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04 Spoiler info

From: With the Will, please give them credit for all of this!!!

Episode 27:

- Duskmon is the Guardian of the Darkness Sphere, even though the Sphere brandishes the Crest of Light (Irony. Gotta love it).

- Kouji is able to become Beowulfmon, from the light from Seraphimon's DigiTama. And of course, the HsOL, and BSoL combining.

- Licht Angriff is where the large claw section (Front part) on Beowulfmon's left arm, folds down revealing a cannon barrel, that fires a large blast (Think an upgraded Licht Kugel). Also, the top part of the arm has a hatch that opens up, firing dozens of small missles.


Episode 28:

- The Guardian of the Light Sphere is none other than... Seraphimon. Well, not the Seraphimon you're probably thinking of.

- Mercuremon takes the Data of Seraphimon, and he fuses with it, creating an all-new, very sinister looking new being. I like to call him NeoSeraphimon, due to the fact that he has no actual name, aside from "Seraphimon made from Mercuremon".
To get an idea of what he looks like, picture Seraphimon... with lots of green, demonic bat wings, and the facial crosstar looking more like an "X". There's more to him, of course, but that's the general idea.

- NeoSeraphimon takes it to Vritramon hardcore. So much so, that Vritramon's DigiCode Ring appears...


Episode 29:

- ... but of course, just in the nick of time, Seraphimon's DigiTama glows once again, Takuya recieves the light from it, and the HSoF, and BSoF combine, and Ardhamon is born.


- Ardhamon wastes NeoSeraphimon, and Seraphimon's Data is returned to his DigiTama.

- Mercuremon manages to escape to the Steel Sphere, but he's cornered there by Ardhamon...

- Ardhamon, again, lays waste to Mercuremon, and Mercuremon's DigiCode Ring is revealed...

- And now for a shocker.

With the Data back in place, Seraphimon's DigiTama can finally hatch. And what's inside? Well, a Patamon, of course.
However, not your everyday ordinary Patamon. Consider the one who's been carrying the DigiTama all this time.

It's a Patamon... wearing a pink waist band. O_O

Hell, even Bokomon's surpr--, nay, shocked.


So in the end, here are the 10 Guardians of the Sefirot... mon.

(In order of appearance the Spheres were defeated in)

Earth: Volcamon, and BlackBlitzmon/BlackBolgmon
Flame: Asuramon
Wind: KaraTenmon
Thunder: Parrotmon
Wood: Jureimon
Water: Ranamon/Calmaramon
Ice: Panjamon
Darkness: Duskmon
Light: NeoSeraphimon
Steel: Mercuremon/Sefirotmon

Also, expect Velgmon to debut not too long after that...


Episode 35:

- Cherubimon takes posession of all 10 Spirits, excluding Kouichi's, and places them in an Orb.

  - Ophanimon sacrifices herself to save the Chosen Children. She is impaled by a Lightning Spear from Cherubimon. Word is, though, before that happens she will fight back at Cherubimon and use both Eden's Javelin, and Sefirot Crystal.

- Ophanimon's last force evolves Takuya, and Kouji's D-Scans, which in turn unlocks Hyper Spirit Evolution. And of course, KaiserGreymon, and MagnaGarurumon.

  - - One thing that probably won't please people is that KaiserGreymon, and MagnaGarurumon are Takuya, and Kouji only. Kouichi, Izumi, Junpei and Tomoki are left on the side-lines as cheerleaders.

  - Nine Headed Dragon Ranks is a very cool-looking attack. KaiserGreymon plunges his blade into the ground, and summons up nine, flaming Dragon heads (Like a flaming Hydra), which surround him on all sides, and are used to strike the opponent. In this case, it's Cherubimon.

  - Dragon Flame Attack is just a strike from KaiserGreymon's sword... with fire, of course.

  - StarLight Velocity on the other hand isn't so great. It's just MagnaGarurumon moving at the speed of light, and of course anything he hits is vaporized.

  - MachineGun Destroyer is, of course multiple, consecutive, powerful blasts from MagnaGarurumon's gun(s).

  - You know that big airplane-looking armor on MagnaGarurumon's chest? It's removable, and in my opinion he looks much better without it.

 Episode 36:

  - The tentative title is: Defeat Cherubimon!

 - Cherubimon is defeated in a rather... unsettling way. That's all I'm going to say.

 Future Episodes:

  - Episode 37's tentative title is: Fight as long as you live!!

  - For all those who miss the antics of HolyAngemon, you won't have to wait too much longer to see him in anime-action again...

  - Also, another group of Digimon are expected to appear. Here's a hint: They're going to have a whole card set dedicated to them.

  - IceDevimon's in episode 36, and whups ass. He kind of takes over for Cherubimon (He's still a minion, but he gives Cherubimon a chance to relax).

  - I'm not quite sure how it took me as long as it did to notice this, but I made a mistake in my last update...

  I put this:

 "Cherubimon is defeated in a rather... unsettling way. That's all I'm going to say."

 ... Under the "Episode 36" heading. That's incorrect. Cherubimon is not defeated in episode 36. It really belongs under the "Future episodes" heading. More specifically, episode 37-38.

  Something else BIG also happens in episode 38... but you know me. I'm just going to make you all guess, and theorize until the Cows come home.

  - Since there's no use in keeping it a secret anymore, that group of Digimon I hinted at last upadte are the Royal Knights

Quote of the Week:

"It's not the fall that kills you, it's the sudden deceleration." ~Unknown

Picture of the Week:
Digimon Galaxy!
Wind of Beauty!
Digital Masters Alliance!

The Digimon Forest

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