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Name: Sesshoumaru (Fluffy, Sesshy)
Sex: Male
Age: Appears in his 20s though he is actully 120 something
Species: Dog youkai
Weapon/Attack: Toujikin, Tenseigia, poision claws, yellow whipe thing
Love: Rin (protects hre)
Personality: Appears cold hearted and mean. Only human he will ever protect is Rin.

Random Information: Sesshoumaru is the new ruler of the Western Lands, though he still hasn't really inhearited the right to be the ruler yet. His father was a Youkai Lord and the Ruler of the Western Lands. His mother aswell was a dog youkai. His father killed his mother when he fell in love with a mortal woman, InuYasha's mother. Soon they both die and Sesshoumaru was alone. He does not like InuYasha all that much since he is a hanyou, he got Tetsusiaga and he fell in love with a mortal. Sesshoumaru has a servant named Jaken who is a toad youkai. When InuYasha discovers the Wind Scar he hits Sesshoumaru, but Toujikin saves him. Though, he was very wounded. While he was laying in the forest recovering Rin comes to help him. Then later Sesshoumaru saves Rin from wolf youkai with Tenseigia. Rin then came along with Sesshoumaru and Jaken. He also has a dragon named Ah-Un. Sesshoumaru can transform into a BIG dog youkai that is about 20-30 feet tall. InuYasha also cut off his arm.

-|InuYasha |Kagome |Shippo |Miroku |Sango |Kirara |Rin |Jaken |Kikyou |Naraku |Kagura |Kanna |Kohaku |Kouga |Myoga |Toutousai |Kaede |-
