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Name: Shippo
Sex: Male (Yes despite popular beleif he IS male NOT female)
Age: Appears 7
Species: Kitsune Youkai (Fox demon)
Weapon/Attack: Fox Fire, Illusion, Can also turn into big pink ballon thing
Love: He liked a little girl named Satsuki who he helped. I do not think Shippo loves Kagome, he looks up to her
Personality: Young and innocent. Does not like to fight. Often when the group is fighting he will hide behind someone or something.

Random Information: Isn't he cute? ^^ The Thunder Brothers killed Shippo's father for the Jewel Shard he had. Seeking revenge Shippo went and stole Kagome's Jewel shards. But since he is pretty weak he was caught. InuYasha ended up killing the Thunder Brothers and taking thier Jewel Shards. Afterwards Shippo goes with Kagome and InuYasha, having no where else to go since was now an orphan.

-|InuYasha |Kagome |Miroku |Sango |Kirara |Sesshoumaru |Rin |Jaken |Kikyou |Naraku |Kagura |Kanna |Kohaku |Kouga |Myoga |Toutousai |Kaede |-
