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Memo To Leon Police Memorandum Operation Report
Licker Report(addition to Operation Report) Chris's Diary Patrol Report
Federal Police Dept. Internal Investgation Report Chief's Secretary's Diary(both) Chief's Diary
Mail to the Chief Researcher's Message Night Watchman's Diary
Fax to Sewer Manager Sewer Manager's Diary Temporary User Registration
Laboratory Security Manual Instructions For Synthesis Of The G-Virus Antigen Film A B C

Memo To Leon

Memo to Leon

To Leon S. Kennedy,

Congratulations on your assignment to the Raccoon City police department. We all look forward to having you as part of our team and promise to take good care of you. Welcome aboard!

From all the guys at the Raccoon City Police Deparment.

Police Memorandum

This letter is just to inform about the recent moment of equipment that has happened during the precinct's rearrangement.

"Safe with 4 digit lock" has been moved from STARS office on the second floor,to the eastern office on the first floor.


Raccoon Police Liaison Dept

Operation Report

September 26th The Raccoon Police Dept. was unexpectedly attacked by zombies.Many have been injured.Even more were killed. During the attack,our communications equipment was destroyed and we no longer have contact with the outside.
We have decided to carry out an operation with intent of rescuing any possible survivers as well as to prevent this disaster from spreading beyond Raccoon City.The details of the operation are as follows:

Security of armaments and ammunition
Chief Irons has voiced concern regarding the issue of terrorism due to a series of recent unresolved incidents.On the very day before the zombie's attack,he made the decision to relocate all weapons to scattered intervals throughout the building as a tempory measure to prevent their possible seizure. Unfortunately,this decision has made it extremely difficult to locate all ammunition caches. It has become our top priority to recover these scatterd munitions.

To unlock the weapon storage
As stated earlier,it will be extremely difficult to secure all the ammunition. However,a considerable supply still remains in the underground weapon storage. Unfortunately,the person in charge of the card key used to access the weapon storage is missing and we have been unable to locate the key.One of the breakers went down during the battle and the electronic locks are not functioning in certain areas. It has become first priority to restore the power in the power in the power room and secure those locks.

Recorder:David Ford

September 27th
1:00 PM.The west barricade has been broken through and another exchange ensued. We sheltered the injured in the confiscation room on the first floor temporarily. 12 more people were injured in the battle.

Recorder:David Ford

September 28th
Early morning 2:30 AM.Zombies over ran the operation room and another battle broke out.We lost 4 more people,including David.We're down to 4 people,including myself.We failed to secure the weapons cache and hope for survival continues to diminish.We won't last much longer...
We agreed upon a plan to escape through the sewer.There's a path leading from the precinct underground to the sewage disposal plant.We should be able to access the sewers through there.The only drawback is that there is no guarantee the sewer disposal plant is free of any dangers.We know our chances in the sewer are slim,but anything is better than simply waiting here to die.
In order to buy more time,we locked the only door leading to the underground, which is located in the eastern office.We left the key behind in the western office since its unlikely that any of those creatures have the intelligence to find it and unlock the door. I pray that this operation report will be helpful to whoever may find it.

Recorder:Elliot Edward

Licker Report(addition to Operation Report)

Three additional people were killed following the sudden appearance of an as of yet unknown creature.
This creature is identified by missing patches of skin and razor-like claws.However,its most distinguishing characteristic is its lance-like tongue,capable of piercing a human torso in an instant.Their numbers as well as their location remains unknown.We have tentatively named this creature the "licker" and are currently in the process of developing countermeasures to deal with this new threat.

Chris's Diary

August 8th

I talked to the chief today once again,but he refused to listen to me. I know for certain that Umbrella conducted T-Virus research in that mansion.Anyone infected turns into a zombie.
But the entire mansion went up in that explosion along with any incriminating evidence.Since Umbrella employs so many people in town, No one is willing to talk about the incident.It looks like I'm running out of options.

August 17th

We've been receiving alot of local reports about strange monsters appearing at random through out the city.This must be the work of Umbrella.

August 24th

With the help of Jill and Barry,I finally obtained information vital to this case.
Umbrella has begun research on the new G-virus,a variation of the original T-Virus.Haven't they done enough damge already?!
We talked it over,and have decided to fly to the main Umbrell HQ in Europe.I can't tell my sister about this trip because doing so could put her in danger.

