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Uncanny, to a fault


Tuesday, July 02, 2002

its all so uncanny
to a fault

.: came up with this at 9:27 AM

ok, the links were really messed up on that post, i have no idea why, most of my post is missing! mad, really mad.

would you like to to tell me how to put my blog on my homepage externally? e-mail me

this day makes me soo mad!!!!!!!!

.: came up with this at 9:22 AM

ok, I'm mad at the whole netscape empire right now. I know that my template sucks at the moment; if any web genius would like to .: came up with this at 9:14 AM

Saturday, June 22, 2002

Haha. Martha and I went to see minority Report last night. Are we cursed? Doomed? Forever taken up of space? WHY THE HELL DO WE LOOK SO INVITING!!!!!!!!! There is this man at the movie theater, whom we got acquainted with before. (At Spiderman, actually) Old, grandfather type, and round in the stomach. He does not talk, he barks. This low soft (too gentle a word!) growl (thats beter) He goes, "Girls!" Pause pause.. "Girls!" "What grade you in?!" Martha and I have are backs turned, cringeing. NOTE: he is not saying this very loudly, so the exclamations mean nothing in volume, only in expression. Ok, we make serious plans to sit as far away from him as possible (and his wife who is very similar "gorls! wat gwade you'n?" I'm serious!) we find these really good balcony seats, purchase our candies (reeses peanutbutter cups!) then go back to get ourselves situated. Ther's this lady in fron of us who decides to move,...... right next to us! how convienent; I mean most people leave a seat or two btween some they don't know, but of course she had to sit right next to us. Man, this lady get going! First its all about how much her leg hurt when she went to see Star Wars. Then a whole recolection of the first time she saw the first Star Wars. The she says she'll be quiet. Martha goes "ok" but i felt really bad for ignoring that scarry guy that barks, so i say.."Star Wars was really good" Hell words. Now she starts talking, nonstop. Babling on and on about Satr Wars, Harry Potter, And Lord of the Rings! What kind of lady is this!! huh! huh!? She smokes, aarrgghh, that smell! she was even talking in the previews, that really pisses me off. She finally stoped talking when the movie started. aaarrrggghhh. Poeple like that ruin the movie experience for everyone. Martha and I were surrounded by adults (ADULTS!) and they made soo much noise. Poeple like that are soo annoying.
Martha spent the night and we made crepes for breakfeast(delcious) Then this lady from church comes into MY house and askes to use the bathroom! I'm not joking; It would be different if my mom or dad were home, but my mom was at work, and my dad was at the neighbors. After reliveing herself, she brings in this big project that she has to do! WHAT THE HECK! she's labeling all these pictures that she has to get to the post office by 11:30 and she can't do at her parent's house because its a surprise for them. I'm too overwhelmed. jeez, can anyone get peace and some more peace! I don't have enough energy to tell you how the movie was. Sorry.

.: came up with this at 12:25 PM

Wednesday, June 19, 2002

hey hey hey, I have no quotes for you, unless i find one before i post this. my puppy is comming tomorrow, but we have to pick him up in New Hampshire. i have absoultely nothing today, except watch boring talk shows and argue with owen. that all good. I went to Wall-Mart with my mom to get stuff for the dog (leach, harness, food and toys) I almost bought a camera, but it was kinda cheap; so i bought some film to use my dad's ancient (but very nice) camera with. When i got home my mom tought me how to use it (how does she know all this stuff, it was a really fancy cammera, like the one newspappers use!) The battery was dead, obiously, but it was a really wierd shape.. Well, i just spent good web space telling you about nothing. I hope I'll be able to scan some pictures of my puppy on the site. I really want to name the dog stich, from Lilo and Stich, but i think we are going to name it kiwi. I really want to see that movie, it looks soo cute. the movie I'm most excited about is Minority Report , though. Tom Cruise, and that awesome Irish guy, Colin Farrel, MY MOM watched him on PBS before he was famous! He doesn't sound Irish though, he learned how to have an English accent. I watche dan interview today and he shaved his head (He looks soo much like that Agassi tennis player) Matt Damon was actually going to play his part, but he was late on the Bourne Identity. Cool, huh?

.: came up with this at 11:54 AM

Tuesday, June 18, 2002

Today was the last day of school. It was ok, we all saw a slide show as usual; and then we left. Last year I was really sad and was really bummed out. I was not bummed out today; I don't know why either. I don't know why, but this year was different, I may not come back (to school), I might be home schooled. I don't know what to do, and its really confusing, because my parents will only do it if I really want to. I wish they would just make me so I wouldn't have to choose! I have no idea what to spend my time doing this summer, I'm going to a few camps, blueberry raking, and we’re getting a puppy in a few days. (Why did I say I had nothing to do!?!) I have to stay home a lot because my mom's working now, and sometimes I have to watch my brothers. I feel soo lazy, to an extreme. I WILL NOT GET FAT THIS SUMMER. Alison will not vegg out in front of the tele this summer either, she will do something constructive. I'm hopeless. Oh well maybe they're will be something interesting at camp, there always is! As long as they don't have to do with gothic guys in love with me, broken ankles or getting lost on the trails (not again Martha!)

