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Name: Jaken
Sex: Male
Age: 50+
Species: Toad Youkai
Weapon/Attack: Staff of Heads
Personality: Obeyes Sesshoumaru, Get annoyed easily

Random Information: Jaken is Sesshoumaru's servant. Before he was Sesshoumaru's servant he ruled over some sort of feild, he had many little toad youkai minions in his rule. One day demons from the Western Lands came and invaded his feild. Jaken was about to be killed when Sesshoumaru came thru and killed the youkai that was holding Jaken, because he was in his way. Jaken was awe struck by Sesshoumaru's grace, and followed after him. He told Sesshoumaru he would be his servant to pay back Sesshoumaru for saving his life. Sesshoumaru then gave him the Staff of Skulls, which can shoot fire. Like Myoga Jaken is not that brave, but he usually will stay for the battle. (Or cheer from the side lines. Ex: "Get him Lord Sesshoumaru!! Bite his little head off!!" ^^) He also usually gets stuck taking care of Rin, like bringing her to get food.

-|InuYasha |Kagome |Shippo |Miroku |Sango |Kirara |Sesshoumaru |Rin |Kikyou |Naraku |Kagura |Kanna |Kohaku |Kouga |Myoga |Toutousai |Kaede |-
