1.Mercinary-500$ for hire,2000$ if you complete the mission.
2.Spy-6000$ per mission,5000$ if you complete the mission and 1000$ if you fail it.
3.Sniper-200$ for hire,2000$ for every unit destroyed during mission,and 3000$ if you complete the mission.
4.Recon Pilot-600$ for hire 10000$ if you complete the mission.
5.Gundam/Weapons Creator-10000$ for every gundam you create and 5000$ for every weapon you make.
6.Mission Control.-$10,000 for every gundam or ms you help and he wins.$5,000 for every gundam or ms you help and loses.Mission control is you have 2-3 per team and instead of talking to him in the chatroom you im him seperate.You can not be a mission control person for both people fighting. To be sure of that both players fighting will name their mission control person if any.
7.Judge/Ref.-$7,000 for every game reffed.Also $100 for hire. Every reff needs dice to do odds on destroying a magnite. This is a hard job. Good pay but only one per team and they can not judge there own team. Actually there is going to be a team for only judges and reffs.
For Ultima-die-1,2,3-Attack got through.4,5,6 attack missed.
For Ultima Shield-die-1,2,3,4 Attack Got Through.5,6, Attack missed.
8.Bounty Hunter-$500 For hire. $2,000 for every bounty killed. $10,000 for completion of mission.