige clocks away but Dawn gets a small package. 1.........................2...................... Paige kicks out. Paige counter with a hard shot and she mounts Dawn to beat her up a bit. Dawn fights back out of the corner with right hands and elbow shots. Dawn comes over Paige with a leapfrog and then he hits a few clotheslines and a back body drop followed by a spinebuster. 1.......................2................... Paige kicks out again. Dawn calls for the face buster but Paige gets a shot in on Dawn. Paige comes off the ropes and the two collide with a double clothesline, Paige goes to the outside. Cindy climbs the top rope and tries to hit an elbow drop on Dawn but she misses! Fluisa throws Cindy out of the ring. Paige comes back in the ring and she dropkicks Dawn in the back and covers her. 1...........................2.................... Dawn kicks out. Paige goes up top and goes for the Paige Turner, but Dawn ducks it. Paige gets up and Dawn hits the face buster. 1.............................2.......................3! Bell rings.::

Winner: Dawn Marie

::Dawn Marie's theme plays as Fluisa raises Dawn Marie's arm in victory. The good divas run into the ring and start to celebrate with Dawn and Fluisa. Paige, Cindy, Ashley, Adele, and Catie start to yell at the other divas and head to the back.::

::Backstage, Chris Jericho is seen walking to the ring.::

Chip: Looks like Chris is getting ready for another challenge to his mystery opponent, whomever he is.

::Commercial break::

::WWF Rewind; Jericho rolls up the Undertaker for the win.::

::Jericho is in the ring.::

Jericho: Okay, I'm sick of all the little mind games that are being played on me here. This is bullcrap! This is ridiculous! I was told that my opponent loves Halloween, he likes the dark, AND he's an extreme high flyer?! Who the hell is that, you ask?! I've been doing some research and I've found out who it is! Eddie! Get out here now and let's get this over with!

Steve: What?! He thinks it's Eddie?!

WWF Title
Chris Jericho (c) vs. Eddie

::"The Joker" by Steve Miller Band plays as Eddie Hordong, with Miguel and Inferno, comes out with a can of beer and dancing to the ring. He takes a big sip of beer and spews it into the crowd. He raises his arms in the air and starts dancing, boxing style, in the ring. Bell rings.::

::The match started with a kick by Eddie, but Jericho flipped Eddie onto his back and flipped him to the outside. Jericho went through the ropes and missed a cross body and Eddie threw Jericho back into the ring. 1......................... Jericho kicks out. Eddie got Jericho in a neck hold, but Jericho got to his feet and hit some elbows to the gut, but Eddie hit an elbow to knock Jericho down. Jericho hit a suplex to take Eddie down. Jericho hits Eddie with a bulldog, then the Lionsault. 1...........................2.......................... Miguel jumps on the ring apron, distracting the referee. Inferno tries to sneak in, but Jericho nails him with a spin kick. Inferno rolls to the outside. Jericho hit a spinning kick on Eddie, but he missed with the Lionsault. Eddie went for the cover. 1............................ Jericho kicks out. Eddie then went to get a chair. Jericho went for a spin kick into the chair, but Eddie ducked. Eddie went for a piledriver, but Jericho countered. Jericho then hit the Lionsault for the third time. 1......................2....................3! Bell rings.::

::"Break the Walls Down" plays as Jericho is handed the WWF title. Jericho holds it up in the air and laughs at Eddie, as well as Miguel and Inferno. He walks up the rampway and says "No mystery to me anymore."::

::Ed Boon is seen talking with Chris Casamassa, who is dressed like Scorpion from Mortal Kombat. After that, the two start walking toward the ring.::

Steve: When we come back, folks, Chris Casamassa will meet John Tobias in a martial arts showdown contest.

::Commercial break::

::Burn of the Night; Slappy defeating John Tobias at Destruction in Japan thanks to Chris Casamassa and Ed Boon.::

::Steve Stone is in the ring with a mic in hand.::

Steve: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending the Low Down before Halloween Havoc, it is a pleasure to do this show for you. *crowd cheers* Also, the Boston Red Sox have defeated the Cardinals! Go Red Sox! *crowd cheers* Anyway, we're here for Chris Casamassa and John Tobias' martial arts showdown contest. Each competitor will have thirty seconds to do a kata for us. After that, you the fans will decide who did it better. Let's bring out our contestants. First, he is a Crack Waltz, John Tobias!

