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Arial's Voice

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       Welcome To Arial's Voice. I hope you will feel comfortable here with me at Arial's Voice, and visit often. The purpose of my new little site, is for all of us out there who might have something they would like to say, or just need an ear for listening. I have worked in the mental health field for ten years, and have been given a great gift of patience and understanding of the light within each and every one of us. We are all truly unique souls. I am not a doctor, perhaps although, our life experience gives us degrees of other kinds. I think sometimes, where we are placed on this earth, and the purpose for which we are meant, comes to light from our journeys through our lifetimes. Good and bad it writes the book, of the one and only, unique you! There are truly guardian Angels that are there to help if we just ask. Perhaps you are one! Perhaps we all have the potential. I do believe the keys to an inner peace and a possitive outlook towards ourselves and each other, have to do with giving something of ourselves, even if it is a small unselfish gesture, or doing one nice thing for another each day. It feels right and the return is enlightening. My listening ear is free. If you wish to talk to me my door is always open, you can e-mail me at any time. Please respect my e-mail, for this is for those who are in need of a helping hand. You may also purchase my Focus Stones used as a way of releasing stress by concentrating on an object, used similarly to objects used to focus on when a woman gives birth. You learn to center your focus on one object, blocking all else out, allowing you free mind space. The stones or crystals are in a black velvet carry bag with draw string carry, hand made by me, and are ten dollars with three dollars added for handeling and shipping. Where this is new for me, I can only accept money orders at this time, and you can order through my E-mail. I hope to see you soon, and may peace and happiness follow you always. Sincerely,Arialcrow777 

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