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<<The D-ARC>>
>>About us
>>Staff Openings
>>Support The D-Arc
>>Contact me
>>Site Statistics
<<Season 1>>

>>Episode Guide

>>Tags and Crests
<<Season 2>>
>>Episode Guide
>>Chosen Children
>>D-3 Digivice
<<Season 3>>
>>Episode Guide
>>D-Power Digivice
>>Monster Makers
<<Season 4>>
>>Episode Guide
>>Ancient Warriors
>>Evil Digimon
>>Spirit Symbols
>>Name Origins
>>Japanese to English


Hey, right now I'm taking qualified people to help run the site over all there are a few requirements before I hire though:   (You don't need to meet all of the list, just the stared ones.

I'm also looking for someone to write episode guides and reviews.

*1. Be able to update at least once per week.

*2. Have a working knowledge of website building.

3. Love Digimon.

4. Be at least 12 yrs old.

*5. Promise to work to change this site into a great site.

6. Have a working knowledge of Angelfire as that is what I use.

Even if you don't think you completely qualify send me an application at

Please include the following when E-Mailing me about a job opening:

1. Name

2. Experience (if any) include references and other sites.

3. E-Mail Address

4. How long you have been in the digimon community and watched the show

5. What you can or can't you do.  (ex. java script, visual editor, create pictures) 

6. What you think is good/bad about this site, your ideas to make it grow.

7. More info about you self so I know who I'll be working with.


Quote of the Week:
"You want guess?  To Late!" -Grumblemon
Picture of the Week:
Digimon Galaxy!
Wind of Beauty!
Digital Masters Alliance!

E-mail me for this spot.

E-Mail me for this spot.

E-Mail me for this spot.

E-Mail me for this spot.

<<Top sites>>
October top 10:
>>Season 4 Digimon
>>Evil Hybrid
>>04 Episode Guide
>>04 Digidestined
>>Ancient Warriors


>>Burning Greymon


>>Ancient Greymon