::"Born in China" plays as the fans boo. John Tobias runs out and enters the ring. He raises his arms in the air, the fans still booing. The fans start chanting "sell out."::

Steve: Okay, next up, he played Scorpion in the Mortal Kombat movies and TV series, accompanied by Ed Boon, and one of John Tobias' opponents for Halloween Havoc, here he is, Chris Casamassa!

::"Test Your Might" plays as Ed Boon and Chris Casamassa walk out to a standing ovation. The two enter the ring. Ed pats Chris on the back and leaves the ring.::

Steve: Okay, you both know the rules. First off, let's have Mr. Tobias do his kata. Hit his music.

::Tobias steps forward and "Born in China" plays. He starts to do some weak attempted karate kicks, chops, and punches. His entire kata, for thirty seconds, looks like crap. After the thirty seconds are up, he stops.::

Steve: That was........ unique. Next, Chris Casamassa, your turn please.

::"Test Your Might" plays as Chris Casamassa starts to do Scorpion's kata from Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance's opening video, but without the fireballs.::

Steve: Alright! Now, fans, it's up to you who will win. Who thinks that John Tobias should win?

::Fans boo as loud as they can. Tobias looks confused.::

Steve: Who thinks Chris Casamassa should win?

::Fans erupt with cheers. Ed and Chris grin and nod their heads.::

Steve: It's official, ladies and gentlemen, the winner of tonight's contest is Chris Casamassa!

::"Test Your Might" plays as Chris and Ed give each other a high five. Tobias goes to do what looks like a jumping karate kick, but Chris kicks him down. Chris starts to pummel Tobias down with punches and kicks. After that, he hurls Tobias into a turnbuckle and pulls out the harpoon of Scorpion. Tobias' eyes widen and he runs out of the ring. Casamassa starts to twirl the harpoon, Ed Boon glaring at Tobias, with "Test Your Might" playing.::

::Backstage, Gemini Drake and Kristin are talking with Mahalia, who has a neck brace on.::

Gemini: You sure you're going to be okay?

Mahalia: Trust me, I'll be fine. *pulls out a knife* I have my lucky dragon's claw with me in case someone tries any crap with me.

Kristin: Get well soon, Hali.

Mahalia: You guys just go out there and kick the Crack Waltzes' asses. I'll be fine.

::Gemini and Kristin walk out of the room.::

::Commercial break::

::Footage of Gemini accidentally hitting Kristin with a steel chain is shown and Kristin being shipped to the hospital is shown. Then, Mahalia is shown being F-5ed into the turnbuckle neck first. Then, Gemini is shown getting hit in the back of the head with a chair by Ted Turner. After that, Mahalia is shown signing a contract with Brock Lesnar. Martha Stewart is seen being attacked by Kristin and Slappy. Gemini returns, attacking Ted Turner.::

Gemini Drake and Kristin vs. Ron Popeil and Martha Stewart

::"This is the New Sh*t" by Marilyn Manson plays as Gemini Drake and Kristin comes out to a standing ovation. They stand on the rampway and raise their arms in the air. They both enter the ring and wait for the Crack Waltzes. "Evolution" by Motorhead plays as Martha Stewart, John Tobias, Ron Popeil, and Tony Little come out. The Crack Waltzes walk down to the ring, but then Martha and Popeil tell the others to head back. They do so, then Popeil and Martha enter the ring. Bell rings.::

