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<<Season 1>>

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<<Season 2>>
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>>Chosen Children
>>D-3 Digivice
<<Season 3>>
>>Episode Guide
>>D-Power Digivice
>>Monster Makers
<<Season 4>>
>>Episode Guide
>>Ancient Warriors
>>Evil Digimon
>>Great Angels
>>Royal Knights
>>Spirit Symbols
>>Name Origins
>>Japanese to English




Spirit H-Hybrid B-Hybrid C-Hybrid A-Hybrids L-Hybrid K-Hybrid
Fire Agunimon Burning Greymon Flamon Ardhamon - -
Light Lobomon Kendo Garurumon Strabimon BeoWolfmon - -
Wind Kazemon Zyphyrmon - JetSilphymon - -
Thunder Beetlemon Metal Kabuterimon - RhinoKabuterimon - -
Ice Kumamon Kori Ikkakumon - Daipenmon - -
Darkness Duskmon Velgmon - Reichmon Lowemon KaiserLeomon
Earth Grumblemon Gigasmon - - - -
Water Ranamon Calmaramon - - - -
Wood Arbormon Petaldramon - - - -
Metal Mercuremon Sefirotmon - - - -

Kaiser Greymon                         Magna Garurumon

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Quote of the Week:

"If you try to fail and you succeed, which have you done?" - Unknown   ***Think About it***

Picture of the Week:
Digimon Galaxy!
Wind of Beauty!
Digital Masters Alliance!

The Digimon Forest

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<<Top sites>>
Dreamers Top50
November top 10:
>>Season 4 Digimon
>>Evil Hybrid
>>04 Episode Guide
>>04 Digidestined
>>Ancient Warriors


>>Burning Greymon


>>Ancient Greymon