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Name: InuYasha (Inu)
Sex: Male
Age: Appears 16-18 but is actually roughly 78 (Counting the 50 years that Kikyou sealed him to the tree)
Species: Hanyou (half demon)
Weapon/Attacks: Claws: Iron Reaver Soul Stealer, Blades of Blood, Tetsusaiga: Kaze No Kizu (Wind Scar), Bakuryuuha
Love: Kagome, lingering feelings for Kikyou
Personality: Quick tempered, at times will use bad language. He feels he was partly responsible for the death of Kikyou and says that he would give up his life for her. Often fights with Kagome though he loves her, he just has trouble expressing it.

Random Information: InuYasha is half human half dog demon. His mother was a mortal and his father was a great dog demon, ruler of the Western Lands. He has an older brother named Sesshoumaru who hates him, thus they are usually fighting. He becomes a mortal when there is no moon or sun in the sky. (Once every month) He becomes a full youkai (demon) when he does not have Tetsusiaga and is close to death. InuYasha used to be in love with Kikyou but then Naraku tricked them and Kikyou sealed InuYasha to the sacred tree for 50 years, Kikyou then dies. Untill recently InuYasha never understood why Kikyou betrayed him.

-|Kagome |Shippo |Miroku |Sango |Kirara |Sesshoumaru |Rin |Jaken |Kikyou |Naraku |Kagura |Kanna |Kohaku |Kouga |Myoga |Toutousai |Kaede |-
