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>>Chosen Children
>>D-3 Digivice
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>>D-Power Digivice
>>Monster Makers
<<Season 4>>
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>>Ancient Warriors
>>Evil Digimon
>>Spirit Symbols
>>Name Origins
>>Japanese to English


The D-Tector is the Digivice for the team of DigiDestines on Digimon Frontier. Each childs' Digivice has a different color sceme.  The new digivices are used throughout the season. 


The Digidestined's digivices.

Takuya                       Koji                      Zoe                       JP                 Tommy


Using a digivice allows the kids to digivolve like digimon.  The D-Scanner scans the spirit's data during the Spirit Evolution process and changes the kids data to match allowing them to become digimon themselves.  When a digimon is defeated, the information is changed again into a fractal code and stored in the digivice.


When a Digidestined finds a spirit, it is stored in the D-Tector for future use.


Finally, the digivice shows the digidestined where they are and where other digimon and friends are.




Quote of the Week:
"You want guess?  To Late!" -Grumblemon
Picture of the Week:
Digimon Galaxy!
Wind of Beauty!
Digital Masters Alliance!
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