Please forgive me Claire.

Patrol Report

September 20th 9:30 PM

Reporter:Sgt.Neil Carlsen

We received a report of a suspicious individual skulking around the sewers in the outskirts of Raccoon City.I searched the area and located the individual, but he ran away before I was able to question him. I recovered the following items:

As small amount of C4 plastic explosive.
An electronic detonater.
9x19 parabellum rounds.
infrared scope(broken).

End of report.

Federal Police Dept. Internal Investgation Report

Mr.Chris Redfield
Raccoon City Police Dept.
S.T.A.R.S. division

As per your request,we have conducted our internal investigation and discovered the following information:

1 Regarding the G-Virus currently under developement by Umbrella Inc. So far its uncomfirmed that the G-virus even exists.We're continuing with our investigation.

2 Regarding Mr.Brian Irons,Chief of Raccoon City Police Dept. Mr.Irons has allegedly received large sums of funds in bribes from Umbrella Inc. over the last 5 years.He was apparently involved in the cover up of the mansion lab case along with several other incidents in which Umbrella appears to have direct involvement.
Mr.Irons had been arrested under suspicion of rape on two seperate counts during his years as a university student.He under went psychiatric evaluation as a result of the charges but was released due to circumstantial evidence as well as his phenomenal academic standing.
As such, extreme caution is advised when dealing with him.

Jack Hamilton
Section Chief
Internal Investigations
United States Federal
Police Department

Chief's Secretary's Diary(both)

April 6th

I accidently moved one of the stone statues on the second floor when I leaned against it.When the chief found out about it,he was furious.I swear the guy nearly but my head off,screaming at me never to touch the statue again.If it's so important,then maybe he shouldn't have put it out in the open like that...

April 7th

I heard that all the art piece's of the chief's collection are rare items,literally worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.I don't know which is the bigger mystery:where he finds those tacky things,or where he's getting the money to pay for them.

May 10th

I wasn't surprised to see the chief to come in today with yet another large picture frame in his hands.This time it was really disturbing painting depicting a nude person being hanged.I was appalled by the expression on the chief's face as he leered at the painting.
Why anyone would consider that to be a work of art is beyond my comprehension.

Second Entry in Diary June 8th

As I was straightening up the chief's room, he burst the door with a furious look his face. It's been nearly 2 months since I've started working here, but that's the second time I've seen him like this. The last time was when I bumped into that statue,only this time he looked more agitated than ever. I seriously thought for a moment that he was going to hurt me.

June 10th

The chief has been locked inside his room for the past 2 days. He won't come out for any reason and people are begging to spread rumors.

June 15th

I discovered what the chief has been hiding all along...if he finds out that I know, my life will be in serious danger. It's getting late already. I'm just going to have to take this one day at a time.

Chief's Diary

September 23rd

It's all over.Those imbeciles from Umbrella have finally done it..... Despite all their promises, they've ruined my town. Soon the streets will be infested with zombies.I'm beggining to think that I may even be infected myself. I'll kill everyone in town if it turns out to be true!!!

September 24th

I was successful in spreading confusion among the police as planned.I've made sure that no one from the outside will come to help. With the delays in police actions,no one will have the chance to escape the city alive. I've seen to it personally that all escape routes from inside the precinct have been cut off as well.
There are several survivors still attempting to escape through the lower levels, but I'll make sure no one gets out.

September 26th

I've had a change of heart about the remaining survivors inside the precinct. I've decided to hunt them down myself.
I shot Ed in the back through the heart less than an hour ago. I watched him writhe in pain upon the floor in a pool of his own blood. The expression on his face was positively exquisite. He died with his eyes wide open,staring up at me. It was beautiful. I wonder if the mayor's daughter is still alive? I let her escape so I could enjoy hunting her down later... I'm going to enjoy my new trophy. Yes,frozen forever in the pose I choose to give her.

Mail to the Chief

To: Mr.Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept.

