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Name: Kouga
Sex: Male
Age: Appears 15 or 16
Species: Wolf Youkai
Weapon/Attack: Speed, Claws, Fangs
Love: He is Kagome's 'man'
Personality: Hes not to bright at times, Protects Kagome, lives in a wolf pack

Random Information: Kouga is the new leader of the Demon Wolf Tribe. He loves Kagome and calls her his girl. Kagura killed most of his pack in battle and he has now sworn to kill her. InuYasha is his rival in love for Kagome. He has 2 Jewel Shards in his legs to increase his speed and power, he can also run faster than the wind. Kagome lets Kouga get away with talking to her like she is his girl, even though she doesnt feel the same way as him, so that InuYasha and Kouga dont fight, which causes InuYasha and Kagome to fight.

-|InuYasha |Kagome |Shippo |Miroku |Sango |Kirara |Sesshoumaru |Rin |Jaken |Kikyou |Naraku |Kagura |Kanna |Kohaku |Myoga |Toutousai |Kaede |-
