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Name: Naraku
Sex: Male
Age: Appears in his 20s but is really in his 70s
Species: Hanyou
Weapon/Attack: Youkai puppets, manipulation, incarnations, poisionous insects
Love: Half loves Kikyou, though relunctante to admit it, since he still has a bit of Onigumo left in him
Personality: Evil, enjoys to toy with peoples feelings, also enjoys manipulating people

Random Information: Naraku was born of Onigumo. Onigumo was a wounded fugitave who couldn't move. When Kikyou was still alive she found him laying in the cave, Kikyou being a kind miko helped him. And over time Onigumo desired Kikyou, but she loved InuYasha. So Onigumo offered his body to the youkai and hundreds of youkai combined into one, thus was born Naraku. Naraku deceived InuYasha and Kikyou and pinned them against one and another, killing Kikyou and sealing InuYasha to the tree. And the Shikon Jewel became tainted with malice. Naraku now has the ability to make incarnations, Kagura and Kanna. He wishes to kill InuYasha and his group, but in the mean time he enjoys very much to toy with their emotions and enjoys setting traps. He has most of the Jewel. Like InuYasha, Naraku is only a hanyou, because Onigumo still remains inside of him. So like InuYasha, he loses his demon powers once a month, only unlike InuYasha, he can chose the day he turns into a mortal, and while hes weak he becomes stronger, by reassembling his body (made up of various youkai) and swiching to stronger body parts.

-|InuYasha |Kagome |Shippo |Miroku |Sango |Kirara |Sesshoumaru |Rin |Jaken |Kikyou |Kagura |Kanna |Kouga |Myoga |Toutousai |Kaede |-
