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Rigging Small Baitfish

The needle


The entry




Pushing through


The Leader


Pulling through


Setting the hook



Using our bait needles can  help you be more successful in catching sharks from the beach.   Bait Needle.jpg (23190 bytes) This method of rigging helps keep your bait looking natural in the water, improving your strike ratio.  
The Entry.jpg (25602 bytes) Get a nice sized bait fish - whiting, skipjack, mullet, etc, take the pointed end of the bait needle and run it through the fish, starting from the back and pushing toward the mouth.
Run the needle all the way through the fish. Out the mouth.jpg (22060 bytes)
Attach the leader.jpg (25799 bytes) Attach your leader to the bait needle, using the pre-made slot in the needle.  We usually step on the cable to make sure it stays in the groove of the needle.
Pull the cable through the fish. Pull leader through.jpg (24713 bytes)
Set the hook.jpg (23351 bytes) Set your hook in the fish so you have a nice gap between the hook and the fish.
Finish off the rigging by using a zip tie around the fish to keep the hook firmly in place. done.jpg (25764 bytes)


Rod Holders

Digging the hole


Setting the holder



Packing the ground










Use a small shovel to dig a hole in the sand approximately 12-18 inches deep, keeping the hole narrow  im002704.jpg (52925 bytes) You will be amazed at the holding power of this setup.  Using steel or aluminum rod holders will allow you more drag pressure without fear of losing your rod. 
im002705.jpg (45613 bytes) Once you hit water,  place your rod holder into the hole and suck on the rod holder.  The pipe will bury itself
Set your rod holder in the ground firmly.  Fill the hole with sand and pack around the pipe.  im002706.jpg (48755 bytes)




