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AP or APAN Videos

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These are my AP and or APAN charges. There's a nice little picture and information about each one. Maybe you'll learn something...

100g APAN (1.2M), This charge was contained in a cardboard off a roll of toilet paper. It filled the role up 3/4 of the way. The detonator was 4g pressed AP. The mixture was 12% AP. The charge was gingerly placed inside a computer monitor. The monitor was completely destroyed.

30g APAN (567k), 12% AP in a groundhog hole. It had a .22 shell full of AP for the detonator and was confined in a film canister. It was probably 2% sulfur because I put some in so I could tell how well it was mixed. My friend decided to be a jackass and was talking right before the detonation.

11.5g AP putty (808k) Not bad. I think it was 5g NC (from ping pong balls) and 6.5g AP. It made a nice putty which dried in about 20 hours. Nothing really special about it, I just wanted to try out AP putty.

10g AP (419k), in a pumpkin. The charge was placed in the bottom of the pumpkin then it was set in the hole made by the ammonia dynamite.

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All these videos are mine. No one is allowed to put them on their website or claim them as theirs. If you want to host some of my videos contact me at sirdudalot at hotmail dot com