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"And as often as i saw i blessed always the Lord of Glory, and i continued to bless the Lord of Glory who has wrought great and glorious wonders, to show the greatness of His work to the angels and to spirits and to men, that they might praise His work and all His creation" (Book of Enoch Chapter 36 )


Another interesting readout that can be taken from the tribal dispositions of the Temple Scroll is to take two tribal values adding up to 7 and two values adding up to 9 and multiply these by three values adding up to 36 and three values adding up to 28, thus producing the multiplication sums 7 x 36=252 and 9 x 28=252...

This is of considerable interest as these are the means by which the distance of the asteroid belt from the Sun is determined, seven units of thirty-six million miles or twenty-eight units of the nine million mile quarter units, bearing in mind the readings of 162 which also are inbuilt into the tribal formulation and are the distance of the asteroid belt from Earth (90 +162=252)


The two tribes of Levi and Judah add up to7 whilst the tribes of Dan, Napthali, Benjamin, Joseph add up to 36 to give the readout 7 x 36=252

The two tribes of Reuben and Asher add up to 9 whilst the tribes of Simeon, Gad, Zebulon, Issachar add up to 28 to produce the 9 x 28=252 readout.


There is also a superb numeric correlation in the readout from the sum of intergers of 28 and 36 which gives weight to these symbolic figurings, and the merging of the two together is a mathamatical marvel in its own right...first one observes the sum of intergers of 28, a number generally associated with the phrases of the Moon in symbolism


It can be seen the two of the quadrants involving the sum of intergers of 28, B&D, give the result 7x36=252.

There are seven readouts each side, and all the facing readouts of the vertical axis equal 36, ie 8+28=36, 9+27=36, 10+26=36, 11+25=36 up to 14+22=36.

As well as the two readouts of the vertical axis equalling 36x7=252, also side C=126, which is half of 252, seven digits with an average value of 18 gives 7x18=126.

The deductives from the four facing sides add up to 196, 14 squared.


Next one can observe the sum of intergers of 36, and its infamous numeric result of 666, (which can also be observed in the Planetary Distances )the results show that again the numbers 252 and 126 are produced...


It can be seen the two of the quadrants involving the sum of intergers of 36, A&C, give the result 9x28=252.

There are seven readouts each side, and all the facing readouts of the horizontal axis equal 28, ie 9+19=28, 8+20=28, 7+21=28, 6+22=28 up to 1+27=28.

As well as the two readouts of the horizontal axis equalling 9x28=252, also side B=126, which is half of 252, nine digits with an average value of 14 gives 9x14=126.

The deductives from the four facing sides add up to 324, 18 squared, and the number 162 again appears.


To finish one must simply merge the two readouts together, the result of which is perfectly balanced between the two, as the sum of the vertical axis reads off as 666 and the sum of the horizontal axis as 406.


A+C=406 whilst B+D=666, but also C=333, half of 666, and B=203, half of 406, the two numbers therefore could not combine more perfectly.

The deductive from the facing sides is 2x260=520, a result which reflects the 26 weeks of Summer/Spring and 26 weeks of Winter/Autumn, but is also a major number of the Earth/Venus cycle.