::Martha is in control of Kristin in a cat fight until Kristin hits a clothesline and is able to tag Gemini. Gemini comes in on fire, clotheslining Martha down multiple times, then nailing a big boot. 1....................2................. Martha kicks out. Martha low blows Gemini then slaps him in the face. Kristin reaches from her corner and slaps Martha in the face. Gemini and Martha go back and forth until Gemini reverses an Irish whip into a rib hold. Gemini lured Popeil into the ring; the ref goes over to him so Gemini brings Martha into the corner where he and Kristin work away with kicks, slaps, chokes, and punches. Martha starts to get some offense when she nails Gemini with a right hand followed by a weird looking suplex into a headlock. Gemini fights out and nails Martha with a back suplex. He then tags Kristin who does a leg drop. 1...................2.................. Martha kicks out. Martha gets a shot on her gut, goes to pick her up, but Kristin slides out and hits a kick to Martha’s chin. Kristin calls for the Deja Vu but Popeil pulls the ropes down and throws Kristin off the announce table. The two Crack Waltzes work on Kristin. Popeil takes control with a double underhook suplex followed by a bear hug. Kristin goes for a kick but Popeil catches her and drops her on her back with a spinebuster. Martha is tagged in and the two take turns beating on Kristin for quite some time. Kristin finally fights back with a stiff kick to Popeil's head, she comes off the top rope and nails a clothesline on Popeil. Gemini is tagged. Gemini goes nuts on Martha with right hands! Gemini comes off the ropes to hit a hurricanrana on Martha. Now both Crack Waltzes are trying to get him but Gemini does an arm drag and head scissor to both waltzes! Popeil rolls out and Gemini goes for the springboard bulldog on Martha and hits it! Gemini climbs to the top rope for the moonsault. He nails it on Martha. 1.....................2.................3! Bell rings.::

Winners: Gemini Drake and Kristin

::"This is the New Sh*t" plays as Kristin and Gemini start to celebrate in the ring. Popeil runs in with a chair but Gemini big boots it in his face. Kristin pulls her miniature cat-o-nine tails from her bra and starts to spank Popeil with it. Popeil and Martha run out of the ring. "Going Under" plays as Kristin and Gemini stare them down.::

::Backstage, Mahalia and Brock Lesnar are staring at one another.::

Mahalia: And just what the hell do you want, you bastard?

Brock: Hali, listen, I don't beat up on crippled people. No offense, but you're crippled enough. Do you really want to go for round two at Halloween Havoc?

Mahalia: It's non-sanctioned, so therefore, I can do whatever the hell I want to in that match. There's nothing you can do. If I want to castrate your ass in the middle of the ring, I'll do it. Until then, you leave me the hell alone.

Lesnar: I'm just trying to keep you from getting hurt out there come Sunday. I know how much you love Halloween, Hali. I know how much your family loves it. When the time comes, I'm going to break you in half in front of God and everybody!

Mahalia: We'll see, gopher boy, we'll see.

::Commercial break::

::Slam of the Week; Meeko Fooko Bombing Cletus on Monday.::

Hardcore Match
Cletus vs. Meeko

::"Man of Constant Sorrow" starts to play as Cletus comes out, doing a hillbilly dance to the ring. He enters the ring and does another hillbilly dance, taking off his hat at the end. He tosses his hat and vest outside afterwards. "Bulldog" plays as the fans give mixed reactions. Meeko comes out and runs into the ring. Bell rings.::

::Meeko and Cletus start off in a brawl. Meeko takes control for the most part until Cletus comes off the ropes with two huge clotheslines. He places Meeko in the corner where he chops away. Meeko gets a thumb to Cletus' eye followed by a neck breaker. 1........................2................... Cletus kicks out. Meeko picks up Cletus and chops him and then clubs him with a right hand. Meeko comes off the ropes and Holly counters with a back body drop and a clothesline to the outside! Cletus chases Meeko outside of the ring banging his face off the steel steps. He goes to whip Meeko into them but Meeko reverses and tosses Cletus into the steel steps. Meeko starts kicking Cletus with a straight boot to the head. Meeko tosses Cletus around outside the ring for a bit. Meeko goes back in the ring and climbs the top rope but Cletus jumps after him and tosses him off the top rope! Cletus gives Meeko a sloppy suplex. 1........................2................... Meeko kicks out. Meeko reverses an Irish whip to follow up with a big boot to Cletus' face. 1...........................2.......................... Meeko lets Cletus up. Meeko brings Cletus to the corner where he places him on the top rope and proceeds to slap away at his chest. Meeko climbs up for a suplex but Cletus tosses him off and hits a flying clothesline. 1..................................2................................. Meeko kicks out! Cletus stays on it with a clothesline. 1........................2..................... Meeko kicks out. Cletus comes off the ropes, Meeko reverses, and Cletus ducks a clothesline, but is caught in the fall away slam. Meeko starts smiling as he thinks it is all over. Meeko places Cletus in a Fooko Bomb position and it seems as if he is going for the Fooko Bomb but Cletus struggles out and hits the Three Second Ride! Meeko rolls out of the ring and both men are down as we go to a commercial break.::