We have lost the mansion lab facility due to the actions of the renegade operative, Albert Wesker.
Fortunately, his interference will have no lasting effects upon our continued virus research.
Our only present concern is the presence of the remaining STARS members: Redfield, Valentine, Burton, Chambers, and Vickers.
If it comes to light that the STARS have any evidence as to the activities of our research, dispose of them in such a matter that would appear to be purely accidental. Continue to moniter there progress and make certain their knowledge does not go public.
Annette will continue to be your contact through out this affair.

William Birkin

To: Mr.Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept.

I have deposited the amount of US $10,000 to the account for you services this term as per our agreement.
This developement of the G-Virus schedule to replace the T-Virus, is near completion. Once completed, I am certain that I will be appointed to be a member of the executive board for Umbrella Inc.
It is imperative that we proceed with extreme caution.
Redfield and the remaining STARS members are still attempting to uncover information on the project. Continue to monitor their activities and block all attempts to investigate the underground research facilities.

William Birkin

To: Mr.Brian Irons, Chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept.

We have a problem. I have received information informing me the Umbrella HQ has sent spies to recover my research on the G-Virus. There an unknown number of agents involved. They must not be allowed to take this project away from me as it represents my entire life's work.
Search the city thoroughly for any suspicious persons. Detain any such individuals by whatever means deemed necesary and contact me through Annette. With these precautions, any possible threat should be eliminated. I will not allow anyone to steal my work on the G-Virus. Not even Umbrella...

William Birkin

Researcher's Message

To whom it may concern:

I've sealed my own fate...I lost the key vital to my survival. Without that key, it is only a matter of time before I am overcome by the zombies and become one of them. I can't bear the thought of infecting others when it really happens. If I could only recall where I left that key...
It is inevitable that I will be caught and infected by the zombies... Before this happens, I leave one last important message: If you happen to find the key within the complex, proceed to the lab immediately. It may be your only hope.

Night Watchman's Diary

August 25th

I finally had the chance to see blue skies for the first time in ages, but it did little to lift my spirits.I was reprimanded by the chief for neglecting my duties while I was up on the clock tower.
There's only one thing I still don't understand... the chief seemed to be more concerned about the fact that I was up on the tower rather than I was neglecting my duties.Why was access to the tower prohibited in the first place anyway?

September 19th

I recently talked to the old man who works in the scrap yard out back.His name is Thomas.He's a quiet man and really seems to enjoy chess.He even went so far as to design a special key and lock engraved with chess pieces on them for one of the doors in the disposal yard.

We made plans to play chess tomorrow night.I can't help but wonder how good he is. One thing that's been bothering me about him is the way that he's always scratching himself...Does he have some sort of skin disease or is he just rude?

September 23rd

Thomas was a much better player than I imagined.I used to think of myself as a fairly decent player,but he did a pretty good job of humbling me.
About the only thing I imagine could match his appetite.All the guy did was talk about food throughout the entire game.He sounded fairly heathly,but he didn't look quite right...I wonder if he's ok.

September 26th

I was supposed to play another game of chess with Thomas,but we had to cancel it because he hasn't been feeling to well.He stopped by to see me,but I told him to go back and rest since he literally looked like the living dead.
He insisted that he was just fine,but I could tell he was really having problems. Come to think of it,I haven't been feeling too good lately....

Fax to Sewer Manager

User list of the Connecting Facility

On the first and third Wednesdays of the month,Angelica Margaret,chief of maitenance, will make use of the facilities.Be sure to reduce the moisture levels in the facility by activating the fan,as the equipment she will be using is susceptible to the effects of water vapor.
On the 28th every month,the chemical transporter Don Weller will use the facility. The chemicals he will be tranporting are extremely volatile.Extreme caution should be observed throughout their transport.
On the 6th and 16th of every other month,police chief Brian Irons will visit the facility to attend regular meetings that take place in the lab.
On the fourth Friday of every other month,William Birkin will use the facility to conduct a training seminar for the Chigaco branch of Umbrella Inc.As the probabilty of an attack upon Dr.Birkin will be high,take every measure conceivable to guard his life.
You will be informed of all other poential visitors and the time they will arrive as needed.Guide these individuals to their destination safely.We expect nothing but the best from you.