I'm putting a quote in here right now, and I don't mean to copy you, Kendra (Maybe I should put it at the top?)

Well since I don't have a qoute off the top of head, I can't help you today, folks

.: came up with this at 11:45 AM

Tuesday, June 11, 2002

ok, i'm really working on this site, a lot!

.: came up with this at 8:19 PM

Thursday, June 06, 2002

very ungood day. I have nothing left to say.

.: came up with this at 3:10 PM

Wednesday, June 05, 2002

man, i ahven't bloged in a long time. I've been trying to eork on my website, but i don't seem to have the time. WAY TOO MUCH HOMEWORK it really stinks, i'm actually doing some right now. I'll try to work on the site some more, but i don't think it will work, i have to do my freakin' homework. Its not as bad as some homework, I'm doing a project in the Beatles, but its still homework. I'm knitting this little bear, and its really cool, I made it out of Japenese wool. I'm getting a dog! I'm am soo excited, we are getting the dog shipped (in an airplane) from nebraska. its called a wheaten terrier, its the perfect dog. Its smart and nice, and sooo cute!( they e-mailed us pics) we are getting it the 19. It kind of looks like a eewook, that teddy bear animal in star wars (return of the jedI) i just can't wait!

This site will eventually rock

.: came up with this at 4:02 PM

Sunday, May 26, 2002

something really wierd happened last night. I was working on my webshell thing on angelfire, and the whole thing just started to delete itself, it was really wierd. My grandma is here, and she's sleeping my bed, so i have to sleep in the office/playroom in a sleeping bag. i haven't had a good nights rest in almost a week. I keep on waking up at 6:30, and, I'm kind of in a bad mood due to lack of sleep. I'm still workin gon this wonder of a web page, but its really bad so far, i need a lot more links.

.: came up with this at 11:58 AM

Saturday, May 25, 2002

hey, this web thing is working out well. i went to Bar Harbor today, it was fun, but not wonderful. In Ellsworth, i got this little car that cleans your desk for you! It has these little sweepers on it, it kicks butt!

.: came up with this at 8:04 PM

Friday, May 24, 2002

hey, the site works and i'm soo happy! i'm going ot ues osmething to redirect it, but that will come in time (sounds cheesy)

.: came up with this at 8:53 PM

Tuesday, May 21, 2002

hahah, i'm at school! no one is going to read this, cuz i'm changin gthe server, and I have to something with soe ftp, whats that? oh, well. i going to see my gdrndma today. i'm saving all of my money to buy a one way ticket to wisconsin, I'm going to go live with my other grandparents next year, but i haven't asked my parents yet. I just need a change

.: came up with this at 1:50 PM

Friday, May 17, 2002

really don't think i'm a budding artist, but i love that damn giutar.

.: came up with this at 8:04 PM

I would like you to sign my guestbook, please.


.: came up with this at 6:14 PM

Tuesday, May 14, 2002

ok, problems galore! my mom tells me last night that we are limiting our computer time to 45 minutes a day, but only after we have finished our homework and only after supper. Then she tells me that we can only watch tv while others r on the computer. She is loosing it, I thought. Well, she was far from it , at the moment. Tonight while i was cleaning up the table, i noticed a new piece of on the fridge. It was this stupid ORGANIZAITON that promoted children being active. (just to let you know, I am an active person, ok? i play basketball all the time at home, and i do other stuff too, and it shows. i am not fat either, same with my brothers.) so why does my wacke dup mom think We meed too loose our computer time? The paper (on the fridge) kept on talking about just the right amounts of time you should let "your" children do some things. then my mom was like "You know I really wouldn't care if the computer just left today and never came back" ( newsflash for anyone who didn't know... computers don't move on thier own) jeez, I'm not even odsessed with the thing~ My dad has NEVER touched the thing (computer) before. yes, i know its all so sad.

Hey, sam gets to ride my bus. woohoo! awesome. now that i'm seoending my PRECIOUS time on the on the computer, i am to rushed to say anything quoteable, let alone spell right. I was going to wire this whole thing no Bilbo, but where does the time go? At least I'll be home alone all weekend long. Mom's going to some knitting thing in Portland, dad's at work, and the bros are goign to the Cannon's (my deepest regrets) This has never happened before, and I'm so excited!

I really want a puppy, does anyone have one?

Hyiacinth Buckett (It BOUQUETT!)