::Commercial Break::

::When we come back Cletus is laying in the middle of the ring busted wide open. During the break Meeko picked up the steel steps and donked them off the head of Cletus. Meeko nailed a chop and then some rights to Cletus. Cletus was sent head first into the turnbuckle, and Cletus countered with some rights. Cletus fought Meeko to another turnbuckle and knocked Meeko down with a boot to the head and then mashed his foot into Meeko's forehead. Meeko fought back and hit another fall away slam. Meeko followed Cletus to the outside and hit Cletus with a boot to the head. Meeko slammed Cletus head first into the announce table. Meeko nailed a kick to the head of Cletus. Meeko Irish whipped Cletus, but Cletus reversed and sent Meeko into the steps. 1..................................2................................ Meeko kicks out. Cletus nailed a shot to the back and knocked Meeko down to the mat. Cletus draped Meeko neck first on the second rope. Cletus hits a suplex. 1.......................2.......................... Meeko kicks out. Meeko hit a thumb to the eye and then took Cletus down with a neck breaker. Meeko covered. 1....................2.............. Cletus kicks out. Cletus fought back with a shoulder knock down, and Johnny Banks came out. Cletus hit a back body drop on Meeko and then a clothesline. 1......................2..................... Meeko kicks out. Cletus hit another suplex. He went up top. Cletus hit a flying elbow. 1............................... Meeko kicks out. Cletus brought Meeko up and Irish whipped him. Meeko went for a clothesline from hell, but missed. Cletus hit the Three Second Ride, but Johnny grabbed Cletus' ankle. Cletus was chopping away on Meeko. He hits a clothesline to take Meeko down. Cletus hits a clothesline to knock Meeko outside. Cletus went under the ring, but Meeko hit a low blow and tossed Cletus into the steps. Meeko grabbed a garbage can and threw it in the ring. Cletus nailed Meeko with a speed limit sign and then nailed him with repeated trash can lids. 1.......................2................... Meeko kicks out. Cletus brought Meeko up and tossed him head first into the announce table. Cletus cleared the announce table off, but Meeko nailed Cletus with a monitor. Meeko took the steel steps and threw them in the ring and a chair too. Cletus then back body dropped Meeko onto the announce table, and Cletus went for a cover. 1........................2..................... Johnny throws Cletus off. Cletus pushes Johnny and Johnny shoves him back. Meeko laid on the table as Cletus grabbed a cricket bat. Meeko nailed a boot to Cletus. Meeko tossed Cletus into the ring which is filled with weapons. Cletus went for a piledriver onto a chair, but Cletus back body dropped Meeko and nailed Meeko with a trash can. Cletus then nailed Johnny with a trash can. Cletus grabbed the steps, but Meeko nailed him with a steel chair. 1.......................2...................3! Bell rings.::

Winner: Meeko

::Meeko goes to check on Johnny as "Bulldog" plays. Johnny slowly gets up and runs into the ring. Johnny starts to pummel away at Cletus. Shortly after, Andre and HBK run in and start to attack Cletus. Andre sees Meeko and clotheslines him. Andre stomps on Meeko. Meeko gets up and clotheslines Andre down. Johnny asks Meeko what he's doing, but then Cletus pushes Meeko onto Johnny, who lands back first hard into the turnbuckle. Meeko looks shocked and clotheslines Cletus. Meeko checks on Johnny who is out like a light as Low Down closes out.::

< - - - Low Down - - - >
< - - - Disclaimer - - - >
This layout was made by Golden Moongoose (AIM), for the use from the general public. For more layouts, like this, and different ones, then visit CWeb, and you'll find them there.