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My Home Page

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My Favorite Web Sites

All about Meeee!


I go by many names, but for the purpose of this testpage and cyberspace, you can call me Kat. Original huh? This is mostly a test for me to work on my html skills- or at this point, lack of them. I'm sure this will be frustrating *ahem* I mean fun. Ok, here goes nothing... just remember one thing, the stuff going on here for the most part is MINE, so DON'T COPY! If you take anything without permission, I will be a very unhappy web mistress!

For the sake of space, because this page is looking pretty sad, let me talk a bit. As you can tell, I'm pretty new at this, but I'm trying! I've done this before, a loooong time ago, can you tell? *doubtful*

I'll probably put up a lot of stuff that I've learned throughout my short lived life. Insights, jokes, possible pics, and the such. Who knows?! My whim rules my net space... should be fun! ;)



Added "Worst Pick-up Lines", "A Cat's Guide to Human Beings", "Man's Point of View", and "Why Lipsticks are Better than Men", to my Fun section. I think I'm starting to put these there because I'm sick of them taking up space on my computer! Hehe, but really, they're good.


Added "English is Ill-logic" to my Fun section. That's it for now!


The Fun section is no longer just my Intelligence Test, which I still highly recommend you taking. It now has a few links that will make you laugh! At least I got a kick out of them, and now that they're on my webpage, you may too! But more importantly, I have a central location to get to them. Haha!


Oops, time really flys. I'll try to be better! I added a journal page so you can follow along with my busy life, because lets face it, I don't return calls or start them very well, so unless you're directly involved in my life, I doubt you know what's going on! Ok, still busy so I gtg.


Ok, I've had this page for a little while and I sporadically change it drastically each time. Today I figured out how to put in my kewl background thank goodness! My original plan was to have a common background for all of my pages. Now I'm advancing to step 2. I want this page to have links to other main pages so you don't have to waste all your time here. I'm tired of having a dozen links on this page going to all sorts of places!

Just to let you know, I plan on adding things like a journal of what I'm up to. Does that quench your curiousity? Yes! I am going to make this much more personal.