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Name: Sango
Sex: Female
Age: Appears 17-20
Species: Human
Weapon/Attack: Hiraikotsu, sword, hidden sword, poisionous gas
Love: Miroku
Personality: Kind and caring, but not afraid to stand up for what she beleives or to fight. Also a skilled fighter

Random Information: Sango is a youkai exterminator. She comes from a village where her family were all youkai exterminators. She has a little brother named Kohaku and a father. Naraku brought the youkai exterminators to his castle, asking them to kill a spider youkai. But it was a trap. They killed the spider, but Naraku took control of Kohaku's mind and forced him to kill Sango's father and all of the other youkai exterminators, except Sango. Sango tried to kill Naraku (it was a puppet) but Kohaku stabed her with his chain-sword thing. Naraku then orders the gaurds to kill them, Kohaku dies, but Sango lives. While this was going on Naraku ordered hundreds of youkai to devour their village for the Shards of the Jewel that they had. Naraku told Sango that it was InuYasha that destroyed her village, and she goes to kill him. But she soon learns it was Naraku's doing and vows to kill him. She then goes with Kagome, InuYasha, Miroku and Shippo to find the shards and to destroy Naraku. Naraku brings Kohaku back to life with a shard of the Jewel, but Naraku erased his memory. Sango also has a pet feline youkai named Kirara. (pronounced Ki-la-la) Under her normal clothes she wears her youkai exterminator uniform.

-|InuYasha |Kagome |Shippo |Miroku |Kirara |Sesshoumaru |Rin |Jaken |Kikyou |Naraku |Kagura |Kanna |Kohaku |Kouga |Myoga |Toutousai |Kaede |-
