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Casey Leon Smith

Fans & Friends, Hi! Thanks for stopping by my site. I hope you enjoy it. My Name's Casey Leon Smith! I've wanted to ride bulls for as long as I can remember, I don't think I could be completely happy doing anything else. I began riding some as a teen, but didn't really get involved until after my 18th birthday. I've since been all over the Mid-West, Central, and Eastern United States riding bulls and attending rodeos. Between 2002 and 2004 I had a pretty hot streak and seemed to ride everything I could climb on without any injuries. However 2004 was a rough year indeed! Between a Fractured right humerous I recieved April 10th in Guthrie,Ok. & a dislocated shoulder I recieved on June 8th in Wellington,Ks. that I continued to ride with until Late sept. when I hung up away from my hand on "Yellow Cat" Of Hebbs Rodeo Co. and the pain got unbearable beyond the point of riding, I've spent the time since having it worked on. 2005 will hopefully hold more promise. I should be healed up and back to riding and chasing my dream by May. I'll be riding the 2005 season with the BOA (Bullriders Of America) & the NFPB (National Federation of Professional Bullriders). I'm also considering getting my PRCA Permit for the 2005 season. At any rate keep an eye out, I'll be down the road in '05. God bless and don't be affraid to chase your dreams! Thanks, Casey Leon Smith

Open & Professional Bullrider

Some of my personal favorite rodeo links

Rodeo Attitude (This is a great site for rodeo news and info.)
Bullriders Of America
National Federation of Professional Bullriders
Kent Kerschner Photography
bulltough helmets
Extreme Sports Medicine Team
Friends of Rodeo (this is a very important site to rodeo)
Rodeo Attitude forum and discussion