Charles Coleman
Secretary Chief
Umbrella HeadQuarters

Sewer Manager's Diary

June 28th

It's been a while,but I saw Don today and we talked after completing our work. He told me he had been sick in bed until yesterday.It really doesn't come as much of a surprise given how long he's been working here.He was sweating like a horse and kept scratching his body while we were talking.I asked if he was hot,but he just looked at me funny.What's wrong with him anyway?

July 7th

Chief Irons has been visiting the lab often lately.I don't know what he's doing over there but he always looks grim.The expression on her face has been even more unsetting than usual...
My guess is that it's because of Dr.Birkin's impossible requests.The chief has my sympathies though.After all he's done for the town,he doesn't deserve this.

July 21st

I rarely drink because I'm on the grave yard shift,but don't suppose I have much to complain about since this is how I make my living.I saw this new guy working at the lab today.He was tall,skinny and well dressed.His annual bonus is probally bigger than my salary.The world ain't fair....

August 16th

Chief Irons came in late today,looking grimmer than his usual self.I tried to joke with him to cheer him up but he wasn't ammused.He pulled out his gun and threatened to shoot me!I was able to calm him down,but that guy must have some serious problems.He knows he can't enter the lab without my help and medal. This is what it means for the chief"to serve and protect"?!

August 21st

William informed me that the police and media have begun their investigation on Umbrella's Affairs.He said that the investigation will be citywide and that there is a possibilty that they'll even search threw the sewers.He asked me to suspend all Umbrella sewer facility operations until the investigation has concluded.The sewer will still be used for passage,but he stressed that I have to be extremely cautious and that I'd lose my job if anyone finds out about this operation.

Temporary User Registration

Temporary User Registration for the Culture Experiment Room.

User Name:"GUEST"

Valid for 24 hours.

Laboratory Security Manual

Security measures in case of an emergency

In the instance of an uncontainable biohazardous breakout,all security measures will be directed torward the underground transport facility.
In the instance that any abnormalities are detected among cargo in transit, all materials will automatically be transported from the loading zone to the designated high-speed train.At which point, all materials will be isolated and disposed of immediatly.
In the instance of a Class 1 emergency,the entire train will be purged and disposed of without delay.
In the instance that the lab itself becomes contaminated, the northern most route currently used to transport materials to and fromt the facility will be designated as the escape route. This route will secure passage to the relay point outside the city limits.
Disclosure about any information regarding research conducted here, or the existance of this facility, is strictly prohibited. Since it is top priority to keep all research classified,escape access may be denied under certain extenuating circumstances.

Instructions For Synthesis Of The G-Virus Antigen

Any beings infected by the G-Virus will reproduce through impregnation of an embryo within another living being.
Unless rejected by the host,the embryo will undertake a process of gradual cellular invasion,infecting the host's cells on a molecular level as it rewrites their DNA.Once the metomorphosis is complete,the host will be capable of continuing this cycle of self-reproducting.
The duration of time for the process to run its course will vary from subject to subject.In the early stages of cellular invasion,it is possible to halt progression of the metomorphosis through the administration of the G-Vaccine antigen.The following procedure details the synthesis.
The vaccine creation requires the base vaccine.This can be arranged by the activator VAM.First set the empty cartridge to the VAM and activate it.After several moments the process will be complete and the white-colored base vaccine will be set in the cartridge automatically.Then confirm the green light is on,remove the cartidge,and proceed to the next step.
Once the base vaccine has been prepared,set it in the vaccine synthesis machine located in the P-4 level experimental room.The machine is fully automated and only requires the user to push the sequence start switch.At this piont,the program will run automatically and synthesis will be complete within approximately 10 seconds.
As the synthesis of "DEVIL" is an extremely delicate process,the quality will vary with slight shocks or changes in temperature.Careful handling is required for the proper results.

Film A B C

Film A

Code G Human Body Experiment 9/15 15:24

Film B

Pictured in front of the Arukas tailor. Regressed into a zombie within 2 hours. Subject repeatedly complained about severe agitation of the epidermis in addition to feelings of nausea. This happened up to the moment he lost conscience.

Picture by R.Lambert

Film C

Development Code:T-103

Due to accelerated metabolism relative to the earlier 00 series, this subject possesses exemplary regenerative capabilities.


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