.: came up with this at 6:48 PM

Monday, May 13, 2002

hey ho, BCBCBCBC! if you idn't know what that means, or your thinking aabout killing me, too bad. hahah! i posted VERY! early this morning. Today was a good day. Yes, except thoes little annoying people whit think they are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool, and you are trash. Self esteem poeple, self esteem!

Keep your pants up, poeple

.: came up with this at 3:22 PM

wow, this took a long time to load. When you leave your computer on for three days in a row, it gets a lot slower. Early! I'm just so bored and have nothing to do. Thank-you to all the poeple who visited my site yesterday, I haven't read the guestbook yet, but I will. Peace out~

Wooly socks

.: came up with this at 6:09 AM

Sunday, May 12, 2002

Well, a lot has happened since my last post. On saturday morn, i helped this lady and her mother that go to my church. The mom had cancer, and had to go to the ER to go get a shot (it really was't an emergency, she just went there to get it). I felt really bad for her, she hardly remembered who i was, and she had seen me in church less then a month ago. I pushed her in her wheelchair to the emergency room, and went with her to get her shot ( her daughter had to go get her lab work). It really scared me to see her get the shot, i knew it really hurt her, and she was really weak from all the chemo. I really didn't know what to do, i couldn't even talk to her. What would i say? "hows cancer?" "You look terrible" "how was the shot? did it hurt?" I mean, there was nothing i could think of to make her feel better. I felt really bad for her, and I got really nervous about getting old, will my kids take care of me when i'm old?

I also went to go see Spiderman with Martha, which , in Mike's words, was "the best movie ever". maybe. Not quite, but it was really good. Kendra needs to see it. uh huh.

I'm gonna change the name of my site. ~~***This is Where We Go***~~~ is really stupid. to an extreme. Got any ideas? E-mail me at I'm reading the Hobbit right now, but its taking me forever. I'm not lacking in the brain, butu I can't concentrate! There is a lot about me in this blog, so if you want me to put anything about you in this blog, email me and tell me, I'd be happy to add you.

tartar sauce

.: came up with this at 2:05 PM

Saturday, May 11, 2002

ok, i've go to do this really fast because my mom siad that i only have one hour of computer time left FOR THE ENTIRE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Alison is not happy about this at all. she is sooo mad! I con't even put a damn pic in this f%$king site! oh well, i'm so bored. to make this site public or not?not the thing where people can actually see it or not, but should i put it on my info? oh yes alison, be daring be brave, YOU CAN DO it!
I really wan to go shopping with kendra and martha, but lack of money is still a problem. ttyl, buds and others!


.: came up with this at 9:13 AM

Friday, May 10, 2002

ok, got a good thing to tell you all. daycares are the grossest thing on earth. i work at one, and i clean for the lady every Friday. Thoses poalces are just dirty! There was this one year oold there, and she was huggin me, but her face was COVERED in loiilpop grossness! You couldn't even see her fingers, they were so black. ewwwwww, thats right. disgustiness. I won't even get stated about how gross the toys were.

Thats enough about that, yeh. I got this really stupid shark for my shark project, its harmless. Oh well. There are there two guys that are riding thier bikes by my house, but i can't figure out who they are! Frusterating! No one else knows then either. Maybe they are home schooled. Oddness. yes, its just so queer. I made this really cool picture to put on my page, but i am so stupid that i can't figure it out. I put in on another web site though( it came with my ocmputer and was way easy) To see my totally awesome pic /a>

.: came up with this at 5:47 PM

Wednesday, May 08, 2002

here I am, All over again. Wonderful rhyming. I didn't put a picture in cuz i couldn't find one, that is so wierd. I looked for one, but i don't have a camera, and my mom doesn't take any pictures with me and my friends. I'll find one on the internet, just so you can see that i'm not that stupid. ok?

.: came up with this at 10:06 PM

Tuesday, May 07, 2002

I might put a picture in this tomorrow. ok?

I'm really gettting into this web thing, it is so easy and cool,yeh

.: came up with this at 6:33 PM

Holy guacamloe I made a link

.: came up with this at 4:41 PM

ok, i'll put a good word in for you folks...... I've decided to become a phycatrist.

my e-mail is

I don't know how to make a link, so just type it in youself, tell me all of your problems, i'm a very good listener. Kendra knows this very well. she tells me everything lololol she is very funny.Go to kendras site She is genius. she is awesomely brittish( not really), but, if you go to her site, you get a little idea of what i did this weekend

OMG! i made a link with hyperlink text! Whos the genius now? huh? huh? huh?

Brittish comedys rule!

.: came up with this at 4:36 PM

Monday, May 06, 2002

ok, i am soo sorry! i got kicked off the computer for a week! Yes, I know i'm a bad, bad girl. I apollogize. I'll put a good post on tomorrow. sorry again.

.: came up with this at 7:29 PM