Page 4 of Neopets' Colours. Gelert to Ixi. ~MelesaGelert: Elephante: Grundo: Ixi: ColoursGelert: Baby, Blue, Brown, Checkered, Christmas, Cloud, Electric, Faerie, Fire, Ghost, Glowing, Gold, Green, Halloween, Island, Orange, Pink, Plushie, Purple, Rainbow, Red, Royal, Royal, Shadow, Silver, Speckled, Spotted, Starry, Strawberry, Striped, White and Yellow.
Grarrl: Baby, Blue, Brown, Checkered, Cloud, Darigan, Desert, Disco, Electric, Fire, Ghost, Glowing, Gold, Green, Grey, Halloween, Invisible, Island, Mutant, Plushie, Purple, Rainbow, Red, Shadow, Skunk, Snow, Split, Spotted, Starry, Striped, White and Yellow.Grundo: Baby, Blue, Brown, Christmas, Cloud, Darigan, Faerie, Ghost, Glowing, Green, Island, Mutant, Pink, Pirate, Plushie, Purple, Rainbow, Red, Robot, Shadow, Silver, Snot, Snow, Split, Sponge, Spotted, Starry, White and Yellow.Ixi: Baby, Blue, Brown, Checkered, Cloud, Darigan, Desert, Electric, Faerie, Fire, Ghost, Green, Halloween, Island, Jelly, Mutant, Orange, Pink, Plushie, Purple, Rainbow, Red, Shadow, Skunk, Starry, White and Yellow.