100g APAN (1.2M), This charge was contained in a cardboard off a roll of toilet paper. It filled the role up 3/4 of the way. The detonator was 4g pressed AP. The mixture was 12% AP. The charge was gingerly placed inside a computer monitor. The monitor was completely destroyed. |
30g APAN (567k), 12% AP in a groundhog hole. It had a .22 shell full of AP for the detonator and was confined in a film canister. It was probably 2% sulfur because I put some in so I could tell how well it was mixed. My friend decided to be a jackass and was talking right before the detonation. |
11.5g AP putty (808k) Not bad. I think it was 5g NC (from ping pong balls) and 6.5g AP. It made a nice putty which dried in about 20 hours. Nothing really special about it, I just wanted to try out AP putty. |
10g AP (419k), in a pumpkin. The charge was placed in the bottom of the pumpkin then it was set in the hole made by the ammonia dynamite. |