Information on fish


Fish are very interesting - primarily because they look stupid. I used to have some fish once, but they all came across as being miserable bastards, and for those of us who are fragile-minded and easily impressionable Cancerians, we need to get the impression that our pets love us. In this way, fish are like cows. Utterly emotionless. All you ever see them do is move and chew, and that's no fun for anyone.

However, there are some people [mainly animators] who attempt to make anything look cute. They could make Dunblaine into a vivacious brightly-coloured bouncy cartoon on Fox if enough people would watch it [hell, they'll watch anything else]:



© Humongous Entertainment


This is Freddi Fish, and as you can see, he is very annoying. Mainly because he looks so happy.

We all know that fish look nothing like this, but if we're going to go down that road we may as well say that Simba from The Lion King would never be that cute and fluffy and in all likelihood wouldn't be able to sing. Certainly not in English, anyway.

Nevertheless, cartoons like this do at least make fish interesting to a certain type of person. On the other hand, this:


goes beyond boring to a minus level only occupied by activites such as counting rocks and getting a deaf person to understand directions in the street.